Syria General /sg/ - Newfag Mutts Can Fuck Off Now, It's Not Happening Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>N Homs Apr 5
>E Ghouta Apr 4
>DeZ-Bukamal Apr 2
>Yemen Apr2
>Afrin Apr 1
>Idlib Mar26
>Yarmouk camp Mar16
>Lavrov on Syria

Devs April 10
>Erdogan rejects Russian proposal to handover Afrin to Syria, region will be turned over to 'inhabitants'
>Douma; After rebel evacs civs break into warehouses containing large amounts of food and medicine
>Idlib City; Massive explosion of unknown origin kills 20 people and wounds more than 100 others near the Al-Motlaq Roundabout
>E Ghouta; Jaysh al-Islam sets fire to military vehicles, tanks and heavy weapons prior to evacuation
>Large convoy of 4th Mech and Republican Guard spotted leaving E Ghouta bound for S Damas
>Khamenei states that the Israeli missile attack on Tiyas airbase “will not remain without a response”
>Islamic World News reports that 7 Iranian and another 7 SAA troops were killed in the T-4 missile strike
>Russian military begins blocking signals from US drones in Syria
>Russia summons Israeli ambassador after attack on T-4 Airport, Israeli embassy declined comment on meeting
>Lavrov; Russia to present UNSC draft resolution on OPCW probe of alleged Syria chemical attack
>Houthis fire another ballistic missile at KSA, the latest towards Nahougha Military Base in the Najran Region


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Other urls found in this thread:


First for fuck /ptg/

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Tonight's Result

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White and based Bread

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Radovan did nothing wrong, he was a good boy.

based mutt
honorary white

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Fuck Clinton too

72 hours at the earliest says Col Cuck on Fox.
Trump cucked out again.

Go back to frogposting on twitter faggot

couldn't Russia just leave hundreds of anti-aircraft guns in the desert for syria to find, then give them back once they BTFO'd America?

Find it really hard why nation's don't give each other "good" shit. This whole America invading everything shit is sorta old news.

Point and laugh at the retard.

The middle east in general is garbage.
Can't wait for Israel, Palestine, and the Rest of that region including the entire east to Fucked by big boy American cock

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He's right though, all people fighting in Syria were terrorists, it was never a civil war.

>tfw laugh at every muttpost I see
Why are they so funny?

You know what is also garbage? Have you ever been to Seattle? How about LA? San Francisco? Been to Austin lately? How about Paris? Or London?

This. The "Civil War" was an invasion by mercenaries and intelligence agencies. Later on western special forces.

Yarmouk soon, all the assets are supposedly in place now for an assault

also Haftar is attacking Derna, says
>The time has come to liberate #Derna. The people demand the liberation of Derna and we will move to liberate it

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post pics of your gfs vagina before ww3

>Fucked by big boy American cock

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Because you know they're true.

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the funniest jokes are the ones which are the most true.

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past 6am, not happening, good!

maybe there is hope after all

Aww American called you a beaner nigger? Gonna cwy?

What fresh information you've just delivered, I think I'll add it to the OP.
The situation he described is the way it's been on the ground amongst many of the rebel and jihadist factions for quite some time.

>past 6am, not happening, good!
Don't be so sure dude.

Both sides are now reinforcing their positions. This is going to be the big one.

Nothings gonna happen right? I'm just curious on your guys outlook on this.

either trump blinks and goes home with his limp dick in his hands
or we WW3 nao

this is /sg/ so I wont shit up the thread any more but if this was any other context you mutts are already butthurt, I'd unleash my full collection

fucking hell, moderate Neo-Con on RT asked what’s in it for the US, his reply, “The Iranian’s want to create a corridor from Iran to Lebanon via Northern Iraq and Syria, this threatens Israel”.....ffs.

Syria about to get wiped of the map, lol

>Syrian dipshits still fantasizing about liberating areas when in 48 hours they will all be vaporized from the face of the planet
Lmao, what delusional retards.

Would you autisticly folder dump user

MEGA mate

>Nothings gonna happen right?
not during daylight hours
expect more saber rattling today, maybe an emergency UNSC meeting, nothing of consequence

window is closing very rapidly and the recent domestic developments in the US will bog down the Admin away from foreign problems

>Well if you care about Israel...

If Russia intercepts US aircraft and cruise missiles then it’s on.

Truthfully, I mostly see non-American flags memeing for war with evil Amerikkka and calling Trump weak for not just accepting a false flag. Really makes ya think...

Nothing is fucking going to happen right now. An influx of new and happening fags have flooded /sg/ as they just discovered the war recently and want to partake in "le ebic happening thread".

>he thinks the USAF wont be canned over syria

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we are the most diverse general on the board

if this wasn't /sg/ yes
yes my ebin fellow rebbitor

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>Both sides are now reinforcing their positions.
The Russians put up a big enough show they need to roll in a carrier and get more allies involved.
The UK running away early didn't help. The lack of anyone else reliable has the pentagon trying to guesstimate the least possible number of acceptable casualties should they go in.
Its got to one he'll of a stressful headache.

Turkey confirms they won't leave occupied zones until a "settlement" is reached

>we'll wait to see who wins

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>if this wasn't /sg/ yes
How red would your face be while you were doing it?

