Cumfake requests

I've been wanting to make some more cumshops but I haven't noticed any compelling request threads.
So post here if you're too pussy to make a thread requesting a cumshop. I probably won't do more than 3 or 4 so be sure to post a cute girl or a good quality picture to increase your chances.

Attached: (640x1136, 122K)

Attached: vpv6EaYSi8k.jpg (1124x1430, 400K)

Give her a cum bath

Attached: 5BC796F6-8A59-4FBF-9D12-7EF27354FFD8.jpg (1242x970, 242K)

would love to get one like the op only shes about to do her first cumwalk

Attached: 308985_2256448645652_1279619730_n.jpg (720x960, 56K)

OP here, this is the quality of picture I am requesting of you.

Attached: 47911_wilde66_122_549lo.jpg (1599x1199, 169K)

Okay maybe not THAT high quality but still something better than a shitty cellphone picture.
I'll be out for a few hours so feel free to dump whoever you want, I'll start to it afterward.

Attached: nat.jpg (720x480, 50K)

Attached: P0Y_OYxMInU.jpg (1080x1080, 75K)

I can also do faceswaps or pic related, but they're more likely to look bad.
Be sure to specify what you want in the request!

Attached: belle2.jpg (1500x1292, 297K)

cover her face with cum please. any pic

Could you cover her in cum?

Attached: 2221_534447186398_4861_n.jpg (514x425, 39K)

Cumshop this chick. If possible, shape the shadow like the cock that came on her. Please

Attached: IMG_20190515_191511.jpg (1080x1344, 306K)

Glaze this honeyed Slav please

Attached: IMG_20190428_184314.jpg (1080x1663, 488K)

Attached: 20180811_1552392~2.jpg (982x1418, 368K)

Can you cover her, please?

Attached: tumblr_ol4yh6nzf71tdh4ddo3_1280.jpg (1280x853, 169K)

Give her a mouthful and a face full please

Attached: IMG_20190426_171049.jpg (1080x1188, 187K)


Attached: IMG_20181008_205631.jpg (1280x960, 193K)

pic related please

Attached: v32ghs.png (880x1179, 1.25M)

I would love to see her covered in cum

Attached: c4bcf2d2-34b2-4934-91b6-36f49d88589c.jpg (1231x1280, 272K)

Could you do a bukkake?

Attached: G21.jpg (539x609, 232K)

Attached: G45.jpg (450x543, 240K)

Attached: G23.jpg (1784x1944, 1.62M)


Attached: 420.png (1080x1920, 1.15M)

Attached: G22.jpg (806x734, 321K)

Would love to see cum dripping down from her mouth and across her tits. Or a blowjob fake would be awesome too but those are pretty difficult

Attached: 85AE99D6-93DC-4A95-8AA0-8B75850253F4.png (1080x1080, 1.59M)

Attached: Screenshot_20180313-195837-555x948.png (555x948, 1.03M)

Attached: InstaSave.jpg (1080x809, 98K)

Cover her

Wow post more!

I wish Someone could show me a dingo


Attached: E34F5CA4-C5E6-46F4-8174-9EC45E103A59.jpg (1080x1079, 227K)

Attached: 50477BBF-68D4-40CF-84D8-F763F358C988.jpg (908x1076, 125K)

Attached: C9UhQuAXkAQuQj4.jpg (900x1200, 73K)

Attached: SmartSelect_20190512-201146_Gallery.jpg (1032x1502, 685K)

Attached: Resized_Snapchat-1357304870.jpg (930x1916, 90K)

Attached: Stare.jpg (1072x1346, 564K)

Attached: vsco5b844d9178d88.jpg (892x1031, 212K)

Do what you want with this slut

Attached: Ek004.jpg (1104x1080, 556K)

OP never did shit, dead thread

Attached: 201710151156181134_sbig.jpg (940x1254, 229K)

Attached: Capture.png (304x485, 309K)

Attached: 10392352_684730964964974_2840674576987172985_n.jpg (720x960, 77K)

Glaz her.

Attached: 31180130_10209589116004346_1220630070595420160_n.jpg (1080x1920, 160K)


im not the op, but here you go

Attached: iamnottheop.jpg (1599x1199, 509K)

Also not op.

