This is the most insanely blatant "in your face" neocon bullshittery I've seen in my entire life. They just simply don't give a fuck anymore, it's stunning.

>Tucker: What America's national interest in Syria war?
>Neocon: It's in Israel's interest.

>Tucker: Why would Assad do such a stupid thing?
>Neocon: That's kind of a question Putin would've ask.

>Tucker: We know from last time that gas attack was fake, Secretary of Defence Mattis himself said that there's no proof.
>Neocon: I have my own information.
>Tucker: Better information than Secretary of Defence? Would you share it?
>Neocon: No.

Jesus fucking Christ, if this doesn't redpill boomers I don't know what will. Only way further than that is a rabbi going live on air and yelling "GO DIE FOR US GOY HAHAHAHA".

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Syria is Irans best Ally
>Israel is Americas greatest Ally
tfw fighting proxy war


Bumping for quality vid and quality post.

Sen Wicker is full of shit.

fucking bump man, pay attention to this shit

Kikes want war really bad.
They are pushing for it hard.

That guy just oozes corrupt shit-eating Evangelical AIPAC-funded jewdick gobbler.

>that's the kind of question putin would ask
?????????? seriously we need to all organize in front of our government and overthrow them as we are morally obligated to do. These people are corrupt and only corrupt ones are allowed to take their place.

I had never been so disgusted with a public official. And that's a pretty low bar, bros.

Using Sen. Wicker was a massive fucking mistake irl though. Does zog not even worry about PR at this point?

I thought Trump was supposed to gas the swamp.

Can't cuck the tuck

Tucker is the best Tav journo in the entire world no doubt

I speak over 3 languages and aware of the corresponding media landscape and Boone comes near tucker

Be proud burgers

We are user. Thank you for the kind words.

>well...ughhh...i-if you care about Israel goy

Please let there be snowfall soon.

>These people are corrupt and only corrupt ones are allowed to take their place.
Pretty fucking fantastic. Votes don't even matter.

>Does zog not even worry about PR at this point?
This is what appears to be. Either they consider regular American public to be completely braindead to the point of eating up the most blatant false flag imaginable, or they just don't care, being blinded by their power.

This is honestly disgusting. Fuck these neocons.

He took a beating from Stewart but came out like a fucking diamond

>Well uh if you care about Israel

Have you read his books?
He’s a fascinating guy

Learned the way of the jew

I agree with Tucker with this but one thing that rubs me the wrong way is that there wasn't an implication Tucker is a Russian shill, simply that like Putin he has a right to ask these questions which are reasonable.

You guys have been victim complexes if you think that simply being on the same side of the argument as some people you might not like means you are all eating at the same table. I hate Fox News but Tucker is right, that doesn't make a Fox shill, simply that we have drawn similar conclusions that are worth talking about.

The tools are being used by Israel to do their bidding.

I don't think I've ever felt so much hatred for one group before. And you just know Israel's getting antsy as fuck lately.

Bumping for

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Im ashamed that he represents my state.

>They just simply don't give a fuck anymore

It's been this way for at least a few years now, at least they tried pretty hard with Iraq and WMD and had teams of people digging and reaching to fabricate evidence and make connections. The saddest thing is that a considerable amount of the population appears to genuinely believe in this moral crusading bullshit and will literally argue that we're the good guys and we need to bomb those baby gassers, without grasping the geopolitical or strategic side at all. If someone could at least tell me "we need to cripple Syria and keep Iran out of there because Israel feels threatened, it's ugly but we gotta do it" I would disagree but could at least take them a bit more seriously.

Nice. Youre a modern day Whitman user. Except you are not a faggot.

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I'm beginning to realize that the man is a national treasure

>You guys have been victim complexes
No, he implied that to discredit and smear Tucker's argument user. Don't be a fucking brainlet.

can't huck the tuck

checked & kek'd

When will this madness end. Fuck Israel.

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>Only way further than that is a rabbi going live on air and yelling "GO DIE FOR US GOY HAHAHAHA".

Most boomers would be okay with this

oi eez owa Tuck e iz. Let owa Tuck speak, right?

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why do all American Neo-Cons look like the guy that was being interviewed by Tucker???

Primary him with some Maga type America First candidate.


He associated them loosely by name, that Putin feels similar and that it's a credible line of questioning. I mean I can understand a tiny bit if a leftist organization said such a thing but Fox/GoP love the Russians are the moment. Just mentioning that people do have opinions doesn't smear anything.

totally agree with you user, hopefully the normies are eradicated in the upcoming nuclear war.

Because the only ones retarded enough to fall for their shit anymore are boomers. Hopefully I don't need to say anymore.

Israel is literally insane... trying the same shit over and over again expecting different results.

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On a serious note.

Watching this left me dumbstruck.

