Anyone else >25 and comfy for not being eligible for the draft
Bad News: They can draft you if you're older than 25.
More bad News: WW 3 will only take a few hours, and there's a 75% probability you'll die.
>TFW I turn 25 in a week
fun fact: there are people on this board who think that world war 3 will not involve nuclear weapons
draft is till 40 or 42 depending on the state
yer gonna die on some sand covered road in the middle of nowhere and flies will start having sex with your eyeballs
>falling for le 25 yr and up meme
my nigger if you have working legs and arms you are going to war if it actually happens.
They don't draft students
glad i'm not a wage slave that gets shipped off to die for Israel.
>be late 20s
>trying to volunteer for service
>application is taking forever
>30 is coming fast
Good news: This user is retarded
Bad news: I'm 21, and so will be drafted fairly early
Good news: That's okay, I welcome death
Fun fact: there are retards who actually think mutually assured distruction isnt a thing that politicians think about, and that ww3 will be about anything more than boarder lines or oil.
Wrong, nowadays the law has been updated. They will postpone your draft until your current semester ends. If the war started today, you could be drafted by right as summer break begins.
Good luck
thats where your wrong kiddo. If you are eligible for financial aid, you are already enlisted.
Break your leg when you get drafted. It's the only way you will not go to war if you're rendered utterly useless. Kek. Then get comfy and watch the world burn.
If we go to war, there will be no shortage of patriots. No draft.
Can't wait for women to be drafte...oh wait
>tfw just turned 18 and registered for the FAFSA
>6'4 and 139 lbs
>have ADD and am gluten intolerant
Im fucked. If I get drafted I better not get a shitty job
Die with honor faggots
>Doesn't know what MAD is
You need to be 18 to post here
If you have add, you'll be flying a desk
Like planes and shit? Would I be eligible for combat roles?
>Would I be eligible for combat roles
No. You would have an office job, congrats
We have flying desks?
>What is an idiom
Anyone else >18 and
Ok but do we have flying desks or not??
>got 4 years left
I’d be mad as fuck if lose my comfy neet life (parents pay me 60k/year to take care of speacial needs brother so they don’t have to deal with him) to fight for Israel
If my psychiatrist diagnosed me with ADD would that show up on my medical record? Or is there a chance it wouldnt be on there? I took Adderall and Vyvanse for a month each but I stopped taking it since it wasn't helping.
So ww3 has been going on since ww2 ended? woowww thank you based history teacher /s/
>not being a meat shield
I'm under 25 but I'm female so I'll never be drafted.
>Could I hide my medical records
If they ever found out, you would be in a world of shit. Anyways, why the fuck would you want combat?
>mfw I'm already in and about to go die for the jews
Next world war won't be nuclear kek, more likely cyber attacks disabling power grids, fake news, destroying economies, etc
They can't find out thanks to hippaa. DO NOT DISCLOSE YOUR MED RECORDS, IT WILL FUCK YOU.
Thats still a year before you're clear m8
Lies leaf.
It sounds fun. Does the military consider ADD a permanet disorder? Or would they test you to see if you still have it, and if you dont then would you become eligible for jobs you wouldn't have been before?
I’m >35 and I can’t wait until you young kids get drafted. We have far too many 20-something children and not nearly enough men. War will change that... one way or the other. Have fun!
>Combat sounds fun
You must be in high school
>mfw I grew up in the 80's and lived with everyday could be the last happening
>mfw my nerves are shot and am a full time alcoholic because of it
t. 42yo oldfag
Traps can’t serve. You’re safe user.
Yep, i'm a senior
think it'll be the ultimate redpill for a generation?
Or will it create Vietnam hippies?
Get a load of this truck driving 80s child faggot
I might be a glow in the dark nigger after this thing is done.
1976 represent!!!
1975 here straya!
Feel like a newfag
What if you're fat
Not lying my great grandfather was drafted at 30 and spent 3 years in the Pacific.
>tfw still 25 and going to take my sail diesel outta country no more dying in kike wars
late 40's and comfy here
also leaf and comfy
ready to watch burgers and kikes turn to ashes