my local news for all of San Diego county in Commiefornia just said you were the best place to live.

Attached: Screenshot_20180410-173139.png (720x1280, 341K)

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Fuck. I'm a hard conservative from Commiefornia and thought to move to Texas. If it becomes California I want nothing to do with it.

Is this a deep state move to make Texas Blue?

god damn it, we don't want any more of you faggots here.


And the texas fags are moving here to my little michigan beach town developing all our rural land ibti mcmansion subdivisions. Fuck it all.

Attached: 1519207002534.gif (291x300, 2.92M)

move to the midwest

probably. I certainly wouldn't doubt it

I hope theyre all millenial libtard faggots. I want my state back.

The rest of America hates Cali transplants. Why don't you all stay there?

I'm sorry bro.. you should have your national guard block Californians at the border/airport.

The news has been saying this shit for years. People from all over the country, but mostly the failed socialist states, have been coming here for years.