Kelly Conway's own husband has to literally point out to Drumpf that client-attny privilege does not cover crimes or...

>Kelly Conway's own husband has to literally point out to Drumpf that client-attny privilege does not cover crimes or conspiracy to commit crimes
>Kelly fucking Conway's husband
>Having to teach Drumpf about law

I mean, couldn't you wh*teoids had at least picked someone with any sense of knowledge of the Law?



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Other urls found in this thread:

What's the crime?

State the crime or show your flag you massive faggot

>What's the crime?

Defeating Hillary

nobody knows yet, I'm guessing it will be announced sometime soon. What has leaked so far is that it involves illegal financing and fraud, and no, it's not all about MUH PORNSTAR HURRR

What's the crime asshole? What's the crime?

If it wasn't about MUH PORNSTARR than his fucking lawyer wouldn't have gotten his door kicked in


fucking trumptards


>I'm guessing it will be announced sometime soon

Don't worry guys. "Soon" they'll announce that Bernie is really president.

Attached: spoiler-alert-hillary-wins-14979248.png (500x521, 150K)

He illegally used campaign funds to pay hush money to his prostitute. If he had used personal funds this wouldn't be a crime but he figured he could steal $140,000 from the campaign fund and no one would notice. This will go down in history as one of the stupidest mistakes in politics ever.

>what's the crime?
>we'll figure it out after we bust down your lawyers door

Top kek

This is asinine to consider, since the man is a billionaire

>still can't State the crime
>uses adhom attack
Fuck off leftypol, if this wasn't about the pornstar than his lawyer would have nothing to do with this

they have to review the evidence, discard the documents that aren't related to the case, then press charges you fucking twat. A raid doesn;t mean they have charges on the ready, it means a fucking TRUMP APPOINTED, APPROVED AND INTERVIEWED JUDGE deemed that there was enough evidence to do a raid on Cohen's office

actually, that's how it works you fucking idiot.

>implying rich people pay with their money

Hes being investigated for wire fraud, bank fraud, missapropriation of election funds.

Basically the stormy daniels thing gave them a pretense to destroy attorney client privledge.

Its legitimatly a witch hunt. They are destroying the country in a blatant coup attempt.

They need to be hung by the neck until dead. Its not a joke. This is an actual coup attempt and it needs to be crushed.

>but he figured he could steal $140,000 from the campaign fund and no one would notice
but the campaign funds were largely his own money, retardo

(((DU))) is a fucking shithole. Ijs.

That's not how it fucking works lmao. Do you even know how the justice system works? What is a warrant? Typical leftie retard

So, it's not a crime then because the campaign money was mainly his... Also, how does his lawyer tie into that crime and why would confidential information between them need to be justifiably confiscated for? And, further, why is Mueller investigating something outside the scope of his original stated purpose, which was election interference.

When do we get president Hilldawg?


I thought the premise of this investigation was collusion with Russia

That's not how it works you stupid fuck, the search warrant would contain the information as to why the FBI kicked the door in, for what purposes, and signed by a fucking judge but of course leftypol wouldn't know about that because they're dumber than a bag of rocks

dont know anything about the thing desu, but if they had a warrent they will have a possible crime, even if its not announced to the public

The other option was Clinton, so no, people couldn't pick anyone but trump

God, and you wonder why you retards are openly mocked by us.

You don't.

We get President Pence.

LGBTQ, be on watch. Your end is near.

Attached: raipence.jpg (600x549, 41K)


His lawyer says he payed personally (the lawyer)

Prove it shill

>what are the republican primaries

And, what's the stated purpose of the special council?

Relax, we're posting on a fringe, anonymous message board. We're doing our part!

Being a big cheeto meanie drumpf.

hahahhahha, that alone is such a meme, why does a married man fuck prostitutes and pays them through his lawyer? wtf is wrong with america?

Hillary won the popular vote, not Pence

Republicans need to be executed, nothing is more pathetic in 2017 than being a redneck cousin fucker.

Actually, scratch that. The only thing more pathetic is a libertarian.

MFW Trump isn't a lawyer

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What is immigration reform and a wall?

Campaign funds werent used, the argument is that paying her off was essentially a gift to the campaign and therefor a contribution above the limit. It's motherfucking insanity. An extortionist blackmails $130k out of them, and they spin in at campaign finance fraud.

>strawman: the post
What's the crime asshole?

