Can't Cuck The Tuck

Please tell me I'm not the only one who just saw Tucker Carlson drop 1000 redpills on live TV?

He was littlerally defending Assad and saying how fucking stupid it would be for him to do such an attack.

(((They))) are gonna be pissed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Assad is a secular modernist. He's also already won his civil war and with it the right to rule Syria. That country should be undergoing it's "clean up" or "Reconstruction" phase and the world's great powers of Russia and the US won't let them.

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This is the point Tucker was making.

I can't believe someone like him has a platform to spread his ideas to the public. Thank God for Fox News.

Partisan politics aside, there's a reason the Obama administration was so lackluster in it's Syria policy. There were no "good" guys. But, again, Assad is a secular modernist in the mold of friends past and present in that region. He won his own civil war. He won ugly. And now our own leadership is allowing itself to be baited in by other powers. After Obama wavered over his own "red line" in summer of '13, and after Trump's inauguration, is it any surprise that Assad and the Russians tested the new administration with another chemical attack? Is it now any surprise that they're testing the administration again after Trump declared the US mission in Syria was wrapping up? What ever happened to not telling your enemies what you're up to? What ever happened to Trump's own element of surprise?

He pretty much flat out said Israel did the chemical attack

I can't believe (((they))) still let Tucker have a platform. He drops red pills like candy.

Even on Monday morning my local neocon-lite morning show host was clearly reluctant to get all hyped up for more war like usual and even made a point of saying Russia said Israel did it and who knows what's going on over there.

I was slightly impressed. Not the usual bang the drum messaging, as if by that point the media wonks had started to catch on that people weren't buying it.

Wasn't Tucker pro-Iraq war?

1. Assad dropped a chemical bomb, allegedly, a month after Trump was sworn into office. Trump responded by blowing up 20% of Assad's Air Force.

2. It makes no since For Assad to launch a chemical attack a week after Trump says we will pull out because Assad's isn't a fucking retard. He knows that it would provoke a response from America and could actually cause Trump to remain in Syria. So there is littlerally no way Assad would fucking do that.

Tucker's sorted himself out since then and now hates Jewish tricks like any good white man with an IQ over 100.

Delicious, no?

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I'm legit worried for his safety right now. Please keep him safe USA bros.

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Right. He was okay with invading a country over false pretexts 15 year ago and was pushing for it. But now he's totally cool guys

People change. ~10 years ago Glenn Beck was doing pretty good normieverse intro red pill work for the time, but then he took a one way train to cuckville after they kicked him off the air for talking about banks and ACORN.

He's in it for the money and fame, like all them are. He (rightly) figures he can make a name for himself by opposing the mainstream narrative. That doesn't mean he's not right this time

So what? I didn't know what the kikes were up to in 2003, but I do now.

Smart people change their minds as they learn new information.

He went too far this time.

(((They))) will fire him.

Only old white trash watches Hannity and Tucker.. they are the past, not the future.

The sad thing is that his common sense viewpoint is so rare in the press, we have to treat him like an endangered species. He isn't spreading conspiracy theories, every legit journalist in the US should be agreeing with him.

For like a year or two. He was against it before most democrats.

You are wrong


there isnt any support for attacking syria. trumps little girl and kushner might want it . fuck all his friends and family might want it but there isnt any real support in america

all of hollywood might demand it but they dont represent the majority of americans

mobile posters need to go

Actually people don't change. When Trump strikes, he will either support the war or get fired by Fox News. My guess is he will support it. At that point all right wing fake news media will support it. It happened with Iraq and it will happen again. You never learn.

Did any of you actually click on the link? Fucking kek

>[YouTube] Yodeling Walmart Kid EDM Remix (OFFICIAL AUDIO) + DOWNLOAD LINK (embed)

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It was amusing.

Nah, just hover. I've already seen the Tucker bit.

I don't click on any links on this hate site. I assume many of them are viruses.

>look mommy! I quoted everyone LOL

Did you not watch it yesterday?

You mean when Trump strikes Israel? Of course he will support it, who wouldn't? Fuck I would pay for front row tickets.

Can someone explain to me why Fox News was gung-ho about the Iraq War when Bush was president, but now they're anti-war? Don't get me wrong, I like the change, but it surprises me.

No because I'm not a mobilecuck phoneposter that can't see youtube titles.

Kill yourself faggot shill

Missed the show tonight. Did he do this again tonight?
He opened Monday's show with the same exact thing. BASED.

