What's his endgame?

What's his endgame?

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fried rice

Cage match against Mark Zuckerberg

Holding controll over the chinese distribution industry.

How do I get aesthetic brain like Alibaba?

Militarised A.I.

To join his chin with david hogg's that they can become one being once more

Greater China

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To build a lego universe

To step up and be a caring husband and father

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Have a woman not charge him for a peepee touch.

How many IQs does he have?

I figured he'd want a piece of Bezos rather than the ZUCC. I'd buy that pay per view desu.

Bezos is too normal. I want to see them start revealing their power levels of autism and retard strength.

A bigger neck


>What's his endgame?
An even smaller face on an even bigger head.

fuck you, was typing that right now.

Jack Ma is a proxy for the Chinese military. He's a psudo copy of how DARPA funded Microsoft and all the tech "wunderkids" of the 1980's and 1990's. His entire business model was copied from Amazon and his entire gimmick is to be a promotion agent for "chinese goods". The big problem is that nearly all of Alibaba's goods are grey, black or illegal goods for sale.

His Agenda ? Be an agent of influence to try and convince the world China is too important to their domestic supply chains to be blocked. To do this he will bribe, schmooze and do whatever it takes to lobby for China to win. He's being blocked by Bezos, who is a similar strategic actor but leverages US commerce and logistics to ensure market dominance, like the Waltons.

Installing lenses in the eyes of every chinese man womand and child so that whomever looks at him ses a regular head instead of a chickpea.

World domination, especially white boipucci

To decide the fate of the world with the trials of Mortal Kombat.

Win the guiness record for the most square-shaped head

>Chinese even copies how our government pushes defense derived product into the mainstream via a Chinese knock off that sells Chinese knock offs

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Chinese housing bubble burst in 8 years.

lol, hivemind