Epic virtue signalling

This girl calls anyone who visits pol racist, anyone who replies with legit reasoning otherwise will have their response delivered to her. Go.

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she has a point, if you were really not a nazi you wouldn't read/entertain ideas that weren't presented to you through television, music, and movies

>everyone who visits Jow Forums racist
Her point?

>This girl
How the fuck do we know, it could be your boyfriend?

sorry you got dunked on in a facebook argument by a girl

>everyone who is/does x is y
Tell her thinking like that caused the holocaust and blow her mind.

im black and i loved olden /b/ but like Jow Forums...been here since 2008

Jacob who?

so in other news water is wet
all niggers must fucking hang

lel seriouslyprotip: if you have to come to Jow Forums to outsource your arguments
against some chick
about how chicks are inferior or whatever bullshit
you probably shouldnt be arguing chicks are inferior


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