Remember its politically incorrect board

Politically incorrect = is incorrect politics e.g. hitler, nazis, kkk, trump etc

Politically correct = correct politics e.g. hillary, shills, pro feminists, hate trump, etc

Remember its pol, shills want to correct when its an incorrect board

Attached: BP.jpg (680x661, 62K)

True this.
Normie posts don't belong here.
We should have people go through and delete normie posts. I'd call them "moderators" or "Mods" for short. Sadly, mods don't exist, or they've forsaken us.

but wouldnt thier politically correctness be Jow Forumss politically incorrectness, therefore making thier points valid political incorrectness?

Dont loop this around, pol is politically incorrect that all there is

That's just the boards name

/b/ - random, really think /b/ is random?

Jow Forums is about politics and current events at it's core.

mods need to remove race bait more

its not a loop but a fact, thier politically correctness is our politically incorrectness, therefore making thier points valid political incorrectness while ours would be political correct, simple logic reasoning really.

No, because it's not about conformity x non-conformity.
Jow Forums's views were never about protecting sensibilities. Therefore, our established order doesn't have a "revealing prohibited content" counterpart because it's free to begin with.

>shills on damage control
Jow Forums is politically incorrect thats all there is, its not /polc/ politically correct

"but wouldnt thier politically correctness be Jow Forumss politically incorrectness, therefore making thier points valid political incorrectness?" That depends, should correctness, incorrectness be measured by POL standards or normie standards?

Don't call people a shill for no reason fag.