Hey guys guess what

Hey guys guess what.
As always,

>H A B B E N I N G
>it's finally happening!
>D E F C O N 3
>Holy shit guys WWIII!
>im not ready to die guize wat do
>W W I I I
>What are you listening to in your final moments, Jow Forums?
>this is it, I waited for this so long
>HAPPENING twitter.com/...

Meanwhile, nothing happened.
And guess what, tomorrow will be the same.
Stop hyping up doomsday. Israel won't get nuked, Trump and Putin won't do jack shit. Screencap this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=Will Ferrell ritual

He's right. We're letting our collective autism spill over again. It is not happening.

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they just announced the strike "coming at any time" on fox news like 30minutes ago. so, go suck a dick you impatient little bitch.

Shit I just wasted my entire day and yesterday because of this. And my final exam is on saturday. O FUC-
But actually, West will go to war with Syria. Either they contain their little war within middle east OR ELSE-

48 more hours retard cunt

and CHECKED bitches

i too doubted, but then personally investigated the bowels of Jow Forums. only to discover, it IS indeed happening.

mhm exactly

>everyone gets complacent with meh tier non habbenings
>the habbening to end all habbenings comes and nobody bats an eye

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You do realize it's suspicious nothing at all is happening right?
Last time Trump bombed some airfield pretty quickly.

bruh right there w u. days on this shit. but the window isnt QUITE closed.

Nah, he's just going to bomb an airbase after all the Russian advisers quietly leave it. Trump and Putin aren't so stupid that they'll risk WW3 over gassad.

No they didn't, literally have had the channel on for hours. Nothing. Is. Happening.

Fucking larps shitting up the place

Hannity, and the slut that came on after said a strike was happening "at any time". I don't know which fox news you were watching faggot but im not LARPing

get 'im

No they didn't quit making shit up

who tf is u to tell them

I've been watching the fox news stream since the pic dropped about the announcement on syria, it definitely happened. Sorry you missed it or want to troll.

Listen, just get me that slut that was on the phone earlier!

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Wait for it
This happening has been brewing for decades
what's a few more days?

They've been blabbing bout muh tariffs and kikebook but nothing bout Syria. It's just Chyna Chyna Chyna Trump Chyna Trump trade China now

Like I said, sorry you missed it bud, but you're wrong.

>they just announced the strike "coming at any time" on fox news like 30minutes ago. so, go suck a dick you impatient little bitch.
>the strike "coming at any time"
>"coming at any time"
>2 days later
>"Uhhh we condemn the gas attack, Assad is an animal. See? There, we bombed a nondescript Syrian military installation, 4 member of militia are KIA. Now play nice or we will aid our greatest ally."
>b-b-but Skyking! Skyking! B-buzzer! Defcon! Fox News! Twitter! Chek t-this .png infographic!

This has been going on for two days.
Drone storage on a Syrian airport got destroyed. Russian jets "harrassed" US ship. UK withdraws from the strike until proofs are presented. Now ruskies are jamming US drones and it's past nautical dawn in Syria. Jack shit will happen.

>b-b-buh FOX NEWS HYPE! Any minute now...

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>jack shit will happen

Yeah nothings happening tonight obviously. might want to double check your sources on the UK withdrawl though. Kids these days have no patience. Takes awhile for 4 countries to get into position for a coordinated strike.

The exact phrasing is very important, especially when it comes it Hannity.

It's been happening for a month not just the past two days. Literally every single fucking thing every day clogging up this place. Twenty happenings threads and I still have yet to see one about Will Ferrell doing a satanic ritual on TV. Wtf pol why you like this?

Reminds me of the hurricane Irma category 1,000,000 hype. Buildup lasted for days as if the end of the world was coming and it turned out to be a light breeze.

Instead of this HAPPENING shit can I direct your guy's attention to this???

lmgtfy.com/?q=Will Ferrell ritual

>nothing habbend

american lead coalition and Russia have made significant mobilisation of military assets this obviously is not a single strike plan done overnight, long term battle strategy's are being formed in anticipation for drawn out conflict.

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we still got 72 hours.

All the military and fighter jets that keep flying over my city would that never done so before would beg to differ, brainlet.

hahahahah buddy boi , the game is set up . youre just not paying attention.

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They have been in position to strike for over a month. Russia specifically said that the build up in the med had all the signs of an imment strike and that a chemical weapons attack would be staged to provide the cause needed. They saw this coming a warned everyone ahead of time. They know the playbook so well by now that they can easily predict the next action.

Why? It's a let me Google that for you link

>Israel won't get nuked
thats where ur wrong kiddo

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Can someone start a thread? I'm too lazy to screen cap Ferrell as baphomet and post myself.

"is a strike imminent tonight, and what would the long term implications be?" 10 seconds ago faggot.

