It's becoming hard to focus on my career when everyone under 30 thinks we are less than 10 years away from either a...

It's becoming hard to focus on my career when everyone under 30 thinks we are less than 10 years away from either a huge war or total economic collapse. Why am I working such long hours when specialized jobs could disappear in a matter of years?

Any other millennials share this feel?

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to invest in precious metals, digital assets, or preparation efforts?

get a job that's in demand regardless of the situation. learn how to grow food, or fix something, or build something, or do first aid

save as much money as you can. don't pend foolishly. When either of those things happen, lots of opportunity pops up if you have the money for it.

Sure digital assets will survive a total collapse or war.


we will die anyway
i will end my life if it gets unbearable

Just do your job and take life one day at a time. Every generation so far thought they might be the last. A good nation needs good citizens, do your best to be one.

>falling for the its happenning meme

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Everyone's a newfag once in their life.

What kind of dog is that?

Look how happy the people with good careers are. You could be one of them if you put in 20 years of hard work.

It actually might be happening. I am 25, and all of my friends are fellow college grads. We work full time and live financially independent. All of us know we are screwed once our generation starts to gain political control. For one, we are all so specialized into a single skill (and were raised to think this way), we lack the big picture mindset to make decisions for society at large.

We are also 100% politically radicalized one way or the other thanks to social media, although we have enough social skills to pretend otherwise until SHTF and we take sides. It all comes out when people get really drunk... I remember during the College Football National Championship hearing people my age screaming death threats and throwing shit at the projector screen when Trump walked on the field. These people (who are young professionals 5 days a week) think this way all day and choose to contain those thoughts... for now.

No other generation has been this insane. Our parents thought they would end the concept of war itself with sex, drugs and rock and roll. We are seem ready to start slaughtering each other as soon as it's socially justified.

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Meh, imma wing it

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listen to this pirate

Trannies, faggots, and soyboys can't fight for shit.


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They are but a small part of the whole that will comprise the coming shitshow.

get the fuck out with your shit post

Amass resources necessary for the survival of yourself and your children.
Best would be to own a self sustainable island with nice cozy bunker and far away from any military targets or possible hordes of hungry retards.

That costs billion or two of dollars.
But the principle is similar even if you can only buy some small shack in a wooded mountain near a clean stream of water and far from urbanized areas.
In best case scenario you can use to retire or as a vacation house that your kids can inherit.
Worse comes to worse you increase your chances of survival by a large margin compared to city dwelling corporate cuck normies with nothing to fall back on and no resources.

This, or better yet, take it up as a hobby. I'm going to start volunteering work hours at mountain permaculture growing food at high elevation and indoors capable of surviving extreme winters. You will likely pick up some other skills on the way too as far as carpentry/electrical work general construction.

the future jobs will require experience with ammunition and WMDS. ceos will be replaced with Warlords- MBAS with MIAS - PhDs with Uzis - Poiticians with bullet holes. Minimum wagers with 12 gagers.

its time to adapt- the future is calling

murdercube please go back to Jow Forums

>screaming death threats and throwing shit at the projector screen when Trump walked on the field
that is just soyboys virtue signalling
once a real fight starts they will piss themselves

I read somewhere that the next age is hypothesized as the Age of Caesars. Democracy will cease to exist, and the world will be ruled by wealthy, benevolent dictators who compete to convince the masses to join their empires. Trump is supposed to be the first taste of this.... which has honestly felt better than the other 24 years of my life under Clinton/Bush/Obama so far.

Yeah I'm 23 and have had a murderous rage inside of me for I'd say 3 months now.

The only way I get through my day is thinking about buying a Toyota Hilux and AK 47 and leading a platoon of people to restore the values of the founding fathers.

I think the next time Democrats get into power, there will be another civil war.
Unfortuneately, I think China will also invade upon hearing this and I think the US as we know it only has a 1% chance of surviving.

I would love the thought of somehow becoming the "Protecter of the Values of the Founding" and declaring myself all powerful above every branch of government with "Amendment 0".

My power would be this...
I can write or destroy any law that I deem contradictory to the Founder's intention anytime. My power is all encompassing and can't be blocked. My word is literally law.
But, my power dies when I die and can't be transferred.

I figure if the group of rebels I lead somehow win the war, we will institute the exact same laws that we have now and the exact same system we have now.

The only things I would change are...
Abolishing the NSA
Repealing FOSTA
Legal to buy Kinder Eggs in the US
Legal to buy Weed
Legal to purchase contact lenses without an Optomotrist Prescription
No universal healthcare of any kind

Then I would become the all powerful leader and make sure no more crony capitalism sneaks it's way in.