What the actual fuck is going on here? Surely to God Trump isn't falling for this?

Wicker is bought and paid for by Israeli lobbyists

He is many things but hes not fucking stupid. I dont think he has much control over what happens in the War rooms.

Cause they're all pedophiles

Tucker: Would war against Assad make US safer?
Tucker is being a bad goy

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Bump the Tuck

what does israel have on these dirty politicians to get them to be so obedient?

bump for outrageous first interview answer

THE only voice in the MSM wilderness it sounds like

underage sex tapes from epstein's island

Why did you Mississippi faggots vote for this RINO cock sucker? Another fucking deep state shill

These slimy little traitors make me sick.

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We mustvdestroy Israel and then we must destroy Iran. Kill them all

>Surely to God Trump isn't falling for this?

he is embattled with the dem probe and probably needs the military to keep him in power, looks like he better do what they want

>mfw he's openly admitting to serving israels interests over the US under the guise of combating """terrorism"""
>mfw even this probably won't redpill bommers at all since they're all short-sighted as fuck
>mfw shit like this is what's causing the mass influx of 3rd world (((immigrants)))
>mfw this is almost entirely funded by the kikes and all of their puppets

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Don Jr, Eric, Q, Kek or whoever the fuck else is reading this in DC right now.....

Don't be another kike worshipping neocon.


nice little recap

>but Fox/GoP love the Russians are the moment
You appear to have no grasp of burger politics, or at least get your info from mainstream shills in your country. No one here is pro-Russian, some like Tucker are just opposed to stupid, wasteful wars that do nothing to benifit this country. The neocons like Wicker, McCain, etc. are 100% on board with anything to fuck over Syria, Russia, Iran, anyone really. People like those were upset that Obama and neoliberals, who spent a fortune on this stupid fucking war didn't go far enough.

It wasn't a simple acknowledgement, his argument wasn't even similar to Putin's. Putin was proclaiming that the most recent attacks were faked or some shit. Tucker was referring to prior gas attacks in the region, which were proven to not be Assad. Use your fucking brain user. Putin is a dirty word in US politics, that's why Tuck acknowledged what that boomer zog puppet (Wicker, who is a neocon) was doing.

>i care about results that benefit israel, not the truth


Trump and his reddit fans are very good goys

Its not going to be for a long time. The religious right (all white boomer faggots) love the taste of Israeli cum. I saw bikers in Mobile AL last weekend flying Israeli flags from their motorcycles on the highway. And they were not small flags they were like 3 feet by 5 feet

Proud Stara Mountain,
next to it the Danube sparkles,
the sun shines over Bulgaria,
and blazes over Pirin.

Dear Motherland,
you are heaven on earth,
your beauty, your loveliness,
ah, they are boundless.

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So the push for war is to prop up the economy right?

Wait a sec. Is Tucker the Hitler to come? Will he run after Trump?

Fucking bump, it's so damn blatant.

kikes on bikes

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I would vote for him

>GoP love the Russians are the moment
No they fucking don't. Neocucks don't love anyone apart from their (((masters))) and Israel. They are pushing for war so fucking hard and if you can't see that then you're a moron. He dropped that line in there because Putin and Russia have been the current boogeyman for the last 18 months. Now who is on the other side of the potential war? Russia. So by dropping a "sounds like something Putin would say!" Is effectively trying to tarnish Tucker by aligning him with Putin; America's boogeyman (and potential enemy). Now all the old boomer neocucks who watched that segment would think "wow Tucker is one of dem fuckin Russia spies! We MUST defend Israel from Russia and evil Assad!". This old cunt knew exactly what he was doing. One thing you need to learn is neocuckservatives are on par with leftists.

Not from Miss. but if you look at alot of the money getting funneled into flyover state politics, a shit ton of it is from out of state. Alot from Cali and NY. Surprisingly often for GOP politicians too in 2016. Imo it was to hedge bets against populist/nationalist candidates.

People here may hate Putin, but Trumpists at the moment simply don't, this is not true. I know they are all on board to go to another board, this much is true, however it potentially being a hoax is very possible, we need to ask questions who actually did the gassing. We'd all like to know, Wick is simply wanting to invade regardless of who did it, that's where they differ. People like Wick and McCain are so hungry for war they don't even care about the chemical implication, they just want in.


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Problem is they were not kikes. They were regular redneck whites who have Israel cock up their ass engrained in their entire being. The christian bible is the biggest fucking pro jew propaganda lie that was ever flung onto the world

It's truly is amazing how blatant they are with it. They don't even bother trying to hide their hand. I am shocked he didn't bring up the holocaust or something.

They don't need to. Boomers don't care and liberals are too brainwashed.

