To the agencies working this site:

You're trying to convert lonely boys into sex toys.
Give me one reason why any of you should be allowed to live.
>This is your opportunity to save your lives.

For those unaware he staff is working with various federal agencies to mindfuck kids into taking hormone replacement therapy drugs and are actively suppressing the truth by pruning threads.

Attached: Truth Suppression.png (1169x809, 97K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You're talking to puppets of a group of people doing the same thing on a global scale
Good fucking luck

but these puppets still have reasoning skills, pretty sure no conscience or empathy though or they wouldn't be in this situation

three threads pruned so far on the topic of actively targeting the population of a board

Bump for justice
and opposing degeneracy.

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You realise if this gets out to main stream news, Jow Forums will be kill, right?

Hirogook is afraid. He's going to jail for this, just like backpage guy.

Attached: hirogook.jpg (447x450, 20K)

They keep getting pruned because it's not fucking politics. It's a faggy discord server that is posting on Jow Forums. Get over yourselves.

But it's a fucking news. Learn to read, then learn to understand what you've read and read the sticky again, faggot.

Oh yeah, that's definitely news. Neck yourself faggot, you're giving these people more attention than they should be.

strange times ahead, i think we're going to see this place be a big part in the killing of agencies.
If i'm right, and sometimes i am, the shithead agencies were allowed to continue with their operations as if nothing changed, hence why we saw the same false flag chem attack script and poorly produced wag-the-dog propaganda. The point was to watch them do everything and record it for evidence.
This is only a hunch
if he is in bed with the CIA and FBI but the site is routed through the NSA, he's fcked

At least keep it in Jow Forums where it is fucking relevant. What the fuck does this have to do with Jow Forums? Cause the dude is Jewish? Fuck off, they can solve their own problems if they want to deal with it.

did you read the pastebin?

NOPE. Retard. I've seen plenty of pol/ political threads get pruned,deleted,archived, etc..
It's 100% agenda driven mindful of the weakest minds .


Ah, so you're making this entirely retarded by trying to pin it on the FBI/CIA/NSA?

OK user, you do you.

oh dear, it's nothing, you're right.
is it time for bed already?
i'm feeling sleepy
are you feeling sleepy?

If you have any evidence, then go for it. But spouting "Muh Agencies" just makes you look like a crazy conspiracy theorist

Mods please delete these fucking threads no one cares about this retarded shit.

Plus it gets these fags all worked up and that's funny.

I don't attend Jow Forums, jew, are you fucking new to Jow Forums? Because it looks like it.

Read the fucking sticky ffs,
>The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech

fuck off jidf

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are there boys taking hormone replacement therapy drugs due to a cadre of mentally deranged sexual abuse victims blackmailing them?
That's news to me
Now, if it's not that important why make a bother out of it, this could be just an elaborate troll and you're far smarter than that, or will more posts be coming from you

I swear it's so easy to troll you faggots.

Here's a freebie before thread gets deleted. Half your conspiracy screenshots are probably me trolling you retards. And I dont get paid it's just fun to duck with mentally defective people.

>Here's a freebie before thread gets deleted. Half your conspiracy screenshots are probably me trolling you retards. And I dont get paid it's just fun to duck with mentally defective people.

Attached: 1515002068462.gif (2000x1153, 365K)

Would not be surprised if they are involved.
Its just a big distraction tactic to prevent any organised redpilling of the masses on the current syria situation.
They know this one is on real shaky ground even normies will call bullshit on if they are allowed to think about it

You'll never give up your boogie men because then you'd have to admit you're only half as smart as you think you are.

You think I dont know I'm talking to a mentally ill person right now? Of course I'm a shill and a jew and a reptilian alien illuminati freemason. Of course I am :)

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Maybe you should get your DNA checked then buddy, might explain your problems.


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It's the Jews! Says increasingly nervous Jow Forumsack for the millionth time.


You've made a mistake, jew.

Attached: 1510110838437.jpg (829x600, 88K)

>it's the jews
says everyone on Jow Forums everyday and you think you're making a difference? kek

You faggots are literally the easiest people on earth to rile up and you wonder why the heebs run circles around you?

at first i just thought you were trolling but wow, you are literally retarded.

i'm tired of people like you, go shit elsewhere

This is your next bed. LPG powered, very cheap to run, and very efficient. This time there will be no survivors to tell horror stories.

Attached: LPG-crematorium-1.jpg (464x320, 28K)

Too bad I've been here longer than you and I'll be here when you're gone

why? is it because you've been getting paid? lol you're doing a shit job btw. and with that name you're going to get banned

You say shut like this in your echo chamber.

Say it in public. You'll be a big bully anonymously online but I bet when the tables turn you cry about it.

