German war crimes

Balkan shitposting thread got me thinking, are Americans and others really so ignorant about WW2 history and the actions of Germans?
Half of my grandpa's family was slaughtered by men of this unit, they were Germans from Yugoslavia who joined SS after we were invaded.
These ''knights'' of Aryan race mostly spent war slaughtering other Yugoslav civilians.
There was some other Croat in the thread whose family also suffered at their hands.
Do you know how many families in Eastern Europe have stories like this?
It wasn't Jews or communists who made us think like that. Germans acted like absolute Mongols in Eastern Europe. People could see that with their own eyes. Do you really think all of them are lying? It was 70 years ago, not 5 centuries ago.
Why are you so fixated on stuff like Holocaust, but you totally ignore the majority of victims of Nazis, who were Christian Europeans?
I could get that you don't see Slavs as ''white'' or whatever, but most of you claim some European brotherhood and shit, so how are you praising both Slavs and men who butchered us like cattle?

Attached: 7th SS.png (2000x2422, 275K)

Other urls found in this thread:

germans are responsible for what's happening in Europe now.

In the last few days ive seen a disturbing amount of anti semitic speech. I usually just browse but you fucktards got the game fucked up so i must ponder a notion. In these current times the obsession with discrimination against blacks has made you millennial skinny arm liberal fgts overlook the abhorrent and chronic discrimination against Jews for over 90 years, ending in the 80s -- that recently! "But, theyre taking over now!" No, theyre surviving. Why are there so many Jewish hospitals? Because Jews were banned from all hospitals. Why Jewish law firms? Because they couldn't get jobs as lawyers in regular law firms. There are neighborhoods throughout the country in which Jews could not buy homes.The amazing question is why Jews remained so dignified and productive in the face of all this hatred and disrespect. A lesson others might learn from them (BLACK). And these people just didnt take a few bullwhips, pick a few cottons. They lived through the harshest of human torment, conditions which in this day n age is beyond anyones imagination. From darkness to surviving, and then mastering survival to become the bosses of earth. Dont hate the player, hate the game. On earth only the strong survive, only the enlightened master it. Id bet some nignogs, muslims, and a few of you would love to aquire that willpower and ability. Im not Jewish but I damn sure respect them!

Because Jews are the ones with the high IQ and large collections of assets and positions of power in the media in the USA and western Europe.

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new pasta


Sorry wrong pic meant to post this one

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I wouldn't go so far but their conduct in WW2 was quite atrocious.

Half of the people living here are subhumans.
You can't argue against that.

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Nazis were the most degenerate group in existence. Truly the niggers of europe

Attached: nazis subhumans.png (1384x1155, 340K)

I also respect them but that won't stop me from making jokes about them. Many of the most brilliant people I have ever known are Jews.

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