Capitalism is making people depressed and suicidal. Support for capitalism is at an all-time low and young people like socialists such as Bernie Sanders. If capitalism is destroyed in the near future, America will become a Socialist Republic by default. How do we accelerate the destruction of capitalism?

Here's a plan with several steps, ranging from easiest to hardest:

1.Support labor unions. Corporations are allergic to good working conditions. Bonus points for supporting teacher's unions.

2. Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour would also take away corporate wealth and make the companies throw a fit.

3. Support extremely harsh campaign finance laws, so rich people and corporations can't give so much money to politicians.

4. Forgive all debt, effectively taking money from rich bankers and giving it to Americans.

5. Nationalize industries. Obvious targets would be utilities, ISPs, banks, etc. There's no need to stop there, though.

6. Give money to everyone unconditionally. EVERYONE GETS FREE MONEY. This is the crucial part. We can pay for this by raising the tax on the rich to 70%. This will result in a permanent socialist government, since no one will want to cut off their newly increased income.

7. Reorganization of Society: Overhaul everything. End all corporations. End all private ownership. Destroy all vestiges of capitalism in the States and establish a full-blown Communist utopia.

8. Global Communism: Support Communist movements in nations across the world. Once the US becomes Socialist, dozens of other countries will soon follow. Once a Communist economic bloc is established that includes many developed nations in Europe, end all trade with capitalist countries and watch them fall apart. If they violently resist, fund Communist insurgencies to overthrow those governments and create an unstoppable Communist order that cannot be threatened by any individual country, since every other country in the world will be devoted to preserving Communism.

Attached: Hammer.png (2000x2000, 36K)

Other urls found in this thread:

the best way to achieve communism is through fascism prove me wrong protip: you cant

Didn't read lol. Saged.

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saged, you disgusting fuck should get the rope

You do know that labor unions are controlled by corporations right? Controlled opposition.

memeflags are the enemy of america

This forum is for humans, not communists. Out of the helicopter with you.

you pic is the enemy of life

Marxist "intellect":

Make a country people don't risk their lives to escape first.

i mostly agree but americans feel similarly to the hammer&sickle as they do the swastika, polish your optics and you'll accelerate things easily

>doing all that shit that ISN'T violent revolution in the streets
what a gay fucking commie you are


HahahhahahahahhahahahahahjahahajajahajusHhahhahahaha. Fucking kids these days, all you want is a bigger allowance while some parental figure watches over you.

Why only 70% tax on the rich. Why not 95%? They make enough...

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You forgot step 9. starve to death (just ask the 10s of millions that that perished of starvation thanks to muh glorious revolution).

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Your beret makes you look like a goonie. Che was a murderous thug.

Your ideology has killed enough people. No more.

Strong government tax corporation %50 closed borders.

Socialism works when it is not attacked by the USA

>1.Support labor unions. Corporations are allergic to good working conditions. Bonus points for supporting teacher's unions.

What is competition of labour?
having subpar conditions will only lead to demand for better working conditions, and in this day and age it's impossible for bad working conditions to exist without being exposed.

>2. Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour would also take away corporate wealth and make the companies throw a fit.

This wont solve anything, if anything it'll provoke business owners into investing in automation, leading to more unemployment.

>3. Support extremely harsh campaign finance laws, so rich people and corporations can't give so much money to politicians.

not against this

>4. Forgive all debt, effectively taking money from rich bankers and giving it to Americans.
If you are unwilling to take loans for something you cannot immediately afford, then why take them? Communists cannot into personal responsibiltiy.

>5. Nationalize industries. Obvious targets would be utilities, ISPs, banks, etc. There's no need to stop there, though.

This will destroy any and all innovation in these industries

see: telecom oligopoly; soviet russia

>6. Give money to everyone unconditionally. EVERYONE GETS FREE MONEY. This is the crucial part. We can pay for this by raising the tax on the rich to 70%. This will result in a permanent socialist government, since no one will want to cut off their newly increased income.
This isnt how economics works, faggot
see: venezuela; zimbabwe

last 2 points are just retarded.

kill yourself commie scum

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Capitalism just isn't working .

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some of this is half way tempting, but you're going way way way overboard. Like the first 3 are really good. Number 4 could be a disaster. 5 is good, but you scare me with "no need to stop there." You've lost me with with number 6. Holy shit 7 sounds like a catastrophe of unseen proportions. And 8 is big fat no.

Why can't we reform the democratic party and bring back some good old fashioned cultural conservatism, sort of jimmy carter meets james buchanan with some burkian highlights a touch of realism and pinch of national socialism

Western women are a LOT fatter than that.

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Is it weird I love her eyebrows?


Woah! If we just gave everyone a shitload of free money we would all be rich. That's just crazy enough to work. I wonder why OP was the first one to think of this?

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>Give money to everyone unconditionally. EVERYONE GETS FREE MONEY
That is completely against socialism.
To the worker goes the value of his work. If you did not work and produce the value (which was then taken by the capital owner), you do not just get the money after it gets seized.

Giving people unconditional free money creates a bunch of social parasites who leech of the worker.

You're close. What you have a vague understanding of but lack the IQ to understand or articulate is that it works only if there is a complete lack of any competitive system anywhere in the known and unknown universe. Literally ever atom that exists has to be commie or it gets outcompeted good luck with that.

