Die for Israel
Die for Israel
>everything is DA JOOOOS
I feel sorry for you stormfags. I really do.
before storm
We have all died for Israel in 1945
Made me think
Didn't the guy responsible for the geopolitical situation favoring the creation of Israel come from your country?
Sir yes sir! Amerisrael first! Make Amerisrael Greater Again!
You know Israel was effectively handed over to the Jews at the end of WW1 right?
So the possibility of losing his position as president is worth going to war over?
The FBI raiding his lawyers office was the straw that broke the camels back
The endless Israel meme was/is spread by bots and idiots. Israel is a cunt nation with whiny cunt citizens and a cunt government, but they arent omnipotent gods controlling every part of your life and government you fat fucks.
The obvious lie of this Kremlin disinformation campaign is that Assad has a very evil reason to use illegal nuclear weapons on innocent men women and children - it's to terrify and terrorize the survivors so there will never be another uprising. He also hasn't won yet, because the people fighting for their freedom haven't given up the hope that Trump will make good on his campaign promise to finish the Syrian war. Putin also has an evil reason to use Syria as a proxy for his banned chemical weapons. If the West does not stop him now, he believes he can get away with dropping nerve gas on populated areas of Europe and become one of the most hated, reviled villain in the new millennium.
I remember when the Russian Web Brigades memed for months that Hillary was gonna trigger WWIII with her no-fly zone over Syria. Draft Our Daughters, too.
Then Turkey deliberately shoots down a Russian fighter jet. Putin writes a sternly worded letter, but apologizes in private. A Turkish man shoots the Russian ambassador, a friend of Putin's in cold blood, Putin writes another sternly worded letter.
Russia has been killing civilians in Syria instead of ISIS. ISIS grows in strength and finally bombs a Russian passenger jet full of civilians out of the sky (kinda like the one Putin had shot down over Ukraine). Putin writes a sternly worded letter, but he also starts attacking ISIS in addition to slaughtering innocent men women and children with banned chemical weapons.
Trump finds out about Putin and Assad's war crimes and bombs the shit out of an airbase with cruise missiles. Not exactly a "no-fly zone" that those lying Russians claimed would start WWIII, but enough to get Putin to write another sternly worded letter. If Trump takes charge of the situation and takes these war criminals out, the world will be on his side.
Oh, yeah. Inb4 Putinbots
>fuck off kike
>meme flag
>is worth going to war over?
Stopping the war criminals Putin and Assad is worth going to war over.
I'll die protecting Israel.
>Assad has a very evil reason to use illegal nuclear weapons on innocent men women and children - it's to terrify and terrorize the survivors so there will never be another uprising. He also hasn't won yet, because the people fighting for their freedom haven't given up the hope that Trump will make good on his campaign promise to finish the Syrian war. Putin also has an evil reason to use Syria as a proxy for his banned chemical weapons.
I hope you're trolling.
>keep memeing about americans fighting and dying for israel
>based trump literally does it
Flag checks out
what did she mean by this?
Ok, but kys and Russia, too, pls.
>I hope you're trolling.
wtf I love socialism now
What a cohencidence
>Die for Israel
Man when Trump institutes the draft to get enough troops to go to war with the entire middle east, Jow Forums is going to go ape shit.
The funny thing is that him doing this is not going to change his standing with these cunts.
The only standing Trump cares about is his standing with the Jews. The Jews want Syria and Iran gone.