Okay, sure. >In Feb and March London had more murders than New York City, the trashiest city in America >There's been at least 35 stabbings this year alone >the murder rate has been increasing at least 40 percent over the past three years >your retarded form of government is actually discussing regulating who can manufacture and sell knives online >Your tool of a mayor was hailed for ending "stop and frisk" policies because "muh islamaphobia" but now has to reinstate it because everyone is getting stabbed.
Pic related. It's your retarded police force confiscating hand tools and acting like it's equivalent to taking guns from street gangs
you aren't allowed to carry a knife, police can stop and search you any time they like, you can't buy knives online or have them delivered, you aren't allowed to have fighting knives, you have to be IDd when you buy a knife, you will probably go to prison for a long time if you use a knife for self defence, but at least you can still butter your crumpets!