My title won't replace the president.
Everything and everyone would function as normal but I would have a new job in the White House and would employ my power extremely rarely and seldomly. I'll just be waiting and watching politics everyday. No other responsibilities.

Lift weights and buy guns

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Sure, no civilization has ever collapsed before. Your's doesn't have anywhere to collapse to.

>I can write or destroy any law that I deem contradictory to the Founder's intention anytime. My power is all encompassing and can't be blocked. My word is literally law.
That was the original intention of the Supreme Court I think

btw I voted for Trump and think he's doing an OK job.
The omnibus bill was terrible, and FOSTA, and the Net Neutrality decision was terrible but other than those, he hasn't pissed me off.

I'm just sick of both Republicans and Democrats thinking it's ok to write laws that contradict amendments of the Constitution. (Having to be 21 to buy a rifle, thinking the NSA is good, eroding 1st amendment rights with FOSTA, crony capitalism with the Kinder egg issue and the contact lens issue)

you will also want to disband the CIA/FBI and replace it with something directly controlled by the executive branch that can't make trillions of dollars disappear to build military bases 3 miles below the surface

Kinder Eggs isnt crony capitalism my dude. It's a FDA requirement.

With the exception of popsicle sticks or other holding devices, you cannot hide something inedible inside of something edible.

This. As someone old enough to remember going through nuclear attack drills in elementary school, this Syria bullshit is nothing. Chill the fuck out and stop looking for excuses for your NEETism. Go get a damn job.

If you haven't assembled at least one ar15, purchased 1k rounds of .223, and 10 magpul mags: you are a fucking idiot. This can easily be done for $800 total.


At what point would you consider the US Government as an entity that should be "reset"?

Would you go to war to restore the values of the America?
Or would you want to institute some other method of government (communism or something)?

What would it take for you to literally pick up a gun and fight? (If you ever would)

i'm 59 and it's always been that way
ignore it and press on with your life
entities in the " news business " are always going to inflame and inflate the importance of non events and non stories
that's the " business " side of their profession
stop adjusting your life by it

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So long as you use that money to buy some guns and ammo you aren't wasting your time.

I imagine people in 1910s Imperial Russia said the same about the whiny starving commies before they used the empire's moment of weakness during WWI to seize control and kill 30-50 million of them. Then hide this fact from history books.

It's crony capitalism because lobbyists from Mars candy corporation convinced some law makers to put that into law.

Nestle had some candy out that was selling well and Mars wanted to shut them down.
They did that through law.

That's crony capitalism.

Don't act like half the people here aren't fat/skelly useless neet faggots.

Ignore weights, focus on cardio. You need stamina and endurance and more muscle just means more oxygen is needed. Run, run run. Buy a treadmill if you haven't already.

I've heard some patriots on Jow Forums saying that the red line in the sand is a federal ban on all semi-automatic guns.

This is the point at which the people could no longer bring a formidable resistance to tyranny.

That is when it will be time for blood.

if robots can learn how to do surgery or atleast it can be done remotely by robots, surely that can occur for these other jobs

Why not?
Any electrical engineer worth their salt can make a 5v 1a charger with a USB mini cable, some nails, copper wire and a sack of potatoes.

Field manuals on plants, chemistry, first aid, and other information will be invaluable.

Nestle can sell any kind of candy they want as long as they don't hide toys in the middle of it.

Does nestle chocolate taste so terrible that they can't compete with fucking MARS unless they use gimmicks to bait children??

They still make and sell Kinder Joy, which is still chocolate and a toy. The toy just isn't INSIDE the chocolate.

Yeah. 9/11. 2012. People talking about economic collapse and world war. I dont see a point. The jews fucked this world up.

think of it this way, you can use the money from your job to prep and survive habbening

It's already happening then, bud.

It's against the constitution to not allow a US citizen to buy a gun.

Florida made it law to where 18, 19 and 20 year old US ADULT CITIZENS cannot buy a gun.
Why is that ok?

Either make "Legal Adulthood" 21 and make it to where you are literally legally a child until 21, or this law is fundamentally unconstitutional and the day the US is dying.

There are literally 2nd class citizens written into the law.

The whole point of America was to make sure there was not a caste system imposed on the people.

We would have to see something like Kroger/Publix/Hyvee etc. running out of food and closing down. Public utilities failing and not coming back up in large areas. Honestly just losing internet for 30+ continuous days would be a big enough mindfuck for everyone under 40 to think it's time to resort to extreme measures.

I would only fight someone who attacked me first.

Your generation didn't have the internet. We have 14-18 year olds browsing here learning about their world leaders raping/killing/sacrificing infants and bragging about it with pop culture symbolism. These kids will not spend a moment of their adult lives with faith in their government or the economic system it offers us.