I heard that one breeder

this post won't age well


This guy on Russian TV tells you about the build up and also what is at stake. It is going to be a put up or shut up moment for Putin and Russia. A lot is a stake for them now. Its like the trap has been set, Putin has drawn a red line he must defend if attacked.


thats hilarious
love chris gethard


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>long term battle strategy's are being formed in anticipation for drawn out conflict.
Of course they are, military is always planning moves in advance and tries to prepare for different scenarios and outcomes, this is nothing new.
Thing is, whether those doomsday op scenarios and Israel being nuked RIGHT NOW will actually haplen. Spoiler alert, they won't.

Holy shit you're right, Russia is striking back, I can see a russian atomic submarine from my window, holy shit it's firing a ballistic missile at the NATO task group on the border, it's LITERALLY habbening WWIII WWIII!!!

Yeah I swear I heard the same thing before, during Maidan habbening in Ukraine. Whoop-de-doo, wow, it's fucking nothing.

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>spirit cooking

What you on??

No shit, the US tomahawke'd syria last year and somehow it did not lead to nuclear holocaust. And neither did any crisis since 45.
>inb4 la belle epoque
Nukes aren't machine guns

nothing, shit's just funny
the link.



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try a decade. its. not. happening.

I'm talking specifically bout the ww3 Syria happening shit

>all world leaders say it is happening
>MSM confirms that it is happening

>Will Ferrell doing a satanic ritual on TV.
explain pls

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I support this thread. Jow Forums is not always right. The secret is that when the hype is at a high point, it means jack shit will happen

lmgtfy.com/?q=Will Ferrell ritual

I don't feel like linking to the jewtube/hooktube or screen capture but it's there

We've got callings. now.

yeah dude. if you were older than 20 you might have known that this isnt a new thing from the past year
time for bed, kid

How often does MSM "confirm" something and then it turns out it's not true?
Really activates those almonds.

What's happening is we're in standby, until we get an official US response shit can still happen. The fuse is burning, either it gets snuffed out or it keeps going.

Almost 30 dude, I'm just saying these last few weeks these threads just took over pol. Where before you'd have one or two threads there are like 20 rn all saying happening Syria ww3 shit

>Meanwhile, nothing happened.
And guess what, tomorrow will be the same.
That's what japs said 5 mins before the nu...


>if you were older than 20 you might have known this is not a new thing from the past year

I've been following the situation in syria since it became an issue, yes ww3 habbening in syria is a new thing with the current buildup on both sides. Russia hasn't been threatening all out war at any strike for 10 years, you haven't a clue what you're talking about.

Because atomwaffen doomsday larpers want to see the effects of the Samson Option on their backyard, duh.

Idź spać kochanie. Chcesz mieć worki pod oczami jak dziadziu soros???

This board is full of newfags so oldfags larp for entertainment.

Please contain nonmutt or haram languages on Jow Forums

Mamo właśnie wstaję do pracy. Kiedy mi prześlesz dolary?

yeah, part of me thinks it's more mind games. the US is basically teasing and getting everyone's dick hard. but who knows. the US didn't set up a bunch of permanent military bases in Syria for lulz. I doubt they're abandoning their pet project because of what Trump said on the fly

Fucking dying looool. Miłego dnia synku. Bądź dobry to może mikołaj Ci coś przyniesie w tym roku.

As far as a military strike? Haven't seen that happen yet personally.

Thanks mom, you da real MVP.

Yeah but was that military strike actually worth a damn and had long-lasting, serious consequences? Or was it just a premature ejaculaunch over a desert that Syrian gov happens to call an airfield?

Calm before the storm, today we had the shenannigans at the UNSC and the US prep time, it was said to expect strikes in the next 72 hours (now 48)

To quote Tolkien "it's the deep breath before the plunge"

Majority of the ones i've witnessed have certainly had long lasting effects, but we've never gone to war on an entity who is propped up by the russians with thousands of russian troops on the ground fighting in support of the very people we are about to attack, after russia has threatened retaliation at every given opportunity, knowing the strike is coming.

this, "Allied" coalition is preparing and Russia is drawing the Maginot Line, yes it might just be bluffing on both sides but if it happens it might be the greatest happening of our times

And there's your answer. Trump and Putin have too much at stake to risk such war for a bunch of pipelines. This whole thing will blow off with one or two minor incidents taking place. Europe also doesn't want war with Russia.
Putin has to flex his muscles because military might is all he really has, it's his internal and external strategy. He's the convenient boogeyman for the West.
Remember his assault on Crimea? Or that ship deal with France afterwards? This was supposed to be the end of Russia. wowit'sfuckingnothing.png, a bunch of sanctions on commodities, wew lad.
Also, China wouldn't miss such opportunity, USA and Russia won't risk getting shanked in the back.