Who is being blackmailed? What is being used to blackmail them? What purpose are they being made to serve. Do you have screenshots? If you're going to make a quick rundown sticky, it needs to be more specific. The way it looks, you're levying allegations based on a feeling that something is happening, and are using words like 'blackmail' improperly to serve that end.

Attached: 1509595446050.jpg (320x383, 26K)

Wait. I thought the mods were in cahoots with the shills? I think you're fucking your own narrative up.

You know who doesn't matter?

my narrative? lol

kids who fall into the minecraft/roblox/discord trap are asked to send pictures of themselves in compromising outfits and positions, then they do it and afterwards are told the pictures will be exposed to all their family and so on. The deal is the kid has to take HRT pills to not be exposed, and so they do

Ok, I read the pastebin. You know what it says? Nothing. Just some five step "don't kill yourself" plan. It doesn't provide news, doesn't provide context, doesn't provide evidence, and doesn't explain at all what you are shilling about.

So, instead of this fantasy role playing that seems to be going on here, can you actually provide the details of what you are claiming? And no, pruning or deleting threads doesn't mean squat, as threads are constantly being randomly pruned.

And if this is indeed about a discord server, then that has nothing to do with Jow Forums. Just shows the gullibility of folks to trust discord.

Drugs are illegal. Jow Forums would be the wrong place to push that nonsense.

Attached: icon_ash_pile_128x128.png (256x256, 52K)

just go into the r9k board and investigate for yourself, if there is nothing going on that would cause a kid to blow his head off with a shotgun then i'll be corrected
how about hormone replacement drugs, for kids?

Bull. HRT is 1) not cheap, and 2) not easy to come by for a kid. Also, if someone is stupid enough to send pictures of that nature that is no ones problem but there own. Instead, they need to be educated on normal Internet safety. Otherwise, they will just be tricked somewhere else, by some other scheme!

no doubt, this needs to be exposed because there's a lot more material that's been going around but I didn't bother saving the imgs because i didn't take it seriously

who cares? if you're going to take compromising pictures and put them on the internet you should know your family might eventually see them. i'd send pictures of my asshole to my in-laws before i took hormones or any other directive from an user

>Jow Forums literally going out of their way to help Jow Forums get their life on track

This makes the "Jow Forums invasion" accusations I hear on other boards way funnier.

Attached: amelia earheart is hysterical.gif (500x281, 297K)

Again, we need screenshots of this happening, case-by-case, and there needs to be a concise throughline. 3 examples, at least. I don't doubt that this is happening somewhere, but if you want to actually help these kids, you need to demonstrate the tactics used by example, so they can recognize if this applies to them.

When I look at the URL here I see /pol, not /r9k. As far as I see, you are trying to push /r9k on everyone through some edgy viral marketing gimmick.

Let me re-iterate again. If people are being stupid off elsewhere in the Internet that is their own problem. They got into the mess by their own volition. It is good to give advice to help them, as the pastebin does, but to go around accusing unrelated folks of some grand plot to harm kids who are, completely by their own choice stupidity, getting themselves into trouble, is frankly dumb.

What you need to do is teach this naive kids how to actually act on the internet. Such as not sharing pics, and not revealing actual information about themselves. You know, the standard Internet street smarts stuff everyone should know. Elsewise they will fall victims to something else sometime else, regardless of what you claim is going on right now.

i care, it's an epidemic that's making kids do shit they can't come back from and end up making a mess of our lives. you shithead

>viral marketing gimmick
no point in saying anything to you

Attached: FromMe2U.png (150x108, 3K)

Exactly. Vague accusations with no info are not just unhelpful, they are damaging by causing desensitization to the issue. If kids these days have forgotten or not been taught common Internet sense, then it is important to know what part of their naivety is being exploited so they can be educated.

>and end up making a mess of our lives. you shithead
haha busted leaf. post the pics you sent them

you are answering yourself

Attached: Shill tactics.png (1796x1214, 782K)

Check the archive, you've missed quite a few threads.

no, i mean mass shootings.
so you're one of them, hello

>Study: Homosexuality Linked with Childhood Trauma
these trannies and their cohorts are actively fucking up the minds of people, you have a problem with that? go fuck yourself

Then move the archived threads to the sticky. Create an imgur album with screenshots, if not.

?????? what hahahahah

you don't get it, the staff are in on it

only reason why this thread is still up because it doesn't openly advertise the name of the channel, i can post the pic of the person responsible and i'm sure that will be reason enough to kill the thread

And yet you did, good job ;).