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I focus on my career so I can invest in more arms and ammunition in the event of a huge war or total economic collapse.

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Plan for the future retard. Save shit get guns learn to live if society collapses its not hard

wait til you get up there in the real well to do tax brackets. We'll see how much they scream for more immigrants to pay for.

They know this, they don't want to fight. They want the status quo. The second there is Bloodshed they lose all support and the entire framework which has let them come into existence. And all the power that they have flows from peace. And it isn't even their wanting for peace, it's ours.

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Nah dude that's bullshit.

Why does communist Europe get to enjoy Kinder eggs but I get fined $5000 for trying to eat them IN THE LAND OF THE FREE

It's disgusting and shameful.

Yeah that's what America is about...
"Oh b-but it's safer! Anything in the name of safety!"
That's never what America was about.

The Freedom of the individual keeps getting eroded in "the land of the free"....

You know it's crony capitalism and it's bullshit.
Call out your country when it's wrong!
It's not patriotic to agree with laws that are contradictory to the entire thesis of the founding!
It makes you more patriotic.

It's not up to the Government to decide a product is too "gimmicky".


t. Disgruntled and Embarrassed US Citizen

if they think that's going to be productive for themselves...let them have at it

i'm not paying for their stupidity or their self indulgence in their ineptitude of disseminating information

not my circus
not my monkeys

You can use those skills in the military fren.

No, cardio makes you weak. Runners are beta

>our freedoms are getting eroded until we can sell food that has hidden plastic shit for our kids to choke on

>listening to people under thirty
You deserve your fate

They were raised their whole lives to value being perceived by others as "good" to be the highest virtue in life, even if in private they act otherwise. Social media has reinforced that since we began middle/high school. It is really hard to break out of that mindset without browsing a place like Jow Forums for years as I did all through college and beyond.

You do not understand the young, radicalized mindset at all. Money is nothing but paper backed by blind faith. Young people see that they are entering a world that is already 99.99% owned by people your age. It's like starting a game of monopoly when all properties have hotels and you collect nothing when you pass go. Why spend your entire life trying to get a few crumbs of the pie when so many people your age would rather burn it all down and carve out a much larger slice for yourself in the chaos before the new world emerges?

I appreciate the Polish proverb at any rate.

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There are a lot of things children under 3 can choke on.

It matters how they get them.

There are toys being sold right now that children under 3 can choke of (Legos for instance).

Why is there no ban against them?

My point is there are things that are obviously meant for specific age groups.

A child under 4 years of age can walk into a store and buy a Kinder Egg on their own.

Just like LITERALLY EVERY OTHER PRODUCT it's up to the parents to protect their children against things that they personal think are unsafe.
On the package it even says don't give to children under 3!

The kinder egg ban was nothing more than crony capitalism disguised as a public health issue.

The Kinder Egg issue is just one specific example of the shit that is ruining this country.

*A child under 4 years of age can't walk

>Why am I working such long hours when specialized jobs could disappear in a matter of years?
because you're a fucking loser now get back to work and prevent your student loan crash so we can blast the economy with war debt

throw out your phone and don't buy another one, never use a computer again

problem solved


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>'s a FDA requirement.
the FDA are run by fucking communists

We all felt that way at your age. Quit makig excuses and just fucking work faggot. I hate you Millenials you are all the laziest most entitled crybabies.

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>That night at the telescreen when the normies didn't like the picture

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Not possible. One time I didn't answer my phone for 4-5 days, and my father called my friend and asked him to break into my house to make sure I am ok. You can't just cut yourself off if you have a family that you love because they will panic and think the worst has happened if you suddenly fall off the grid.

How'd you get over it?
How old are you?

>Call out your country when it's wrong!
especially during jury duty, just nullify whatever case it is, say you don't really give a shit if people drive around drunk and you don't want to pay taxes to make sure they don't because it won't work and is a waste of money

>the Boomer projecting
Retire already, faggot.

I'm not getting your point

>You can't just cut yourself off if you have a family that you love
get a copper phone dummy, it's the cellphone that employs fucking cities full of agents reading and listening to everything you do

we don't want to support a culture of peeping toms and doughnut shops

citizens are supposed to be able to strike down laws that are unjust, they call this process nullification

we need that back

Kudos for being 59 and cool enough to share your wisdom on Jow Forums

What brought you here initially?

No you didn't. You are what, 40? Your entire perception on the world before the late 2000s was a lie that you had no way of seeing through. You had no alternative source of information outside of periodicals and television, both of which you paid some Jewish guy for.

