Why don't more people who come on Jow Forums show their support for the Azov Regiment?
Azov thread
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why is there so much pro-ukraine shilling on Jow Forums lately?
Is that balaclava standard issue or are they using it to protect their identity? I'm going with the former as they're being openly photographed with their loved ones. Still, that's fucking weird.
Azov does not equal the Ukrainian government.
Identities of course.
Reminder all of Ukraine is rightful AZOV clay
and yet the only thing they've done so far is fight people in the east resisting the western "progressive" order
>Kiev’s round table on problems of migrants in Ukraine discussed a new social project prepared by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine and aimed at promoting tolerant public attitudes towards refugees and asylum seekers.
>The project’s main goal is to turn Ukraine into an inviting place for migrants and humanize Ukrainian society.
>According to President Poroshenko, Ukraine, as a future member of the European Union, is not going to withdraw from its commitments to accept refugees; it will strive to increase their number.
Those freedom fights you speak of are creating nothing more but a proxy state for Russia, Novorussya or whatever it's called. And reminder, i don't hate Russia.
Because they're not ziotards like you, OP.
The only people in this world worth being called our allies.
Azov and the government don't even like each other, the leader of Azov himself already has intentions of running.
What did you just call me?
And Azov are nothing more than an army of some oligarch. Don't be retarded. Both sides there are shit.
AZOV is not the government retard, they are anti EU, Jewish American congress said non of their shill money can end up going to Azov because they're "fascist"
It's members are the most based Nationalists ever
Still (((Jow Forums))) hates them
Azov will be used to finish Putin and his junta
> much pro-ukraine shilling
> board literally inundated with Save Syria threads
You shouldn't blindly hate Russia either however, they are supporting Assad.
I’ve seen your kike long bong nose in every single Azov thread since Saturday. Reposting the same greentext bullshit over and over. Every single time I watch the actually free thinking, research minded, anons destroy you. It’s almost become comical, I bet you sit next to that Thai fag who posts in every Podesta/Pizzagate thread.
Yes, that is true, but trust me. Things are not how you see it. mid-dnr.su
the only good thing about them was that they were rules by russians but not they dont even have that .
1.the amerijews want to make you think that Syria, Russia, Iran, Greece, whites and non jews are evil
2.the azov battalion is not a part of the Ukrainian government, hence all of the refusal to fight the separatists in some area and engage the Russians in others
Dirty hohols
i'll consider supporting them when they drag porky out of his mansion and cut his throat from ear to ear
Don't you have neighbors to bomb?
I hate them because they are hohohohohohohols
it doesn't matter, they are fighting back against a world order that is degenerate and anti white
and they will be tossed away the moment they turn on the government, azov are nothing but cannon fodder for these people
azov are fighting the very people resisting the "progressive" western order, they are cannon fodder for those in power
if you support a western invasion of syria you are supporting the expansion of an anti white global order
>free thinking anons
lmao. they are falling for the same propaganda that encouraged these right wing ukrainians to fight for a system that wants to replace them with arabs and blacks
i come to these threads to spread awareness, got a problem?
So they are anti gov aka anti kike soros plans
and they are not engaging in fights against novorussiya?
Where and what are they fighting?
I don't hate Russia, but they only care for their own interests when it comes to this stuff.
Oh a sovereign nation cares for it's own interests and not the kikes? damn.
>claim to be white nationalist NatSoc
>fight for literal dual-citizen Jews
> azov
>cannon fodder
Are u slow ?
Azov doesn't aimlessly sit around waiting to get killed like the Ukrainian army, they retreat and have good leadership or don't even show up to obvious planned situations
Azov are the only group in all of Ukraine who has gained territory back against russians
and? i'm not claiming they are the white imperium, what i'm saying is that they are fighting back against an anti white world order and deserve our support over these ukrainian puppets
Well, yeah...
Stop watching RT.
Because Russia is paying shills to change the consensus and the useful idiots are more than willing to fo the dirty work for others.
You shill up every Azov/National Corps thread, without fail. Each time I’ve asked you directly you showcase evidence from the horses mouth either Biletsky or National Corps, Azov, anyone from their movement speaking in favor or EU style immigration, homosexuality acceptance, and every other pro liberal bullshit agenda you try and paint them as being. So I ask again faggot, post the evidence directly from them. Not from your faggot “sources close to” articles or any other bullshit, post the facts, do it. I’ll wait.
>arab cutthrouts next to the sonnenrad symbol
they're only allowed to exist because they fight the separatists, the moment they turn against the government they will be disbanded
>Azov are the only group in all of Ukraine who has gained territory back against russians
well that's just false, they are a tiny part of the ukrainian army
plotnitsky isn't a jew lmao he literally called out the jews for maidan
>In June 2015, Plotnitsky told an audience at a Russian university that Ukraine's Euromaidan revolution was masterminded by a cabal of Jews, and that the name "Euromaidan" was really "Evreimaidan", which translates from Russian to "Jewmaidan".[35] He also referred to President Petro Poroshenko as "Valtzman" (there is an unproven urban legend that Poroshenko's father was actually named Valtzman until he adopted his wife's last name[36]).[35] In the speech he also said "I have nothing against the Jews as a people, as the 'Chosen People,' we can talk about this separately if we have the time".[35] Jewish leaders commenting on his remarks agreed they were anti-Semitic.[35] The Anti-Defamation League also condemned Plotnitsky.[35]
i never claimed that they support liberal shit, i said they fight for a government that does. azov is merely a way to get right wing ukrainians to fight for an ideology that hates them
Uh oh... I see a shit tone of Anaconda tributes.....
