In order for Gays to gain acceptance they had to come out of the closet and make themselves visible, by doing that, people saw that gays were the people in their community, just like them
But, with Jews, the opposite happened. By making Jews visible, the general populace didn't see them as their neighbours, their friends and co-workers, they saw them for exactly what the Nazis said they were.
Before this, The Nazis were veiwed as the lunatic fringe and conspiracy nuts. But after marking them, people united against Jews, instead of in unity with them. People started to realize all the pieces of shit in society, were all Jewish. People noticed that no beggars on the streets were Jewish.
Visibility kills the Jew. Like roaches, they need the cover of darkness to feed. This is why the triple parenthesis was deemed antisemtic. For every other group on earth, being identified publically helps their cause, rather than hurts it.
This is why it's so important to name the Jew.
Never stop ousting them for what (((they))) are.