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Of course he is. He has weathered the storm in his country like a boss. Where the fuck is he going to go? Abandon his countrymen to the fucking globalists and isis?

desu, where's he gonna go?

>where was he going to go?
There was a story floating around he was headed to Lebanon

Fake tweet, there's no question he's still in Syria you fucking imbecile zionist.

It's just Israel PSYOPs that flow just before the war. They said the same shit about Ghaddafi.

Not even sending his kids away. I feel it coming anons.

so many shitty tweets in such a short time.

>Make thread praising Assad
>F-fucking zionist
Go back to /ptg/ you moron

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It's a deliberate FAKE TWEET to make people question whether he escaped, something no one is suggesting.

The idea is after discovering that it's a fake tweet people will now think the NEGATION of the tweet is true, that he actually escaped.