The payment was blackmail, retard. It wasnt during the normal course of things.

Apparently the story now is he took out a fake loan to pay for it, not campaign funds.

If this is what they want to nail Trump on, well looks like we are getting Civil War 2 before Marvel studios.

>actually, that's how it works you fucking idiot.
In a marxist shithole. Which we are rapidly heading towards.

good question, is daca repealed?

still, why do you need to fuck a disguesting porn star?

>APPOINTED, APPROVED AND INTERVIEWED JUDGE deemed that there was enough evidence to do a raid on Cohen's office

You can get a warrant over literally anything today. Judge's are police stooges.

That doesn't matter, Sweden. Trump and Pence won the electoral college, which means that if Trump for whatever reason is no longer President prior to 2021, Prence becomes President. Not a complicated concept.

You know how he became rich? Not using his own money to pay prostitutes. He stole money from charities, stealing from a campaign fund is nothing.
Wrong. I know he lied and claimed he would use his own money but then he took donations and used them to illegally pay for whores to keep quiet about his degenerate sex habits.

Pretty sure that's the accusation. Not the proof. Which is why they raided the offices. To prove they used campaign funds to pay off stormy daniels

This is such a shit show.

She wasn't disgusting in '06, also that's a testament to the Donald's test levels, even in his late 50s he needed to fuck while his wife was about to give birth

>He stole money from charities
that's a pretty big accusation, got any proof?

why would a trump approved judge try to fuck him?
>the Donald's test levels
thats such a gay statement, i assume podesta is also high test if he fucks kids

the Dems are so desperate to create a narrative they are absolutely reaching into back into their old bag of tricks: unlawful investigations based upon a lack of pretense

It's richfags for PR (fucking optics). He likely told his lawyer to just take care of business and don't bother him unless shit his the fan.

Lawyer told the gold digger to gtfo and then tossed her a bone when she got uppity. It's tabloid tier bs. The French don't care about mistresses but for some reason this is news.

Holy shit you people don’t even know how this shit works and you are the fucking shills! They need to prove it’s a campaign finance violation in that Trump spent $140,000 that benefited his campaign but didn’t report it.

>I assume Podesta is also high test if he fucks kids
He sucks it out of them when he bites in to their neck while fucking them doggy

The vast majority of his campagin was self funded ass hat. Which more than likely means it was his own personal money used and not funds from donations

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This is old news. It was known before the election. Trump ran his cancer charity like the Clinton Foundation, he just funneled all of the money back to himself.

>How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business

got any proof? quit baiting with /ptg/ talking points
why fuck a pornstar in the fist place, is he senile?

>believing that lie
Trump used campaign donations like any other swamp politician. But unlike them, he illegally used them to bribe his prostitute.

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Yep, you pretty much have to have proof that a crime took place to pull aove like this. The left is celebrating something that could that could fuck anyone of us one day.

>Censoring yourself on Jow Forums
GTFO reddit

Trump self funded his own campaign though, he didn't accept donations so how could he have used campaign donations if the money was already his to begin with?
>also linking to (((Forbes)))
Funny how they never mention that the Clinton Foundation and the Obama Administration did the same thing, although they both spent a lot more money then Trump

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It would all be done if it wasn't being obstructed by the left and neocons. You know, those people you just said to vote in over trump.

That's the problem with you shills.
>haha where's your wall and immigration reform blumpf btfo u fucked up
Meanwhile he was the literal only candidate saying anything of the sort. If he doesn't get any of it passed id still vote for him again. At least he talks about it. Every other candidate wouldn't say anything about immigration reform or the wall.

land of the free

Do you have any proofs that he committed a crime? No? Then fuck off Dieter

>mfw Trump just wants to hang out with some gf and watch TV but he's a billionaire and he can only do it with literal whores.

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This all sounds similar to the fisa abuse by the FBI. Just because it was signed off doesn't mean its right or justified.

Some of us are good christians who don't cheat on your beautiful Aryan wives with syphilis filled whores mate.

Big accusations with zero proof

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>hello there fellow goyim

Your pic is out of date and old. Here are the post-election campaign fund totals for Trump. He took hundreds of millions in donation money.

Attached: trump fund.png (747x888, 54K)

Your brain is comprehending anything past what you see.

They seized all the proof from his lawyer. Now Trump is shitting his pants.

