Why are Hungarians so dumb and gross?
Honestly they should all get genocided so other superior nationalities (Austrians, Czechs, Serbians) can settle there
Why are Hungarians so dumb and gross?
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I wonder who is behind this confrotation between Poland and Hungary.
better than toilet cleaning low IQ poles
t. Hungarian living in Sweden
Next time just mention Romania and Trianon. That should do the trick.
we arent gross just dumb.
once viktor drained everyone like a kike vampire we will all die from hunger and you can move in to take our land.
Probably that "Polish" Poland hater, Marcel or whatever we called him.
Polaks are hilarious..... hilariously stupid
They were the first nation to lay down the shackles of communism. You on the other hand begged Russia not to abandon you.
>1 in 4 of the polish women with children in the uk have a baby daddy that's a nigger or paki/indian
slavs aren't human I'm a superior nord. KYS faggot pole
>>(Gypsies) first appeared in Hungary in the 14th and 15th
>>Gypsy groups were even granted privileges, first under King Sigismund(1387-1437) and King Matthias(1458-1490), right up to the beginning of the 18th century.
>>Maria Theresa enacted a decree prohibiting the use of the name "Gypsy" and requiring the terms "new peasant" and "new Hungarian" to be used instead.
>>She placed restrictions on Gypsy marriages,ordered gypsy children to be taken away from Gypsies, so that they could be raised in hungarian "burgeouis" or "peasant" families.
>> Joseph II prohibited use of the Gypsy language in 1783.
>Gypsy population end up assimilating in Hungarian society, in 19th century
>new wave of Gypsy immigration in the second half of the 19th century
Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Budapest, 2004
Junker, I thought Poland hated you.
Who's Marcel?
Mind redpill'g me my fellow kekibro?
dear 'fellw poles'
those ukrainian girls working our balls are cheap aren't they, i'm glad we imported them
i like having slave class in my country, i think i will keep them
also - hungarians are brotier
> Most of the 21,000 children born to Polish mothers in 2012 had Polish father; but of the rest, 23% had African or Asian fathers
> 23% of the rest
> not 23% total
>1 in 4 of the polish women with children in the uk have a baby daddy that's a nigger or paki/indian
Why should i care? Im neither Polish nor a woman
Shit bait, and Sweden is brown and degenerate.
>shit bait
> Im neither Polish...
imagine my shock
"Romanian" is their politically correct name nowadays
The absolute faggot who keeps whining about "poland is actually german, fucken libtard lol xd" and all that nice shit. Posting pics of old trade routes. You've honestly never come across Marcel?
Stopped reading there.
>Im neither Polish
don't call me your kekibro, immigrating faggot.
I only come to this shitty board to shitpost actually, I dont even lurk outside my threads
I've been here for generations
Got me there, Kovács. If that's the case, there's many more Romanians in Hungary than in the actual country ;)
>Im neither Polish nor a woman
checks out no wonder you hate Hungarians
He's pretty easy to spot in threads about Poland, he always posts maps of 15th century trade routes and calls you a white trash rube if you disagree with him.
piss off and die
you are dumb and gross ukraine fagg go to your home hoho take aids and take your whores with you
Hi mister hohol man. You are not Polish you faggot. No real Pole would say something like that.
Based Pole is redpilled on the Magyar Question!
take care for shit from us good job. germany go to sleep and make your wet dream come true
Shut the shit up and go clean toilets in Germany you good-for-nothing subhuman fucking monkey.
>t. khokhol khokholenko
You have to go back and get shelled in Donbass.
fuck off back to ukraine nigger
Visiting fathers grave Trudeau?
why u need a rat in ukraine ?
I second this. Also Trianon!
I'm Norwegian, don't go to Norway to clean toilets. I shit you not, I respect Ugandan niggers more than poles.
They sometimes show empathy towards people who aren't alike them. Poles just fucking leech wherever they are.
eastern european men are about the only real men left in the world.
enjoy getting stabbed then
What? By whom?
>tfw you realize jobbikfags are just fags