I take it you are young. It is good you want to help! But you need to be clear in your vision and broad in your scope. This issue you are talking about is not some isolated problem--it is a deeper issue of people not knowing how to act and getting themselves wrecked. It is a tale as old as time. If you want to help those kids, teach them what to do. And if they get themselves into trouble anyways, and have to bear the consequence of their actions, advice them as much as you can, and contact the authorities where possible if you have Actionable evidence. It is not like they will have trouble finding discord trolls.


you are a literal retard who sent compromising pics to the mods or whoever is on that discord and now you are spamming gay threads all over a board that has nothing to do with it. go away

fuck off shill, just get the fuck out this thread if you're not interested
nobody here is going to spoonfeed you, faggot shill

I'm leaving this thread after this. I've checked through 3 threads, and haven't seen a single example of this taking place, so I can assume this is just more Jow Forums-theorycrafting. Showing intent by some shitbird LARPing weebs doesn't provide examples of BLACKMAIL as you are suggesting. I'm officially unconvinced.

nope, but why do you think so?
are you holding your dick in your hand expecting a pic?
damn, you must have been heavily abused

Where is your proof? Or are you just trying to rail against "the gays", as some sort of nebulous boogymen?


You glow brightest

Yeah, this is dumb. Saging.

In case you didn't know this is one of our regular mental handicapped Canadian shithawks. Hes mot interested in real solutions to anything. Your suggestions are spot on and good advice but it's not juicy enough. Not enough LE CATCHING EBIN JEWS XD for people like this leaf.

thanks to the good people in this thread. this is a very real problem and those who are involved have blood on their hands. those who enable it are even worse. I'll do what I can to spread the word. God rewards those who take compassion on their fellow humans

thank you, and bless you

you admitted it yourself right here
as for my dick, don't worry about it, i'm not going to be sending you compromising pictures KEK

you've always circled around the topic of compromising pictures, very one track mind.
Like i said, you're one of them and are acting exactly like a Khazar

>Cause the dude is Jewish?
I didn't know that. Thanks for telling me. Now I am angry.

>those who are involved have blood on their hands. those who enable it are even worse
And they're here to discourage discussion, and derail these threads. Working their asses off.

you brought it up brainlet. jesus christ, how stupid are you?

and i said i had no pictures of myself nor did i want any of yours.
did you want to go to the psychiatrist now, or?

i care, it's an epidemic that's making kids do shit they can't come back from and end up making a mess of our lives. you shithead

i'm such a smart person, thank you for reminding me.
Now why do you want to ruin the lives of these children?
What's in it for you?

>Pro Hillary memes: Avoid, this has not been successful

Attached: 1522472230926.jpg (540x482, 87K)

shut up reddit hoe
you couldnt even copy the fucking issue in r9k
you are that kind of faggot that cant talk without shitting his pants
>with no proof
>with no examples
talking vague bulsshit without any facts or argument
fucking shill fuck off

TLDR: There is a discord server originating from the /r9gay/ section headed by some guy named Reiko#3333. The server has been constantly spamming and shilling trap threads and links to their discord all over Jow Forums, but primarily Jow Forums for the last year and a half at least. They manipulate young vulnerable idiots on Jow Forums into posting pictures of themselves then doxx them and force them to take HRT or threaten getting themselves doxxed and pictures mailed to their families (Hormone Replacement Therapy - Estrogen). This has been unfolding for the last few days, but has been mostly contained to Jow Forums.

Evidence of them shilling on Jow Forums to get more vulnerable people into their server: A pretty good rundown of the situation Reiko explaining his degenerate sexual fantasies

They are currently in full damage control, closing down server invites, so it's impossible to get in at the moment:

There is reason to expect that they were involved with the suicide that happened on Jow Forums a couple of weeks ago, but this is likely speculation at this point, because it hasn't come from the server, but various sources claiming to have known this person:

Why should Jow Forums care?

What happens in the backyard of Jow Forums, the entirety of Jow Forums, reflects on us, we need to oust these degenerates and clean house.

because the threads were getting pruned immediately.
At least three threads were pruned because people were dropping info

you mean why do i want to ruin your life? kek

>avoiding the questions

you're a fucking leaf. that's why i want to ruin your life nigger. children are not allowed on Jow Forums. 18 or over only

Ofcourse they're involved. Only a blind fool, or an ignorant liberal, would think Assad gassed his own people.

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Its not the government.
Its some pervert acting alone.
If it were the government, they would just make HRT free.

since you're still posting, did your parents have your dick mutilated after birth?
It would explain your attitude, temperament and deviant thinking:
>Extreme trauma from male circumcision causes damage to areas of brain
>Circumcision’s Psychological Damage - CDC wants all males to be cut--but it's harmful psychologically
>Factors Influencing Intelligence Quotient
>Effect of environmental factors on intelligence quotient of children

>did your parents have your dick mutilated after birth?
no, they did not. were you hoping for a picture faggot?