>I can't believe someone like him has a platform to spread his ideas to the public. Thank God for Fox News.
IKR? Millennial checking in here, who should be cutting my cable but no. I'm fucking in love with Tucker Carlson and if Fox was smart they would be pimping him out in more ways than one. He's a huge asset.

I don't watch Fox News. Who's come out against the Syrian war besides Tuck?

It's called a false flag, and btw, Tucker reported last night the Mattis said we have
Assad did the April 2017 chem attack

Says the faggot with the donkey flag.

You should be rounded up and gassed you fucking fag.

Tucker is the voice of dissent guy. This is literally his defined role at Fox and it's working. No one there is mad at him.

Right wing media can get you people to believe literally anything. It can make you believe there is a literal child abuse ring in a hidden basement (that doesn't exist) under a fucking pizzeria. Why should I believe you wouldn't go along with a war in Syria, just like you did in Iraq?

Not that many, if any. Just like every other fucking channel & newspaper. These anchor whores all want to go to war. The military industrial complex must have a semi just hearing this shit.

BUT most of the Fox talking heads and anchors (to their credit) have noted that there is still no definitive proof (yet) that Assad did it...

deleting system32 prevents the viruses, newfag

Nice link faggot.

Right now the only ones shilling for a Syrian war are far-left dumbasses and cat ladies with pussyhats.

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Tucker: How does Syrian regime change help THE USA?
(((him))): well if you care about israel..
These are actually the first words of the interview, we are living in a meme

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Why can Israel and Jews never be named?
>Tucker shows three critics' tweets of last night's already-classic anti-Syria War editorial
>all his critics are Jews: Rubin, Rothman etc
>his guest is Goodstein, who is literally frothing for deaths in Syria ("they made their choice"), who literally calls Assad Saddam! Wtf. But he's not identified as Jewish.
>Tucker calls Greenwald, who is a based Jew, who identified Tucker's critics as (((neocons))) responsible for Iraq
Tucker is putting his heart and patriotism into these broadcasts. And he's being called out by Jews surface2air. But he can't name them.

How did America become so cucked? I swear to God, if Israel drags us into a huge conflict, I will for the first time call out Jews in public on their bullshit. I protested Iraq in 2003, but knew nothing of Jews. Since 2003, their antics have consumed me. They exploit our virtues! Every year they plea for more bloodshed. No more, I will fucking get in their faces. This time it's Jow Forums time.

Keep telling yourself that lol

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Sorry Mr. War Monger, you aren't getting your way this time.

Thank you leaf

Wow, that's some shady shit right there. If Tucker gets assassinated soon, we'll know who did it

John Bolton is a far-left neocon, basically /yourguy/.

So why does Trump love him?

You just need to format your drives.

Epic Fail! Nice copypaste...

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>very first thing he says is "if you care about isreal you should support war in syria"

Because he is a boomer businessman, he also loves other far-left extremists that shat on him during the election like Nikki Haley, John McCain and Mitt Romney.

So sick of fucking war bro. These mother fuckers always talk of ending them, but get elected and do the same exact shit.

He wasn’t even defending Assad so much as saying you shouldn’t bomb people without evidence and to no benefit to yourselves.

I don’t think it escaped anyone’s notice that all the people sperging out on him on twitter and on the show have ultra-kikey names though, and the one non-jewish neocon started going on about ”muh israel” and insinuating Tucker is a russian agent when asked about America’s interests in Syrian regime-change.

I know right? And THIS TIME right wing media is tricking these fucking inbreds into not wanting an offensive war against a shitstain ME country that poses absolutely 0 threat to our country. i mean what fucking universe am I in where a forum of 20 year old males doesn't want to go fight an israeli war and die for no reason at all. fucking LOL time to start watching rachel maddow and clapper, it's time for war brothers. to the front lines. For Israel!

>So you have information that the Secretary of Defense doesn't. Can you characterize that for us?
>I'm not going to get into that any further.

How ill-prepared is this dispshit senator?

>rachel maddow and clapper

Because that is the only other media out there

Actually I take it back Laura Ingraham might have said something as well. She's been against ramping up in Syria for along time

Tucker is the exception at Fox News. He was only hired because O'Reilly got blackballed by elites with sex bullshit for supporting Trump. Tucker gets ratings. He writes his own stuff, too. Very difficult grind. But Fox News wasn't fully aware of how Tucker's politics have changed, he's like Trump but factually a ninja.

