Semitic origins of christianity

>worships the same god as the jews
>prophet and most holy figures are jews
>first followers were jewish
>first half of holy book is the same as the Tanakh
>movement started in Judea
>really just another version of Judaism with slightly different values and principles

Why do so many here deny the Semitic origin of christianity? A religion which literally came from judaism and was founded on the same principles?

This isn't a Christianity hate thread, I was just wondering how some people here engage in this doublethink
>cue 9000 fedora/pagan/martin luther reaction images completely ignoring everything I posted above

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Other urls found in this thread:

>mod-get anti-christian shilling

wow I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post.

another day, another anti-Christian propaganda thread on Jow Forums

This person could have literally just not posted anything, but instead theyre going to shit up the board with their jew tactics.

Repent sinner.

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I also forgot to put ">inb4 claims of shilling" thanks user

>if you point out how christianity and judaism are similar you're a jew

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Presbyterians are Calvinists (along with Dutch reformed churches) not Lutheran

>If I parrot this lie maybe it'll actually become the truth.

Go back to the old gods of the week.

Where did christianity come from then? Were moses eredavid and abraham not jews?

Nice script

They aren't similar though. Christianity doesn't have roots in the Talmud, you fucking retard.

What makes you think I'm not 100% aware of the fact that the early church was full of Jews when Paul spends a large portion of his letters telling people that a) the Gentiles (non Jews) are also allowed in so don't stop them, and b) you don't need to adhere to old Jewish customs like circumcision to be saved? Paul was a Christian hating Jewish zealot before his conversion, too. Not to mention the fact that Jewish holy days are mentioned time after time, and play a big role in the Gospels.

This obviously shows there were huge numbers of converted Jews in the early church. Jesus was a Jew. All the Apostles were Jews. This isn't a secret. No church says they weren't Jews. Stop trying to make this some kind of conspiracy when it isn't.

>Joseph Smith
He was a con artist and that's why eventually he got lynched.

Jews today are not the same jews as when Jesus walked the earth. That is a fact proven in the bible and

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>he doesn't know that modern jews and judaism have nothing to do with antiquity jews and judaism
there is no group on Jow Forums more anti-intellectual than pagans and atheists

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Shit chart. Where's Ba'hai, faggot?

Ever since this WW3 scare started I've seen every single thread that even mentions Christianity gets flooded with argumentative disruptive nihilists who do nothing but insult everyone who disagrees with them in an effort to prevent any meaningful discussion and to distract us from pushing for peace. I have to admit that it works, after all, what man can stand idly by while others go out of their way to attack their way of life? Good job, I give you lot 10/10 Stars of David.

The worst "shill" is the pope through

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Good thing I didn't say talmud, I said tanakh

The only thing Jews hate more than Europeans are Christians. Christianity exposed Judiaism and is a direct attack on it merely by existing.

The current Pope is shit.

Vatican II was shit.

I'm not a Catholic.

Stop posting behind a faggot meme-flag you stupid nigger.

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(that doesn't make you less of a shill)

Alright you fucking faggots apparently you don't get the point of this thread at all. I'm not saying "stop being christian" or "it is bad," all I am saying is at some point you're going to have to acknowledge the only reason you have christianity today is because it as descended from Judaism, and to deny this connection is illogical

Of course and it did this like that
So are you Protestant or Orthodox?

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except most jews are atheist and worship no gods .

Judaism was invented by the Pharisees.



Because all christfaggots are retarded brainlets who have convinced themselves that 'their Jews' are special.

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Where in the bible does it ever say Judaism?

>trying to reason with christian burgers missing their foreskin

Are you even a Christian? Have you ever studied theology?

Of course the following of the teachings of Christ 'originate' from Judaism, and the Covenant God had with the Israelites.

That Covenant was real. The ancient Jews were the chosen people to hold the Covenant.

The coming of Christ ended that Covenant, and a new one was formed when Jesus offered his Apostles his flesh and blood at the Last Supper.

His earliest followers were literally ancient Jews - but that is totally fucking irrelevant, because the old laws dont count any more, only the Good News, and His teachings. Now fuck off.

Your attempts to obfuscate are sinister, like a snake.

Back into the den of Vipers you go.

Digits confirm

>burger education
Have you ever read a book in your entire fat, greasy lifetime?

Showing examples of cucked Christians is pointless since I can also produce examples of non Christians. It’s the dominant paradigm. Look at polls comparing non religious people and Christians of the same race/culture and see who is more cucked.

Oh wait, you won’t do it because you know the result.

>descended from Judaism,
What do they have in common?

So many fucking retards on this board.

Jews HATE, absolutely HATE Christianity. They tried hard, during the Roman times, to have Christians killed by different Roman Emperors. Also, they enslaved Christians for a long-time. It was only after Christians become more numerous, and more powerful than Jews, that the roles got reversed, and Jews started to be persecuted for being the Christ killers, and put into their place, and have limits imposed on their ability to subvert host societies.

