Attorney Client Privelege will not protect Bill and Hillary Clinton

The FBI raid on Trump attorney Michael Cohen is Trump action all the way and mueller is /ourguy/.

Trump paid stormy dainels to dangle herself in front of the media so that mueller could raid cohen's offices and establish precedent for an end run around attorney client privelege.

Why, you ask?

Because Bill and Hillary Clinton have hired basically all their important co-conspirators as attorneys, thus eliminating the possibility of them testifying against them via atty client privelege... or so they thought.

The stormy daniels cohen raid now sets up the second independent council (which is yet to be convened) to raid all the clinton foundation lawyers and fuck them hard and fast.

Screencap this.

Attached: its happening.png (645x362, 179K)

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You sure are insistent on a group Trump loves is criminal

I will be impressed if this is the case

Attached: obummer.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

I hope this is legit. I was thinking this same thing. I just didn't think anyone would have the foresight for such a play.

9d underwater backgammon

Attached: 1516761371152.png (732x518, 394K)

Imagine being this retarded.

Nothing Mueller or Rosenstein have done even begins to point towards them being on Trump's side. They're out to get Trump.

They're going to ask Trump and Cohen to testify. If they don't agree they will get subpoena'd. Cohen will go first. Then Trump. Any inconsistencies will result in perjury and, possibly, obstruction of justice charges.


It will be amazing when both Mueller and Rosenstein both go, "Nope, we didn't find anything and we looked everywhere. We did however find......"

checked and impressed

Kek. that webm.
nice digits too.