Greek men can't stop literally sucking refugee cock
Greek men can't stop literally sucking refugee cock
they are just having some bum fun its no biggie
is the vice reporter he or she? i honestly cant tell
Some Greek traditions never seem to die it seems
southern European =/= white
they're literally just blowing their own kin
Greeks have always been faggots, why is this news?
even in Ancient Greece fucking boys was not mainstream, let alone sucking the dick of one.
Right, ok.
we call them gayreeks for a reason. it's in their blood.
Hey turk, watch the vid its exclusively other arabs and muslims paying for their services.
gayreece is where your entire civilization founded. no wonder you all are pussified cuckold boys
says a muslim greek
haha fucking greko*ds
pic related is from yesterday
and you're 3rd world with a georgian laz asshole as leader who cucked everyone.
Old habits die hard
faggots gonna fag.
same thing happens with old women and feminists.
I bet the tourist was male.
Swallowing loads in Rhodes
Sucking dicki in Thessaloniki
Eating ass in Hellas
the epitome of greek men
If refugees don't like the Greek way of life, they can go back to their muslim shitholes.
Pic says tourist was a her
>at no point in the interview does she ask "have you considered going back to the shithole where you belong?"