If Boomers are so committed to serving Israel and the (((MASTERS))) that simply mentioning that people on a different side of the argument exist and you being skeptical might be raising some good questions, then Boomers should probably be put down because they are so patriotic that even being mentioned to having a similar point of reference is enough to make you a shill. Anyone who serves Israel to that degree of insanity is an enemy.

Yes goyim tune in tomorrow for more !

Judge napapoloblahblah was the goy before. Nothing new kiddos. One pundit to cater to each demographic. As long as they get your views.

>People here may hate Putin, but Trumpists at the moment simply don't, this is not true
I don't hate Putin. I don't love him either. We just don't want more bullshit proxy wars, and are considered seditious for it by MSM. That is the extent of "Trumpists" love for Putin user.

A set of conditioned responses provoked by the sacraments that these shabos goys receive every so often on sunday: the symbolic ingestion of the eternal jew's blood and body as source of immortality.

He's commander in fucking chief. If he doesn't stop this I guess I'm gonna have to move up my kike-killing date.

the funny thing is christians were incredibly anti-semitic up until recently. my grandparents generation were incredibly distrustful of jews.

>well if you care about Israel

Embarrassed Mississippi fag here. The only reason that old fart is in office is because the few white people left here are desperate to vote for anything that is NOT democrat. He is probably one of the last republican senators we will ever have. Most people despise him, but.... there's nothing else to vote for, unless they're a democrat. And we all know how that goes.

Israel should be subverted and its people replaced with israelites who will leave their allies alone and stop inciting wars because they are the "chosen ones". Fuck you, Israel, your country needs to fall and be overwhelmed and your politicians need to be buried and your influence needs to be destroyed. Israel is an enemy of America, an enemy of peace, and an enemy of all nations in this world. All Israelites should be targeted and assassinated until they leave us fucking alone and stop fucking goddamn trying to fuck the whole world up, you fucking disgusting hypocritical double-standards sand niggers! Your entire country needs to be re-conquered and your dual citizens lined up against the wall and shot until Israel stops acting like being our "greatest ally" means they constantly false flag Americans and kill us for their pathetic greater israel project crap. Fuck you, Israel, you deserve to lose EVERYTHING. Israel subverts America, steals our secrets, takes over our politics, attacks American ships and infrastructure and tries to continually get us into their retarded conquests promoted by their sand scrolls. Absolutely regressive. Israel needs a revolution and a civil war


>Spend years telling (((lies)))
You were easy ta trick goyim, you deserve to be strung along for being so gullible so you get the blame because you acted thoughtlessly anyway
>After years of deception and Jews getting named people are becoming aware
>They deflect by giving you vague answers now, you know they are deceitful but there are enough people brainwashed to their cause that you get carried along into whatever wish it is they have .

There is a maxim of deception in Judaism if you aren't already aware of it, the gullible and the knowing but not doing anything to prevent a lie from causing something are responsible for the outcome regardless; centuries of finding loopholes in gods laws.

Those boomers arent gonna care, they are npcs.

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>>Tucker: We know from last time that gas attack was fake, Secretary of Defence Mattis himself said that there's no proof.
>>Neocon: I have my own information.
>>Tucker: Better information than Secretary of Defence? Would you share it?
>>Neocon: No.

This is the part that infuriated me to no end.
The whole thing is just infuriating in general though.

I was raised in church and every church I went from the time I was old enough to have memories until my late teens they sucked Israels dick. We prayed for Israel. We funded missionaries who would be involved with Israel in some way. We praised Istael. These were baptist and bible churches. Not weirdo churches where they speak in tongues and shit. Its was a fucking KIKE cult. I am so embarrassed to have taken part in my own destruction. In supporting the destruction of my home land.

All kikes must die

run a young 28 year old red pilled republican then


I wish. It's always the same old song and dance. Republicans figure out "whose turn it is" and then runs that limp old dog into the dirt, until the democrats find some fresh-faced POC to rock the vote with. Republicans NEVER learn.

Did you not see the Roy Moore election in Alabama? Its rigged dude. The only option at this point is the outright murder of anyone who stands in the way of honest democratic elections. That includes cops, federal agents, and the politicians themselves. Blood is the only language these people speak.

Vielen Dank mein Freund. Tucker is amazing, nobody stands up for normal americans as effectively as he does. What's more, you can see him slowly move to the (real) right at an increasing's like he's getting more based by the day.

Good luck with that. It's the corrupt parties that determine which candidates we will be allowed to vote for. Trump was a fluke.

Can we just agree to nuke ourselves please? Let Soros and Israel have their “Greater Israel” and mongrelized Europe. It’s not a world I want to live in anyway. All these lies really take a toll on your mental health. I feel like a rape victim. Mentally raped by the ZOG machine. Fighting these people just isn’t worth it. Theyre never going to stop until the world is a heap of ashes