Assyrian who used to live in Syria, now in muttland. immigrated before the war started. Ask me anything no matter how autistic.
Ask me shit
How much do you get in benefits?
If you hate the US so much why do you live here
Are Assyrians white?
none really
You have bigger man tits than me.
most of you americans are retarded but i dotn hate you, i hate your jewish loving government. But im here to onviously exploit the oppurtunities and make a living but im not planning on staying for long in here, dont want my kids to grow up in a sjw infested hell
to make more money, i did not personally want to but my family did and i was young
Why not go back? Also, this
Why are you here? I DON'T WANT people who came here, because "they HAD to"! Fuck you! Go back and either fix your home country or die trying!
i wouldnt say so, were pretty much meds
>But im here to onviously exploit the oppurtunities and make a living
You're basically a parasite and no better than the jews
Not surprising considering you people are basically semitic cousins
do us a favor and kill one of those gay parkland students.
lol we dont have a home country retard, we did not have to come here, just wanted to make a bit more money, and dont worry not planning on staying in this shithole anyways
this is why you people are retarded. Who lives in america and doesnt want to exploit the oppurtunities?? that is why your ancestors immigrated in the first place you dipshit. And its not like im not paying my taxes. So how the fuck am I a leech? and i dont care for your shitty politics and dont want to influence your shitty culture or way of life like the jews
jews have been our enemies for centuries as well as muslims. You know nothing about us
Ah, Money! No allegiance to anything other than that... nifty! We haven't seen your type before! Get the fuck out!
will do
Are you giving your children a cool assyrian name like Sargon or Ashunasirpal?
how is ancient assyrian history valued in the assyrian commumity?
kek, allegiance to what? the governemt that sucks jewish cock and is the supplying terrorists with money and weapons in syria which fucked us over again and has always supported one of our enemies turkey? its no wonder your americans are retarded, cant wait to leave this shithole anyways, enjoy your country full of spics, blacks, and gays for the next centuries to come.
of course, we are very traditional and maintain alot of old shit
Don't worry! We are currently working on ridding ourselves of (((them))) as well! Things are running smoothly in that area as far as normies are concerned.
Is there a movement for assyrians to get back a state (land of Ashur) or you guys gave up on that idea?
your empire has been destroyed for more than 2 millenia after all
Also, sick cruelty
Don't let the door hit you on ass on the way out!
Currently yes but we do have a particular movement for that katter but were still growing so the number arent as much now
why is hat like dick?
I actually contribute more than most whites and came here just like your ancestors did, but oh well your arleady full with subhumans and illegals who dont care about the future of this land. Good luck getting rid of them when they become the majority
Are asyrians asexual?
Dont know ask your pope
Have you ever noticed that the cave names in Morrowind are based on your language? There's even one called Ashurbanipal iirc
Hey you wanted it autistic bro
Well, you didn't mention paying taxes. If you're a legal citizen, paying taxes, then fine.
What do you think about current pro-shilling for a war in your country at the moment?
Yes im a big fan of elder scrolls. Dagoth ur is based off of assyrian names. The dwemer elves ate supposed to look like assyrians as well
you're a fucking cringelord loser. Do us a favor and fuck off boomer-tier cancer.
I hope most people realize that all of this and past wars in the middle east is part of the jews plan to destabilize it
what do Syrians in general think of whites?
pro-war shilling*
What is the capital of Assyria?
We used to think that america and whites are proud people but dissapainted after finding out the cuckery thats has took place in western countries. We think that some of you lack traditions and family values and should work on retaining that
>Confirmed. Yet ANOTHER muslim trying to establish a caliphate here
Do your people REALLY KNOW what you are up against in this country? THIS ISN'T EUROPE! We're armed, and WE WILL USE THEM!
I came here after fuckton of paperwork and spending, i dont get any benefits and worked my ass off and payed my taxes, and i get pissed knowing there are people who do none and still get money and benefits
How white are you?
Another retard, im more anti muslim than you will ever be kike. Our population was decimated by them, how dumb can you be? I gladly state that i clean my butthole with quran
how do you feel about the fall of ninevah? is assyria still feeling cultural trauma even 3000 years later? it was possibly the worst fate doled out on a great city in world history, with the possible exception of carthage. what is your opinion on scythians, medians, and babylonians? do you still hate them for destroying assyria?
ashur like 5000 years ago
ninevah 3000 years ago, both are ruins getting even more bulldozed by fuckheads like isis.
We assyrians are not white but definitely lighter than middle easterners
Syriac Orthodox or Assyrian Church of the East?
You have to go back.
Can you even?
What do you think of all these Syrian “efugees” that are streaming into Europa? They’re almost all men, right? What’s up with that?
whiter than arabs you mean, you guys are the original middle easterners. you're descended from the most ancient semetic populations of mesopotamia like the acadians. mind boggling how ancient that part of the world is, it was ancient even to the ancients like the greeks and romans.