Without Christianity, there is nothing in the way of Jew power to take over the world.

Dumb fucks.

Fucking retard assuming anyone's going to try and read this shit. Faggot literally saved the thumbnail.

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Yes but the leaders of Christianity are cucked. Biggest Christian argument is that it is a tradition. However if you deny the legimity of current christian leaders, you are not better than a pagan or an atheist. You will have to start a new church with probably reforms and it will be as much as larping as paganism is

C'mon now
The land of israel is also promised to the peoples of Ephraim, not Judah

The Jewish rabbinical class is highly educated, motivated and insular -- and, well funded.

They hate Christians. They want to water down our faith.

They think that when their Moschiach comes, there will be world peace, and they will live in paradise - and all the gentiles will voluntarily want to work for them (be slaves)

They are godless vermin. The rabbis are a self-perpetuating abominable parasitic class who dont even believe in the afterlife.

They think paradise will be here on Earth, and they ejaculate at the thought of Christians bending the knee to them and their satanistic cult.

Remember - all anti-Christian threads are tricks from the synagogue of satan itself.

Whether directly, or indirectly, using useful idiots like larping pagans, or by paid shills.

>Biggest Christian argument is that it is a tradition.
No that would be salvation

> ad hominem trash that can't dispute the absolute fact that christfaggotry is Jewish
> his only actual argument is 'muh khazar invasion'

Dumb fuckin' race should have been wiped out 80 years ago, bitch. Japanese supremacy.

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>absolute fact that christfaggotry is Jewish
name one common element

Ok, tell me how many white nationalists are you going to convince this. Most people who liked Christianity on this side did it because it was a traditional European faith

If you believe Christianity it isn't a "Semitic" or "Jewish" anything it's just the truth. The Jews were merely the tribe to whom the bringer of that truth were born, and who by and large betrayed and murdered him.

We, the gentiles, heard the wisdom of Christ and so found Truth. You're taking an anthropological view to something, but from a religious perspective that does not follow. God is not the Jewish God, he's just God. There are no other gods. If the Jews had been worshiping God correctly they would neither have needed or received a messiah.


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So you admit that my actual argument is a factual argument while you have nothing but your limp dick? Why even argue, then?

nice digits
>europeans worshipping jews and their gods
oh, i don't think so

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Wasting my time even typing this but I feel like I need to challenge such an absurd claim
Orthodox christianity (which is a stupid name, fucking english shit) has been anti-war even as conflicts rose around this region. Calling for peace between the sides while your entire country is up in arms is definitely not something a subverting influence would do. And here is some smchuck that never even saw real tradition (only bastardized false american bootleg versions) telling people about how "jewish" their religions are.

Fine, stay Christians and get BLACKED, by your pope.
I'll just watch how every Christian will darken over time

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I made your argument for you, retard. Believing the khazar invasion is an excuse against hatred of the 'original Jews' is an admission that you believe them to be worthy of respect. Which is Jewish filth. Fuck Jesus, period. Fuck Poland too. Japan only.

The Old Testament, bitch.

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>fact proven
>the bible
cuckianity is literally the goy slave racemixing religion

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They'll darken faster by embracing Atheism and relativism, which Nordic countries already have done, and is highly encouraged by the jews.

Youre just one of their agents.

Fuck off snake

You stupid lying motherfucking cunt dog. It works just fucking fine.

kys cuck eternal war is the aryan way. peace breeds weakness .

Nice try, kike. Kindly neck yourself along with your kind.
>Old Testament
>kike fairy tales

>The Old Testament, bitch.
Jews dont believe in the old testament
The believe in the talmud

>Yes but the leaders of Christianity are cucked
This is largely true but my main point is that they are less cucked than average (except some of the really libshit denoms). I’m southern baptist and I go to a pretty mainstream church and the preacher will often condemn modernity specifically. He’ll call out gay marriage, other degeneracy and gun grabbers only and the congregation will AMEN really loudly, it’s very encouraging to see honestly.

>However if you deny the legimity of current christian leaders, you are not better than a pagan or an atheist
Pretty much every Protestant rejects the authority of all Christian leaders and they aren’t larping. Your average Protestant is without question better than your average atheist. I’m not sure about pagans because there are so few.

A subverting presence that you claim it to be would be cheering everyone on, because shaking people up is good for religion.
Not that you know the context of what I am saying, I am sure your educations of events here starts and ends with 'remove kebabini'

This, the Bible is the biggest redpill on the JQ

> literally worships a Jew as the son of God and his prophet
> thinks it holds any weight when he uses it as an insult

So Polish and low IQ of you, lmao. Half of you Poles are Jewish anyways, your country is embarrassing.

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why should anyone give a single shit about the balkans? shaking people up is good FOR PEOPLE. degeneracy is simply a consequence of complacence. the church makes people complacent. good job, you've allowed yourself to be domesticated by the church and now you can't even conceive of being anything else as you're led to the abattoir. dumbfuck serb trash maybe if nato bombed you more you wouldnt be so worthless.


