Christianity General

Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and personal savior, Jow Forums? If you feel empty or lonely or forgotten, it's not too late. Know that God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son of God love you and want to have a personal relationship with you.

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>Tfw I just flapped again

How do I stop being a slave to the Flesh?

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I quit porn, masturbation, and drugs recently with willpower and the help of prayer. Feeling mentally a lot better.

I had sleep paralysis the other night and had a horrifying shadow person pinning me down twice in the night. Apparently there is some medical explanation for this, but in the past I have messed with ouija boards and the occult so I am extra careful. Made sure to pray about it and nothing has happened since. I am still nervous some dark entities are trying to enter my life. I realized being on cocaine was bringing me closer to the devil rather than God.

I had a realization about this recently. For a long time I tried to quit just by drawing on my own willpower - I was even a bit proud of my ability to. Then it became apparent that it wasn't enough.

Pray that God will grant you the strength to resist the flesh and you will be able to. Pray, pray, pray. Nothing is impossible through Christ who strengthens us.

SP is a scary experience indeed. I'm of the opinion that it's psychological but that spiritual forces can influence our psyche. I don't really get nightmares or SP anymore but when I was young a combination of lucid dreaming and calling upon the name of Christ helped me greatly.


Last night I read a few Bible verses and actually genuinely prayed for the first time. i thought I was praying before, but I was merely larping. I had to open up to the Lord about my fears and doubts, be truthful to both Him and myself. About my fear of the coming war, about my desire to be recognised by others, and about how I don't think I could ever bring myself to love God more than my family. And during this, while bearing my true self, I felt it. A warmth rose in my stomach that spread to the rest of me, and I believe I felt His reassurance through my soul.
Do not worry my friend, I was much the same as you not too long ago. You must pray to the Lord and Jesus Christ to deliver you from temptations, and truly believe that they will. Remember, there is no shame in asking your Father for assistance, for what loving Father would not assist his child when asked?

May our lord Isa help us against the jewish menace

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Jesus isn't God. This is a fact. Jesus probably never existed and is a myth just like all the Gods of the religions. Fuck off nigger this isn't a Catholic forum. This is Jow Forums. KYS.

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God is the literal embodiment of Truth, therefore he doesn't speak out of both sides of his mouth. Which means that there is one truth out there, pronounced by God and the rest is lies.

However there are many different denominations of Christianity, that disagree on doctrine. They cannot possibly be all true, as we already established.

So my question is this: How do we tell what's true Christianity and what's false? What's the truth and which are the lies?

>what are Josephus (in his pre-edited work) and Tacitus

Nice fantasy, my friend, but Jesus Christ is historical fact.