Attached: 34663.jpg (1080x1920, 546K)

Thank you. :)

could you do her?

Attached: 50832979_83542821_511_n.jpg (900x900, 81K)

Quick one

Attached: 1234124.jpg (900x900, 255K)

This is decent work! Bad nobody requested it though

thanks! very nice for a quicky!
is it also possible to ad a cock?

How about Ruby?

Attached: therealrubyr_2___BuPprPdlcl____.jpg (1080x1080, 137K)


Attached: cocked.jpg (900x900, 265K)

Attached: 545C9063-3F9E-4830-9FAF-92059BE59F5A.jpg (750x922, 540K)

thank you very much


Attached: FCB646E5-0B76-42CA-B3D5-397D74CC8E3C.jpg (500x500, 241K)

Attached: IMG_5626.png (639x797, 951K)

her pls

Attached: anzjEQ-g6uc.jpg (576x576, 75K)

Attached: cocked2.jpg (500x500, 185K)

Attached: EEEC03EA-8969-4F74-A7D7-103D4CA3203C.jpg (828x839, 184K)

Attached: EAD67421-D2F4-47D4-85B8-0D2BC6CF84CA.jpg (794x782, 194K)

Attached: 15160405817.jpg (640x640, 61K)

Attached: cocked3.jpg (639x797, 235K)

Attached: a (1).jpg (536x730, 385K)

Attached: image.png (484x862, 627K)

Attached: unknown (19).png (490x903, 681K)

Bump for all of em

not op

Attached: 1558021942645 copy.jpg (750x922, 433K)

tried this too

Attached: chloe-amour-12 copy.jpg (1280x853, 355K)

still not op

Attached: blue.jpg (640x640, 216K)

please cover carly


Attached: kDMwSEq.jpg (612x612, 92K)


Attached: nottheop2.jpg (1280x960, 518K)

Please do her ;)

Attached: Screenshot_20180920-082908_2.jpg (720x1021, 104K)


Attached: 16123043_1898250190387622_7599454071992352768_n.jpg (750x937, 98K)

Please do her

Attached: SmartSelect_20190512-201128_Gallery.jpg (1031x1365, 564K)

Attached: 1558023648473 copy.jpg (828x839, 347K)

Attached: Screenshot_2017-07-08-15-11-26-1.png (480x599, 305K)

Got drunk and last night and really dropped the ball.

Attached: tampo.jpg (1280x853, 172K)


Fake snapchat cumfake?

Attached: ash4.png (740x960, 1.13M)

There you go
I feel you man.

Attached: cummed2.jpg (750x937, 291K)

Attached: tampy.jpg (856x643, 132K)

Nice, thanks!
How do you make these?

please Tempo!

Attached: 0000.jpg (2200x3456, 4.21M)

Figured I could try something different out :P hopefully other shoppers dont mind me using their content

Attached: Covershop.jpg (500x709, 347K)

Cumshop plz

Attached: 56E77DC0-2532-48A9-9D7C-FD8FDC425967.png (1125x2436, 4.84M)

Plz cumshop

Attached: D2C195D0-9870-45D7-AAE9-81A4DD8BCF0C.png (1125x2436, 3.84M)

Pls do it

Attached: Screenshot_20190516-213033__01.jpg (1080x1067, 228K)

Attached: PSFix_20190516_120505.jpg (2448x3264, 336K)

OP will surely deliver...

Attached: 546546.jpg (952x960, 82K)

Attached: PSFix_20190516_121642.jpg (1080x2220, 114K)

OP here do you have any templates for these? I've never been able to find good DVD cover templates

Weird, that wasn't my image....

Attached: 4513218.jpg (960x960, 139K)

i never found any full cover templates, but have been making small templates out of brand names and dvd titles and then assembling the cover with those and the fake that was being used

Attached: 1445495561681.jpg (946x1362, 207K)

Got a few, but they are pretty choppy since I saved em after I added the pics.

adultdvdempire has a lot of covers, used it for pretty much all of these shops

Attached: Cover.png (500x709, 549K)

Attached: Cover (2).png (425x613, 339K)

Attached: Cover (5).png (500x709, 289K)

Attached: 2525.jpg (960x960, 378K)