The Jews litterally killed Jesus and the Romans didn’t even want too and Talmudic Jews hate Christians.

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t. Reformed Baptist

Synagogue of satan, kike. Be smug while you still can.

>le 100% LARPer

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>not son of god

stopped reading right there

>Same God
Not even remotely compatible conceptions about God and His plan for me and you.

If you're Anti-Christian, you are anti-western civilization, anti-white people, and you're one with the Jews, the Muslims, the Hindus, the Communists, the Atheists, the faggots, the transsexuals, etc.

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Your post is very funny to me, because it is completely wrong.
You see, people here actually know what fighting for your country means, while you had the privilege of never waging a domestic struggle, here we actually had to fight for our freedom from many would be oppressors, countless times.
Complacent? Maybe you are shart, religion is just another aspect of tradition here, it doesn't play a huge role in our life unlike your fanatical sects
I was simply telling you that you are an idiot for thinking orthodoxy is "jewish" in any way
And being happy about bombing us? Now isis uses Kosovo as a staging point while you sleep in your barracks there with your soy milk.
Are you preaching to me about what is right while siding with Jihad over and over again?
Even now, as we speak, you fleets are rushing to protect Israel's interest in Syria, pathetic

why do shills peeppost so much?


oh, the anti-christian daily thread. At least we are talking about oir Lord and Savior, that's good.

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The government is really nice, sneaking that $5 Bill into that guys pocket.

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Japanese people, unlike Poles, have no cultural connection to judaism. Keep worshipping your little magic heeb, retard. That's a direct order.

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But you nips still bow at the awesome power of DA BOMBS.

Why don't you move to Japan, then?
I gotta warn you though - your long, crooked shekel-sniffing nose will be a dead giveaway.

imagine what a paradise earth would be if someone just went back in time and killed (((Abraham)))

no christcucks

no jews

no muslims

> 56% hamburger boy is proud of the Jewish atom bomb and deposing the Axis empire
> is also defending christfaggotry

t. public school educated abomination. Japanese supremacy, pussy. End of story.

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OP stop sucking mutilated baby cock and watch this

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Nipcuck mad because y’all got btfo. Period. Enjoy your /yaoi, faggot. Your country is literally a joke, dicklet

> everybody who disagrees with me is Jewish
> Jesus was Jewish too but that's okay because the Bible said he was the son of God
> country just spent the past 3 months trying to use the holocaust to extort money out of Germany

Can't make this IQlet euro-trash logic up, lmao.

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> highest per capita GDP on the planet for the past six straight years
> 98.5% homogeneous population
> widest middle class
> lowest crime rate
> durrr muh god and muh dick

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Judaism is babylonian in its origin. And babylon is sumerian
and so on all the way back to around 75000bc when everyone worshipped the serpent

Or all you faggots can take the true christian pill

>haha biblical jews are totally modern jews, khazars are a spook!
For a kike you don't seem to have a particularly high IQ score.

High IQ Jews are a statistical abberation, you dumb ass. Still pushing those jewish narratives through the guise of anti-semitism, sad. Nobody's fooled though, superior Japanese IQ.

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I blame Titus for not finishing the job, should've ordered judea to be salted.

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Agreed. Should have had every member of the tribe rounded up and sodomized through the eye sockets too.

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>created the largest concentration camp known to man
>commiting a genocide on their neighbors
>get hand outs from every wester country on the globe even tho they are doing so well
>meddle in the politics of almost evry country

I know what you are, christians of Jow Forums. When your nazi larping got you nowhere, besides getting made fun of and ridicule, you turned to the church where the priest would tolerate your sad whining, unaccomplished life and depression. Absolutely pathetic.

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> desperately trying to imply that isn't preferable to Sweden's current situation by orders of magnitude

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Worship of the All Father, the Sky God, and the Earth Mother are essential to being European. Unfortunately there are no modern pagans that aren’t memes.

Point by point:

>The holy Trinity is nowhere near the same thing as the evil self worship and Babylonian occultism of “Judaism”
>First followers were neither Semitic or “Jewish” since Shem wasn’t born yet and “Jews” didn’t exist yet, see Seth, Enoch, et al
>First followers of the promise were Abrahamic, not “Jewish”
>Jews deny Christ so paying lip service to the law means nothing
>Movement started in Ur, not Judea
>Principles of Christ are the polar opposite of the principles of Talmudic Judaism

There we go

>desperatly trying to imply ((they)) are not the cause of swedens current predicament

Atleast sweden is still going to be around in 20 years

>First followers of the promise were Abrahamic, not “Jewish”
whoah man that totally changes everything!! praise Yeshua, Saul and company!!!

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In 20 years the demographic shift in Sweden will be permanent and unfixable for the rest of time. Tick tooooock, LOOOOOOOOOOSEEEEEEEEER.

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Tanakh judaism doesn't fucking exist and it hasn't for almost 2000 years

He said the religion originated from the tanakh, retard, not that it exists in modern times. Fuckin' faggot with your strawman.

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