Ww3 draft

Soooo realistically if this Syria kikery escalates into a full blown war, yadda yadda yadda, will I be drafted to fight for god’s chosen people?
t.18 year old

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bls I don’t want to die for Israel

Its good to die for israel goy.

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kek, this war won't be like that. It'll be over in an hour or two.

Don't you want to die for the chosen goy? Are you anti-semitic or something? God's Chosen have suffered immensely from anti-semitism, it's only right to die for them!

Youre fucked

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It wont
Expect another runway to get cratered and thats that
Theyre not stupid enough to kill the entire human race over assad

>implying it won’t turn into a full blown conventional conflict

>WW1 Started over some Balkan getting shot

Checked as fuck

The Holy Land will be occupied by neither side, it will be held by radiation.

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yeah it's not like a world war was ever started because one faggot was assassinated.

>Theyre not stupid enough

>He thinks this is how wars in the modern day work

I’m draft dodging. Fuck dying for this shithole

can't wait for a paki verson of stalker

Not today satan

No greater honor than dying for God/family/country. Good luck soldier/sailor/marine!

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I was a young man around the age of 17 when I thought of it like this. I would never defend this Country as it stands because it is a shithole.

The fun fact is that when I told some American exchange student the way I felt about defending this Country he offended the hell out of me because I wouldn't defend it but I don't think you guys would blame me for not wanting to defend favelas, putas and drug dealers.

Now, the funny thing is that this guy probably thinks just like you do right now. He wouldn't fight to defend his Brazil 2.0

They'll greet our tanks with flowers and candy.

I don’t mind picking up a rifle for my country if we were to be invaded or attacked, but I don’t feel like dying for an ungrateful nation full of kikes and degenerates.

>I don’t feel like dying for an ungrateful nation full of kikes and degenerates
Yeah exactly, I would dodge the draft if I were you and I would also dodge it being me.

I would only defend a Country that loves me back (not sure which that would be today)

but Idk too, I don’t want to dodge but I don’t want this to happen, I honestly feel like if this is really going to happen, I might as well participate. Every generation has it’s trials, hopefully after the ravages of war, society in America will go back to it’s pre vietnam roots.

That was Gavrilo Princep who shot the Archduke.

If it does turn into a major war and a draft is imminent (and you don't want to die) here's what you want to do:

1. Do not go to Canada because they will deport your ass back here.

2. If you speak Spanish then buy a ticket to Buenos Aires and get whatever job you can find. Few people know this but if you have an American passport you can basically live in Argentina as long as you like but you have to leave the country every 3 months. Just hop on a ferry and rent a bed at a hostel in Uruguay. Stay there for the weekend 4 times a year and you are set. Heard it from a friend.

Anyways, best of luck to you mate.

Thx for the info bro!

Oh, one more thing about Argie visa / passport requirements: since you're young it would also be easy to just pick a few colleges down there and apply as a student. Then you can study (at a way cheaper cost than in the U.S.) and you'll be surrounded by beautiful architecture, warm hearted people, some of the best food on the planet, and gorgeous Mediterranean women.

That's what they say before every decade-long war. if we go into Syria we'll still be there in 2028

100% yes. 18 year olds go first. If you’re a trumpfag like the rest of this place then I hope you get your dick shot off for voting for a literal retard.

Are you that one Jewish guy whose parents moved to Brazil from last thread?

If you're based, don't EVER go back.