I will pay $200 to whoever finds this video

I will pay $200 (I'm willing to negotiate) to whoever finds this video. It seems to be deleted from the internet, but I really want to find it.


Duration: 12:09
Alternative names: "Con la prima de mi amigo1", "hago cybersexo y encuentros reales"
Tags: "amateur", "couple"
Uploaded first: 23/24/26 November 2013

Removed mirrors:


I'll be posting all the thumbnails I found.

Attached: 70653.jpg (180x135, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: BZx5IM7IgAAxMTK.jpg (432x324, 15K)

Attached: tn_1988392-hago-cybersexo-y-encuentros-reales.jpg (200x150, 6K)

Attached: patrao-fudendo-funcionaria.png (200x200, 61K)

(Possibly from the same video)

Attached: tn_1992001-hago-cybersexo-y-encuentros-reales.jpg (200x150, 6K)

I see this vĂ­deo today man

Well, I'll buy the link then. Show me a screenshot of the video.

Anyone? PLS
If you find it just post a screenshot and your paypal email

Found part 2

Attached: 20190511_192230.jpg (1440x1080, 362K)

Yep, I'm aware of part 2 and it's available in many places including pornhub.

Part 1 is the one I'm looking for and it seems to be wiped out from the internet.

Anything is possible it Took me 10 years to finally find some photos of this chick I was in high school at the time.

Attached: Mia_04_005.jpg (1024x766, 296K)

Yeah, I suspect it's buried in some xvideos/redtube/youporn server with a different name. It might take years to find it.

But thanks for the kind words user.

I found a dead link and the video is actually Portuguese

sauce pls

Where bro? Too bad it's dead, but it's still useful


>well thought out request
have a bump and have you tried asking namethatporn

deadlink and the download file doesn't work I actually spent 4 hours helping you out. That shit Is hard. Good luck user.

Attached: 20190512_121458.jpg (1440x717, 222K)


Thank you very much user. I really appreciate it. I've lost countless hours trying to find it. Yes, that depositfile link seems to be dead.

Thanks man. I have not tried it, but it sounds like it's more on the mainstream porn.

You know, I've noticed something. We often underestimate the probability of something disappearing from the internet, but it happens very often. Specially with old, amateur stuff. A video is removed, then the mirrors start dying off, and at one point there is not one single copy left. Even the person that filmed the video probably lost the copy. It's gone, forever. Or perhaps not gone, but in some xxx server, with a different name, a different duration, swallowed by the terabytes of porn uploaded every day, rendering it impossible to find.

Moral: If you like something, download it.

This guy is the original uploader but hasn't been on in years mialmohadaesmuda

Attached: 20190512_140612.jpg (902x694, 163K)

Attached: 20190512_140514.jpg (1919x1440, 713K)

Attached: 20190512_140552.jpg (1943x1440, 775K)

Attached: 20190512_140533.jpg (1913x1440, 698K)

Pretty sure I found a different video. The background matches. But it's longer what do you think.

Attached: 20190512_150835.jpg (1950x1440, 778K)

Found a deleted video of something else. Just a heads up I'm PST so our hours might differ

Attached: 20190512_155352.jpg (1440x320, 107K)

Attached: Daryl+hannah2C+daisy+chain2C+craves2C+ruby+rayes2C+holes2C+Billie+rai.+_1.gif (512x368, 1.3M)

Attached: video-05122019041234_1.gif (512x368, 784K)

I've pondered this too, user. However I think of all the old hard drives from personal computers over the years that get yanked out, or worse... thrown out. I know I have about 7 or 8 hard drives packed away somewhere that contain treasure troves of late 90's and early 00's amateur stuff that I hoarded like some kind of self-important archivist. I know I've got tons of shit that disappeared from the web long ago. No kidding, those of us in similar situations should find a way to come together and dump all of our stuff into a legacy repository... for research. After all, what the hell did we save it all for?

Pretty sure it's the same guy this video is 21mins however

Attached: video-05122019041234_2.gif (512x368, 1.92M)

Attached: 9320394_1.gif (512x368, 1.62M)

Thanks for all of your help guys. Unfortunately, these are from other videos which I've had seen (they are still up online). There are around 5-6 videos but the only one really missing is the one I posted originally. The grey couch seems to be the same from the scene.

Quite interesting user, but the couch looks different and I suspect the girl is not the same. The guy might be the same, though.

Absolutely agree. Two recent examples: Google+ closing down and Tumblr removing all sexually explicit content. I imagine a lot of content got lost there, even if the guys from Archive.org are trying hard to preserve everything.