Why shouldn't this happen?

United States and Israel vs. Iran and Syria.

Time to finally settle matters with these sandniggers.

Attached: IMG_0106.jpg (1202x1600, 840K)

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Aside from the fact that we're on the objectively wrong side and Israel is the only country of those three that deserves destruction?


Why? Iran and Syria are horrible regimes while Israel is an advanced civilization.

because then next year it will be America vs Saudi Arabia
Then America vs Egypt
Then America vs Russia

Until all enemies of jews are dead, then Israel nukes America

So what? The Saudis and Egyptians need to go as well.

>Time to finally settle matters with these sandniggers.
And what do you do? Proceed to suck the dicks of the 9/11 perpetrators, House of Saud? Fuck off, faggot.
>Iran and Syria are horrible regimes while Israel is an advanced civilization.
You're not concealing your identity well, Shlomo.

I just said above that the Saudi regime needs to go too.

Attached: hitlerswarbydavidirving.png (1556x996, 555K)

Why not the Israeli regime while you're at it, Shlomo? Their Likud party is pretty sick and corrupt.