>4th world shit hole doing anything to most advanced military in world

Copy pasta'ing a good post:

Many things can go wrong. Her are the scenarios from best case to worst case:

a) Syria gets in a use it or lose it situation and unleashes its arsenal on Israel, destroying many of its cities in the process. This will trigger Israel's Sampson option, whereby they will retaliate against Syria, Iran, all arab countries and select major European capitals, potentially with pre-placed suitcase nuclear bombs.

b) Iran retaliates, destroying US bases in Iraq with massive, unstoppable salvos, destroying the gulf oil region nations in rapid succession, starting with Bahrain and UAE, as well as destroying the Qatar based US airbase, closing the Hormos and stopping the world's energy from flowing. It can also sink the majority of ships in the gulf very quickly. US retaliates, Iran invokes strikes on Israel, cascading to scenario a.

c) Russia retaliates, using conventional means to disable several US missile launch platforms. This means disabling ships, or jets (while giving enough time for the pilots to eject). Russia can also destroy several illegal US bases such as the one in Tanf. This begins an escalation cycle that is likely to lead to WW3.

d) Russia retaliates, hitting a high value US target with a tactical nuclear missile to de-escalate the situation (a so-called de-escalation strike). More likely this will begin a cycle that leads to WW3 with nuclear weapons.

e) Russian full scale retaliation, anticipating negative results from the war before they happen, with a strategic missile launch on the entire western world destroying all infrastructure and major capitals.

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but niggers cant blush

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Can you make an OC using this?

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u posted the most asshurt image i've ever seen that clearly stems from being called a beaner nigger one too many times lmfao... awww ameriga calls everywun nigger ;(

as red as I already am from seeing this

I think diversity breeds easy Islamic conversion, especially under certain situations.

>most advanced
19 years in Afganistan
nearly that in Iraq
17 in Vietnam
failed Korea
lets not make this a Jow Forums teir shit thrower

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How to prepare for nuclear apocalypse? What do I do if I hear a huge explosion, look outside and see the mushroom cloud?


is there any evidence of the Russian’s reinforcing their Air Force and air defenses in the last 48 hours. BTW. moderate Neo-con on RT given time to speak, first thing he brings up is prior to the Civil War, the US tried to bring Syria to negotiate with Isreal and the host was like wtf???

Mutt dog vs Mutt American

Dog Mutt
>Good guy

-American Mutt
>Calls me nigger im guna cwy im not asshurt ur ASSHURT! wahhhhh mommy american white boy called me spic again help give me milky!!!!

lmfao that image is purely an admission of asshurt ahahahaahahahahaahahaha

>The UK running away early didn't help
You can't blame the UK for fleeing this one, in Cyprus they're in range of Syria's missiles, Russia doesn't even need to intervene.

>what are live fire training zones

>moderate Neo-con on RT given time to speak, first thing he brings up is prior to the Civil War, the US tried to bring Syria to negotiate with Isreal and the host was like wtf???
Post video

Why would Israel nuke EU?

Technically we have the most advanced military, it's just amazingly incompetent and badly-maintained

You guys will never be grateful for him, but Trump is buying Assad time. Keep on hating them, you ungrateful fucks.

Why is this little shit running away? Is he scared of us? :^)

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fuck you guys - I get a get and you fags can't even hook me up.

Ya'll don't ask me for no favors.

>american mutt
>ameri mutt
>el ogrillo
>La creatura temible
>la luz no mas
>el ultimo atardecer

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>hating him*

That and May is a stupid cunt, she'd have to do this without Parliament, she'd be the next Blair. Not that this shit matters since she's getting fucked by Corbyn next election

I'm very grateful
the rest are mad niggers or mad liberals



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>it's just amazingly incompetent and badly-maintained

Oh, we seem to have an expert here. Tell me how you would do better you fucking nobody

Jesus Christ. I didn't think the memes were real.

the only reason the kikes have nuclear warheads is to nuke Germany if it was ever to become a European power again, you don’t need 700 nuclear warheads to nuke the Arabs.

Kek, you're retarded

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Is Operation Shock & Awe II on or what?

make sure we've got access to livestreams if it happens plz

these mutt memes will never get old jej

Turn around and do a 360° and walk forward

ahahahahaha now the mestizo is going to initiate his seething asshurt image dump lmfaoooooo

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These memes are great, keep pouring them in, always gives me a good kek.

keep the world salty at america

Um, this is Brighton. Just mentioning. I know where that is.

May could not give a shit, her establishment "friends" are pulling the strings. We'll go into Syria and she'll be the fall guy

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seems that way, Assad has fled into Lebanon and airlines have been given warnings about the area

pic related
don't ruin le ebin maymays

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>Trump is buying Assad time

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>Pussy of Damascus




>the funniest jokes are the ones which are the most true.

this, the mutt meme is like raid on the jews and nonwhites that larp as 'white nationalists'

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I'm pretty happy. I don't want ww3. It's not our fault /sg/ has basically become an Islamic recruitment force. I blame brown people.

fuggin saved

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its okay to be american

the united states is the best country in the world

>reinforcing their Air Force and air defenses in the last 48 hours
all their assets are already in place, according to a Rusfren and Suchkov, Russian subs are deployed in Med.

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Does the Taliban have anything extra in reserve for an offensive once the US commits in Syria?