We ACTUALLY know how and understand just how broken our civilization is thanks to mass and instant availability of information on the internet. Some of us discuss it every day with people all across the world. So many of us are just pretending and playing along until we have the chance to make our move.

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>Your entire perception on the world before the late 2000s was a lie that you had no way of seeing through. You had no alternative source of information outside of periodicals and television, both of which you paid some Jewish guy for.

t. some young faggot. The entire internet pre 2000 was pretty much Jow Forums. It was white, politically incorrect, and full of conspiracy theories (many of which turned out to be true).

>Any other millennials share this feel?

Fine. Redpill us young retards. Why did you all grow up to be such faggots who became middle managers that hold quarterly meetings about sensitivity training, the importance of diversity in the workplace, and just go along with whatever bullshit the government forces on us despite being at the age where you should be the ones guiding us politically?

Rome didn't fall in a day.

Pro Tip to you, user (OP)
I have spent my entire adult life being told "In X amount of months/weeks/years the shit is going to hit the fan".
And I acted on that by staying in an overall dead-end life for the most part, making and taking advancement opportunity only when it was easy.
And that "end" never came. I could have been rich by now compared to where I am now.
So don't listen to doomsayers. Press on as you normally would just in case you might have a future. You have nothing to lose.

anyone owning large amounts of precious metal would not survive.

I've bought a lot of nice camping shit with my money. Going to get some nice lightweight tents next. Getting good with a tiny propane bbq is fun too.

It's both fun and just good to have packaged if you just need to fill your car and go.

We both know the answer to that. It'll be the same way for you too.

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High muscle density is unsustainable in shtf. In the past when I've gone on low food exercises i've gone from 100kg ripped to ~88kg ottermode. I've also gone on ex at 90kg and ended up 85 kg, and you feel so much better and more cognisant if you're losing less weight. Cardio and kinesthetics is ideal for run & gun. Strength lifting should be secondary, and the goal shouldn't be 1-3 RM but 8-12. Bodybuilders will all hate their lives in SHTF.

Sound advice

What would you have done differently?

The world these days is boring and pointless, hell, even the women are depressed. How many of them will even fail at marriage, the one thing they should be natural at?

It's all so tiresome.

everyone thinks this and has thought this throughout history. they all wish they hadn't when they end up nowhere.

gib link for reading, sounds interesting

Further to this, the only reason you've been fooled into thinking muscle mass is ideal for warfighting is because of meme-tier movies like Rambo or Commando. If you look at G.I. Joe as he was presented in the 70s, that's what the ideal warfighter should look like, not the monstrosity he became after juicers like JCVD, Stallone and Arnie came out and made it look like. Look at all the MoH/Iron Cross winners if you still don't believe - they're wildebeests not buffalo.

should i drop weight then start lifting or start lifting to lose weight?

Not everyone under 30 just lots of them with nothing going on.

The war waged against the west is real but it's also convenient for them as it enables their sitting around and talking about how everything is hopeless. Don't fall into the trap.

Taken my college education to a four year degree in a discpline (instead of the 2 two-year tech degrees I have now)
had kids
- but that of course was considered back in the 90s when the fatocalypse and the Four Horsecunts (Sally Jesse Rapheal, Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton, and the standard issue "Soccermom") were riding hard. I looked around, saw the advent of the "Man Cave" and women pulling the pin on the fat grenade and losing weight only during the divorce rape and pretty much gave up.

Come to think of it, all this "shit hit the fan" crap is an op. It's hitting the fan every day, like a thief in the night.
Well played, leftists. Well played.

This. The only precious metal you need to survive.

Should have taken the yellow pill user. 3 kids later and my Chinese wife is as slim as day one.

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You should be eating comfortably and able to maintain an ideal weight completely separate to lifting/exercise. If you're too heavy, start with the fridge. Cut out foods that are primarily sugar. Cut out the fast food and buy a slow cooker. That way you can just chuck 30 dollars of lower quality meat (often supermarkets specifically call it "slow cooked") into the slow cooker, leave it in there for 8 hours and you can live off that for the whole weak. Meat is fucking based, learn to love it and if you don't chuck bread and sauce on it you WILL lose weight even if you're eating ridiculous amounts of meat. This way of getting meat for yourself every weak is also analogous to SHTF, because you can just emulate a slow-cooker by making a coal-pit fire, dump a whole, cleaned animal in there and salt the shit out of it once it's cooked to preserve it without a fridge.

Just work up to 5 km run with a hill at the end, kinesthetics (simple pushup, pullup and situp/reverse crunch) while the diet does the work for you, and then start doing bar/weight work once or twice a week when you're at the ideal weight.

Internet shut off