Reminder that Fox News' owner Rupert Murdoch owns Genie Energy with Dick Cheney and Jacob Rothschild, which has contracts for Syria's Golan Heights, on behalf Israel.

Tucker will go rogue if we go to war for Israel. He's fired up more than Alex Jones. So intense. And his heart is pure. Unlike dumdum Hannity and cucked Ingraham.

Tucker is, dare I say it, the closest thing we have to a JFK. I'd vote for him as president in a heartbeat.

I can pretty much guarantee Tucker reads Jow Forums. Maybe it's even you...

POL: Where every dictatorship is supported and none at the same time.

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Tucker is just controlled opposition. Kikes keep him on so people wouldn't think that the media is completely COMPED by Jews, even though it is. He's just another talking head who makes LE CONFUSED FAEC to gaslight anyone who remotely looks like an SJW, discrediting them because that's all it takes to convince Drumpf fags that that person is a flaming libtard hurrr.

He throws in real redpills to keep people tuned in because kikes know that people know too much these days, but he pisses in the water with a lot of fake redpills. Beware.

He went off on a redpill tirade. It was awesome.

Tucker won't last much longer, I fear. He's too woke for MSM and came dangerously close to naming them a few times.

I know. So fucking ridiculous. It's literally him #1 reason why we need to go to #war #war #war.

fuck that

computers are on the way out for home use. Get out of you mom's basement.

Will you join me on the frontlines brother? Say it with me now. For Greater Israel!

>people never change or mature or whatever
Typical donkey logic.

doesn't matter cause we all watch tucker and saw the segment last night

I said those 2 names just outta habit (personal favs) but of course there's the esteemed collectives of the post, the journal, even buzzfeed has lowkey been reporting more facts than these INBRED, VIRGIN rightwingers lmao. am i right? idk watch whatever you want (except rightcucks) because it's time for war and they're the only ones unpatriotic enough to speak against a war that brings no value to the united states or our people. For Israel!

Go fuck yourself

You should be fucking Eric Harris'd inside of a school library you pathetic little fucking faggot nigger.

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You're incorrect. Perhaps kikes thought they'd keep Tucker in line, like a nice schoolboy in a pinwheel cap, but he's becoming apoplectic about Syria propaganda. His Jewish guest tonight had such a mean look, such barely concealed Zionist violence in his eyes, as if Tucker needs to be careful. At the end, Tucker said he was seeing double he was enraged by this kike's lack of facts.

This is getting serious. Tucker is /ourguy/. He's got the energy of a 28 year old. And his son is 21.


>eceleb attentionwhore said something controversial

how fucking original

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>Tucker naming israel as instigator is (((their))) trick
>self-incrimination is the way to victory
Please show me on this doll where did Tucker hurt you.

t. boomer faggot

everyone uses smartphones. Get a grip. No one is grabbing a laptop to shitpost here while they are taking a shit.

This. It, also allows you to bypass captcahs here like pass members. You just don't get the little logo.


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Factually false

>Invokes Israel in his opening statement.

They don't even care anymore.

checked but I don't have pooping problems so I don't have time to shitpost on the shitter. On the off chance something is wrong I grab my laptop.

wow tucker tore that dude up holy fuck

nice argument loser

That's what you don't understand...kikes LOVE anti-Semitism because it feeds into their victim complex, so they will promote or false flag anything anti-Semitic to constantly remind people of le 6 gorillion so they can continue their Zionist agenda. Don't fall for the trap. Of course you can hate Jews but DON'T do it openly and don't follow or promote any celeb/e-celeb that does because no matter what, us redpilled folked will always be outnumbered by the bluepilled unwashed plebs.

you poor bro?

>Putin and I...
Top kek

Just tried this, my shit runs so much faster now, going to purchase a new fingerbox

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Desktop cucks cannot be reasoned with.

Why can't that senator just come out and say the Israeli's have photos of him getting blowjobs from little boys and he needs to toe their line?

Maybe you have good intentions, but you went full retard.
Me asking a guy to leak around the workplace that I'm the one who caused the damage when I am the one who caused the damage, is not good for me.
The end.

I have 2 4k hdr tv's 65" and 45" a desktop pc, 2 laptops, 2015 dodge ram, 2 houses, one 2 bedroom, the other a duplex. I have a developing laser cutting business that I run out of my external garage. I am not poor. I just don't get butthurt that people post with their phones.

Can I suck your dick?