>If he doesn't get any of it passed id still vote for him again
>At least he talks about it
bruh, he is a fucking retard, him advocating for stuff probably hurts it more than it helps.
>by the left and neocons
neocons voted in by white republicans that is. he could have easily put the wall into a trillion dollar spending bill, but he is retarded, or he is a liar, but to act like you got a lot of money for the wall and even had to give "dems giveaways" to get military spending passed, but you still dont have nearly enough funding is retarded or deceptive.
does the fucking court that approved the raid maybe have evidence? if not what is wrong with america for them to be able to raid your house, fucking police state, start a revolution or something nigger.

This right here. Anyone trying to defend this deserves the same thing happen to them.

Wheres the proof that the money used was donation and not his own?

>does the court that approved the raid maybe have evidence?
That depends on who the judge was that signed off on the warrant, same with the FISA abuse

>privilege does not cover crimes or conspiracy to commit crimes

No crimes or conspiracy to commit crimes has happened, that is the crux of the situation.

he used his charity to pay a personal fine to the court, adn to pay bribes to the Flirida DA who then voted for him in the electoral college.

he is not above using other people's money for criminal acts.

he is that stupid

In the documents they seized. If it's true they're in deep shit. They wouldn't have raided a lawyer's office without evidence.

wasnt it a judge approved or appointed by trump?

>investigation is on its last leg
>only thing they have is some bullcrap about obstruction of justice
>how will we investigate this?
>let's ransack the home of trumps lawyer who would likely have all his documents and personal information (especially stuff that he could have actually done)
>this is somehow in no way an obstruction of justice

The judge that allowed this needs to be burned at the stake.

Stupid fucking nigger, what crime faggot? usually you need a fucking crime before you start any of this bullshit, you should know that stupid nigger.

>Trump's lawyer gonna get fucked for shuffling Trump's "billions" through campaign funds
>all because Trump sold out his lawyer to pretend he had nothing to do with porno sluts he was simultaneously trying to sue
Trump is literally worse than Bill Clinton at presidential adultry.

Maybe he should apologise to his wives and their ugly anchor babies.

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>does the fucking court that approved the raid maybe have evidence?
they wouldn't have approved if the evidence wasn't there, Fritz. Contrary to what Trumptards love to scream in here, the DOJ isn't some kangaroo court that just loves to knock down on people's door without good evidence, SPECIALLY when it is the President's lawyer,

And do you have the proof to back up your claims?
Probably not, but then again I don't know who the judge is as that information has not been given to the public, it's more than likely a judge that was appointed by the previous administration

>An extortionist blackmails $130k out of them

trump fucks a whore behind his wife's back and pays her a six figure bribe so that it doesnt fuck up his political career, and she's an extortionist? the mental gymnastics are incredible

>2 buttone meme
>admidt you live in a shithole country where houses are raided because a corrpup judge wants to
>admidt trump did something wrong

Is it or Ian it not triennale that Hillary Rodham Clinton won the popular vote in the 2016 US election and is the rightful next in line once drumpf gets the leather injection?

He raised that with the help of the GOP after he won the nomination, everything before then was self funded. Also, there has been zero evidence shown that proves Trump is guilty and you know the age old saying in America, you're innocent until proven guilty. This is just another wild goose chase and faggots like you are going to be sorely disappointed when it leads to nothing again. Also, look at who was leading the raid on Cohen's office; he works for the Trump administration.

That's what makes this investigation so easy. Trump has committed so many crimes over the years that it is ridiculously easy to get him.

Shareblue bunked it


And the payout came after the primary, using campaign funds illegally, and Trump didn't use his own money (because he's broke). The mental gymnasts who still defend Trump keep repeating all these lies about Trump funding himself and never committing crimes. Both are clearly wrong.

>t the campaign funds were largely his own money, retardo

no he loaned some money to the campaign to be paid back when other people gave enough money to fund him.

he made a lot of money by using his jet and his hotels, and charging it at full rate to the campaign (and charging the full rate for flights and rooms to the Secret Service men who protected him as well)

he is a clever crook - he actually made money from the campaign. first person to do so in history I think.


>Probably not, but then again I don't know who the judge is as that information has not been given to the public, it's more than likely a judge that was appointed by the previous administration

this is the Judge who approved it

Picked by Trump
Approved by Trump
Interviewed by Trump


Yeh man I pay off porn stars with illegally funneld campaign money like every other paycheck

Shit obama did this like 3 times in his first year

Nothing to see here