How did you get a visa for the US?
The isis thing was infuriating, dont know mich about scythians and medes, but babylonians were integrated into our population and we became part of the same people decades later. Ill have to do more reaserch about the our ancient empire
We were the first ever civilization i believe. We are the indigenous people of that land
I'm sure! I trust you. Can you trust me to pack your precious possessions in the Halal tradition? Go forth and spread the dual messages of prosperity and (((Allah))) back in YOUR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY! You see, the West is done dealing with your bullshit cover ups and bullshit crocodile tears!
Both really as weird as that sounds, they’re extremely similar.
The leftists in western countries tell us we have no culture, or white people should all die off. Haven’t you been paying attention?
Fuck ton of paperwork and money
Initially it was bull horns but if you put a hat underneath and you make the connection between masculinity/virtue and order it's about time to start building obelisks everywhere.
An assyrian is a Syrian faggot who likes to get fucked up his ass?
>not superior modernized baghdadi assyrian
Not repeating myself again kiddo, we hate them most than anyone in the world
Are your women hairy? Are they attractive or untermenshen?
tldr, assyria had by far the greatest army in the world, largest empire as well, king dies, two princes take their halves of the army and fight each other, one wins but assyrian army is weakened for the first time, babylon rebels, unites with the iranians (medes) to march on the assyrian capital, are joined by a roaming horde of scythian horsemen keen on loot, the three of them close in on the assyrian capital, rape every woman, butcher the whole population, put the city to the torch, end assyria as a state forever.
>"Though Nineveh of old was like a pool of water, Now they flee away. 'Halt! Halt!" they cry; But no one turns back. Take spoil of silver! Take spoil of gold! There is no end of treasure, Or wealth of every desirable prize. She is empty, desolate, and waste! The heart melts, and the knees shake; Much pain is in every side, And all their faces are drained of color." Nahum 2:8-10
This confirms my guess of what an assyrian is.
Im aware about that, but why dont your people rise up for your race
Is that why we're only half white and ruled by jews?
Pretty good looking imo
fuck off Moshe
Flag checks out
The Jews won’t let us. We’ll be mocked as conspiracy loonies.
Why are you NOT there then? Why are you OVER HERE soaking up that sweet American dollar? Tell me!
Did we fuck you in the ass or something? Why so butthurt friend
Reminder that Assyrians are bros, having destroyed and enslaved ((their)) country and imposed a heavy tribute.
plz repeat
Becaus its ran by muslims you imbecile, we are christians, they dont like this, is that simple enough for your small brain?
Jews came back to bite us in the ass constantly, they were parasites
Why didn't you eradicate the jews when you guys had the chance? You fucking blew it.
You have to spread the messege, im sure more poeple are becoming aware now
If i was there i wouldve died for it, i blame my ancestors everyday, jews contributed to the fall of the empire
>Pays taxes
>hates sjw bullshit
Wish you'd stay actually.
How do you feel about the kangs trying to steal your heritage?
Says the mutt whose country has been a jewish puppet since ww1 while we always spread thier the truth about them
I was wondering if you get fucked up the ass, as a Syrian.
We are heavy on maintaining ancestral traditions and values dont want my children to go to schools were theyre told its okay to be gay and muslims and jewcand marry people of different races
We were the best at flaying
Yep you must be either muslim or turk, no reason for anyone else to hate us, we are rare
you should read history of the babylonians and the assyrians by george stephen goodspeed
Boxers or Briefs?
Anyone whose not of our origin needs to fuck off, we despise outsiders who try to integrate themselves into our culture
> Claims to be Christian
>Watches his fellow Christians getting killed in unspeakable ways
>Still here collecting money
>Bitching the whole way
Yeah, right! Fuck you!
>Opinion is WTF?!
Yeah, right! Fuck you!
Will do friend
Forgive my ignorance, I'm honestly just curious, but is there any proof you guys are descended from the Assyrians of the Empire days?
A lot of us have been almost totally deracinated. For instance, I live over a day's drive from any of my extended family. My parents didn't go to church or belong to any other social organizations. From 9th grade on, I attended school outside of my neighborhood. Going to college in town was heavily discouraged, as was starting to look for potential spouses before finishing college. I don't talk to most of my neighbors more than once a year, there's no sense of community. Even for my neighbors who attend church there isn't much because they have to commute to church. The only people who seem to have a community are the Mormons, and they're importing Samoans for some reason.
Roaches are Muslim, but I don't understand why you think I hate you.
I try my best to give away for my people, and wtf do you want me to do? Your own women are being cucked as we speak, you culture is is getting trashed on by subhumans, what are you doing about it
Dont know friend seems like your made at something