I want to become Christian but the idea of forgiveness in all sects of Christianity really pisses me off

I want to become Christian but the idea of forgiveness in all sects of Christianity really pisses me off.

You will consistently hear stories of Christian families forgiving murderers and rapists, this is weak and unacceptable and you stand for nothing if you forgive those who do you wrong.

Where did this weakness of Christianity come from?

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If you're too weak to forgive someone, then don't. God's not forcing you.

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its almost like religion requires sacrifice instead of just being a team you join.

Follow the noble 8 fold path, this world is a world of suffering and desire. This is why Jew BS seems off, it's all a lie.

If you are unwilling to forgive, then how can you expect God to forgive you? It is easy to Hate, but great strength is required to forgive someone who has wronged you.

Might be because forgiveness is a meme meant to cuck you.
I grew up studying the bible in a catholic community, K-12.
All it ever came down to was worship of a sandnigger and being a good goy for him, nothing to do with your spiritual strength or communing with the spirits of your ancestors and being closer to your creator.

You can forgive, but you don't NEED to forget >:3c


Then don't be a weak Christian.

you forgive by way of understanding but you don't forget

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>weakness of Christianity

Why do you think it was adapted as a state religion of Roman empire in aftermath of civil wars? Constantine the Great didn't even convert himself until his deathbed, he lived his life as a pagan ruler of christianized subjects-

Buddhism helps your meat space suit carry your soul more efficiently.

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it was a foreign faith forced on our people by roman bureaucrats and war. Designed for no other reason than to instill a victim complex in white people and to destroy our historical belief systems.

The only good thing about Christianity is acted as a loose alliance against the islamic empires.

Christians have been putting murderers and rapists to death for thousands of years. Therefore this isn't a problem with Christianity, it's a problem with these people.

There was - in a way - a good theological reasoning behind it within the context. Those people did forgive the murderers and rapists as they are forgiven today, but at the same time they considered this life to be quite insignificant. They thought that execution was alright punishment, because the real sentence comes from the God anyways. Thus no real harm done. The fucker ends up in paradise if he's sorry for what he did. The appreciation for this one life came with enlightenment and secularization.

You forgive them for their sin but their actions still have consequences like going to prison.

Act of forgiveness needs guilty's man guilt. WIthout sense of guilt and shame of one's doing there can be no forgiveness.

Look up Swedenborgism

>You will consistently hear stories of Christian families forgiving murderers and rapists

ok so literally be angry and seething for the rest of your existence or end up in prison for getting revenge

Yeah, change your mind...Change your life.

Fuck resentment & malevolence.

They lead to psychopathy.

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You only forgive if the one who did you wrong repents. If not, ignore.

The Church is commanded to kick out unrepentant a-holes. Not as altruistic as some believe.

The bible states that it's okay for jews to take an eye for an eye but not their little christ cucks, they're not even real people, they should be slaughtered down to every man child and any girl that has not known a man, then she belongs to the jew as sex slave chattel.

I didn't stop people from fighting though. It never did and it still doesn't.

Just let them into your land, and look away

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dat ass

The "weakness" stems from people trying to compensate for the Old Testament. Yes, God was a pretty crazy guy until his Son told him to chill. However, Christianity isn't the only religion in the world, so people had to one-up the rest in kindness and stuff to make it look more appealing.

>being that fat but still having a flat ass, just with a more cottage cheese look.

You forgive them for they know not what it is they do. They know they do wrong, what they do not know is that they transgress upon the shining pavilion of God. They spit at the Supreme Luminary as they spite a Child of God. You forgive because you are saddened they do not perceive the brilliant and simple truth of righteous behavior.

There are other times though. There are times when the Lord sets loose the Sword and at those times the Children of God are the arms of God. Rightous violence; a time for war.

I hate them with Perfect Hatred. I count them mine enemies.
Psalms 139:22

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Bitch fits in her own skin like one of those cockroach aliens form Men in Black

Remember when you were a kid and you felt like something was off, like religion was a lie? It turns out something was off. Christianity died 50 years ago. Now you and your family are all practicing Gnosticism under the Christian name. No more crusades just hippie love like what you were brainwashed to believe Jesus would want, unless of course we decide to bring crusades back. But that’s beyond my lone power. We have to meme it back together!

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lol dude, Christianity was ALWAYS about the following:

>Unconditional love

If you can't do those, or at least respect those, look elsewhere. Christianity is one of my favorite religions.

Buddhism is amazing, too, but that one requires a LOT of self-sacrifice to the point of not even existing in this world - just the Self. Not my thing.

You are told to forgive however there has to be consquences to the actions of others. Say for example I murdered someone and I go to a priest at confession. As penance (what you are told to do to make amends) you would be told to turn yourself in.