Why do you feel the need to purity spiral?
Is it wrong that I masturbate to black on black porn? When I try and watch any other type I recognize them as humans and become self conscious of what I'm doing.
also shit thread OP
You’re acting as if this isn’t a problem
Why do jews, faggots, 56%'ers, women and civcucks feel the need to complain about purity?
I don’t know. To me you’re either white or not. But I’ve seen threads complaining about who’s more white
Most purity spiralers aren't even white, I'm not joking, it's a strange phenomena. Turks who call slavs non-white, nordicist Pajeets etc.
Mexicans aren't white.
> a strange phenomena
>meme flag
Does it look like I have a Mexican flag?
do you really want an honest answer to that question?