Alright, you got me there, but Azov doesn't like their government either.
>- It’s connected with the previous question pretty much but I will elaborate. During the hot phase of war in the East there were several different nationalist organizations operating at the same time. Some of these got fragmentized which led to the creation of the Azov battalion. At one point before the Azov battalion was formed there was an opportunity for the Right Sector to turn against the government but due to different factors it didn’t happen. So right now we have to strengthen our position because there is a high risk we might be compromised by the government. Anyway, by the time of Azov’s formation we saw that the Kremlin tried to take advantage of the turbulent situation and occupy Ukrainian territories in the East. Since many Azov fighters, both Russian and Ukrainian, stem from the Donbass area it was natural to resist the occupation and put a halt to Kremlin’s plans. Also, a coup against the government had to be extensively planned and executed with precision, which was not possible at the time being. Now we wait for the next election which probably will be held in 2019. Most likely we will have a good result and the government will then use dirty tricks against us, which will give us a pretext to go out on the streets and instigate a revolution. We are on the march to power and we will either have to get there by parliament or by other means.
Post evidence of them being used on such capacity, go ahead. You’ve replied to every single user here with nice pics and graphs supporting your message about Azov, post something that backs up your claim they’re using them as cannon fodder, zog foot soldiers, etc. Come on bong, I’m waiting.
we dont get enough action , bibi is considering getting involved in ukraine .
>they're only allowed to exist because they fight sepatists
No shit retard, because the Ukrainian army is absolutely useless
>"well that's just false"
name any group who has gained territory, they have to be the majority aswell, not 99% azov fighters and like 2 ukr
>wanting shoah 2.0
>supporting Jew-funded orgs
how is this board even real
a right wing coup against the government in ukraine would isolate the country leaving it to be eaten by russia. i support this plan
post evidence of them fighting separatists?
the entire ukrianian army, are you nuts? azov are not the only people doing the fighting
Interview with AZOV representative
> Are you trying to reinstate this Volksgemeinschaft into the Ukrainian people?
- We are, even if we don’t state it explicitly in our program. For us, this includes a focus on traditional values, defense against cultural Marxism and so on. For instance, we have a program specifically aimed at family politics. Moreover, the National Corps Party is established in every major Ukrainian city and we arrange youth camps in these cities, we try to invest in the future. For us its not merely about securing a future voter base but we want to form a new generation, which will not be poisoned neither by some post-Soviet ideological mutations nor by the neo-liberalism and cultural Marxism coming in from the West, because of the conflict with Russia.
AZOV are the only people doing the winning, members are trained and actually use the equipment they have
Unlike shitty UKR army which gets everything siezed
Ukraine should look like this.
t. Jew
Jow Forums is poisoned by roosterboos with their "putin is the savior of white race" and other shit.
Lmfao, always the same people in these threads shilling for azov larpers. Only missing the scandi-cuck.
None one knows what that is.
More like someone who knows history
This. The enemy of your enemy is not your friend. Putin is just as shit as ZOG
But he does support Assad, which is good.
How about this instead?
lol, anti-azov ones always the same
for example
this one, also (You), and this one They always have the same pictures and messages.
i understand that azov is against cultural marxism and so on. however their nationalism is being used to fight the very people resisting this agenda
anyone who thinks ukraine can be independent from the great powers is out of their mind
>one battilion is doing all the winning against the entire NAF
i don't even need to explain why that's a retarded statement
i prefer the 1939 borders
enjoy dying for a global order that hates you, retard
>russia: enacts policy to increase native birthrate to combat population decline
>ukraine: prepares country for migrant influx to replace dying ukrainians with blacks and arabs
totally the same
that's because it's the same person, me
Thats a good first step.
Thats a good first step.
Stop bitching and name these groups who are gaining ground against Russians u fag
>hehehe ur stupid azov isn't the only ones winning
>literally cannot link anything of another group
Stop dodging facts u jew
>also (You)
first time posting, while the mykolas from ireland, states and scandinavia always show up with their low quality garbage every thread
Putin IS the ZOG
Find a video where the Ukrainian army isn't getting completely fucked sideways and I might believe u
Who is that in the photo?
Their unit is full of former IDF soldiers with ukrainian citizenship.
Literary ukrainians mongrels larping as jews who larp as nazis so they can kill some goys.
Prove it.
>>russia: enacts policy to increase native birthrate to combat population decline
While giving billions to Chechnya and inviting millions of Central Asians in. He also pushed for some of the most repressive hate speech laws in the world. Yeah, great fucking guy.
This just happened. Stop riding Putin's dick.
How about a good last step?
because they are stupid faggots larping as nazis, paid by a jew.
ukrainian ground forces, obviously
>posting pictures of thots
classic tactics
central asians are guest workers and their numbers are declining
>low quality garbage
Says the faggot who has nothing to say, u are like an unpaid JIDF member who happens to not even know what the thread is about
Because they're morons that fight for SOROS!
Give me a link
Illegal Central Asian immigrants are always arriving in Russia.
Prove it.
The photo shows Pavel Chaika after a 9-hour fight for Donetsk Airport. He's a soldier of 79th Air Assault Brigade, Full Cavalier of the Order "For Courage"(there's only 3 full cavaliers of this Order during the War on the East)
>non nudes
pick 1
Murderers who started the war in Ukraine on behalf of the United States and Israel?
Support them? No thanks.
Do your research, tards.
They're a glorified brigade for oligarchs fighting over factories lmao.
Any time they saw real combat they got absolutely asswhooped by based Donbass miners and tractor drivers.
I unironically do. (((Novorossiya))) is cancer.