Jow Forums are you letting the media hype get to you or is this actually WWIII?

Jow Forums are you letting the media hype get to you or is this actually WWIII?

Attached: DO3l6FLWkAYYA_x.jpg (399x322, 20K)

Let us have hope user

many here on Jow Forums are quasi-suicidal or just misery-loves-company types. They want the world to end, so that along with the end of their failing lives, they can take down all the positive and healthy people in the world as well.


No you

It's true. Trust me.

>t-this time its really happening for real. WWIII is happening!
>nothing happens
>t-this time its really happening for real. WWIII is happening!
>nothing happens
>t-this time its really happening for real. WWIII is happening!
>nothing happens
>t-this time its really happening for real. WWIII is happening!
>nothing happens
>t-this time its really happening for real. WWIII is happening!
>nothing happens
>t-this time its really happening for real. WWIII is happening!
>nothing happens
>t-this time its really happening for real. WWIII is happening!
>nothing happens
>t-this time its really happening for real. WWIII is happening!
>nothing happens

The last 80 years.

Sounds like projection

You don't have to care. If wwwiii you will probably just die and not even notice. No biggie.

hell yeah