Bolshevizm maj lēād tu Ful-Бlown Kommunizm.
Stαp ðhe dezertifikation ov afrika wiðh xťian foren ajd.

Plænet Ov Dhi AIDS

Attached: FearOfAPlanetOfDheApes.jpg (694x926, 122K)

>1.Support labor unions. Corporations are allergic to good working conditions. Bonus points for supporting teacher's unions.
>2. Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour would also take away corporate wealth and make the companies throw a fit.

Do you know why workers aren't payed more in America?

Communism and fascism both suck

I was actually mostly joking with some of these. I planned to add one about intergalactic communism and mention the FULLY AUTOMATED SPACE COMMUNISM meme but it seemed like too much even for a shitpost.

>Number 4 could be a disaster. 5 is good, but you scare me with "no need to stop there." You've lost me with with number 6. Holy shit 7 sounds like a catastrophe of unseen proportions. And 8 is big fat no.
Also, I was LARPING from about 4-8 (except for nationalizing stuff in number 5, but I do agree we should not go further than nationalizing utilities, etc.)

You know lefty/pol/, there is room for us to work together. On the Day of the Rope, we will be meeting outside the same buildings to hang the same people, the only difference is that you call them bankers and capitalists and we call them Jews and servitors.

Why can't we all just get along? We're not so different, you and I.

We recognize runway/late stage capitalism is the death of society. We recognize that the working class is being sucked dry by the parasitic (((upper class))). We recognize that the ballot box cannot fix the issue as the bourgeois will never abandon their comforts in the name of fixing society's ills, and that the only way to unfuck our worsening situation is through revolution.

As a natsoc who started his journey into socialism through Marx, I've never understood why we must be dire enemies, instead of working together to remove from power the class of people we mutually recognize as the source behind our sick society. I'm sure this post will be responded to with nothing but hostility, but you can't blame someone for trying to build a bridge.

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You think that the upper class is all Jews. Jews are not the only ones who are in the upper class. There are others.

I don't know what I was thinking. I was planning to make this a jokey shitpost but I think I made a mistake blending in real issues (e.g., supporting unions) because it made me sound serious about the Global Communism stuff.

their servitors, yes. implying that jews aren't massively overrepresented in the 1%/upper class is a little intellectually dishonest considering finance,media, politics, etc are just INFESTED with them.

But here's what separates natsocs from people who are just racist/antisemites: Natsocs acknowledge that they would have never have gotten into those positions of power without the help of traitorous whites, simple racists/antisemites think they have magical jewpowers and they just appeared in the office one day.

I can't blame you for thinking that of us, but just understand Jow Forums brand "nazis" are just statists with a racist twinge. they're just nationalists, not national socialists. furthermore they conflate racism with racialism, racism being unfounded hate and prejudice against other races and racialism being the racial equivalent to nationalism: the desire for one's own race to better itself and stand above others through merit. I'm not a racist, but I want whites to be the best, because I'm white. If we lose that mantle so be it, it's just darwin in action.

seriously, I'm here to have discourse and build bridges between socialist movements. the ancaps/authoritarian right would just as soon give me a helicopter ride as they would you. why can't we work together to help try and provide a cure for our sick society?

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I don't think that "any race is superior to everyone else". I view everyone as equal, and any perceived differences in race aren't significant. We're all humans when we cast aside all the labels and the cultures.

Brainlet detected. In the USSR, if you didn't work, you were sent to the Gulag. In the US, if you don't work, you get free government gibs.

despite what years of slander would have you believe national socialism isn't inherently racist. antisemetic maybe, but not racist.

lets use the slave trade as an example:
it runs counter to any national socialist theory to take the the creme of the crop of a race from their racial homeland and ship them into bondage on faraway shores. a natsoc would never enslave another race first place, he would instead try and find members of his own nation/race who are out of work to work those jobs and become producers, raising the station of one of his own instead of bringing a person of another race into his homeland.

I'm not a racist, I don't believe that any one race is superior to another because of implicit qualities but I think it's an indisputable fact that some cultures have a higher level of development than others. Furthermore I think that cultures at different levels of development being forcefully integrated is bad for all parties, for example Anglo colonialism in Africa is a prime example of a more developed culture dominating a less developed culture, and gang crime in America among blacks is a good example of a less developed culture that places a high value on bravery and personal physical prowess (nothing wrong with that, when tempered with other things) being forcefully integrated into one that does not share those same cultural values. People should not be in places they don't belong, whites don't belong in the ancestral homelands of africans and blacks would have been better off working towards the betterment of their own people in Africa.

People from different races may have the same potential on an individual level, sure, I'll agree to that. But imo it's pretty evident that some cultures are more developed than others, for example the widespread adherence to wahabi/hardline islam among arabs and others in the middle east holds them back, I thin we can all agree that an ideology that views women as property is a pretty fucked up one.

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>implying prices will stay the same when you raise min wage


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You know why everybody hates you faggots? Because we're on the brink of another war caused by the same people whose selfish, misanthropic, and perverted behavior has destroyed your faith in market economics to begin with, and here you sit with your thumb up your ass, naively shilling for the very form of economic control that they invented to consolidate power for themselves.

You are small-brained. You can't think beyond your own pathetic ideology, which is utterly lacking in nuance and entirely childish in scope. As if that wasn't enough, the vast majority of people who subscribe to this school of thought happen to come from wealthy families, and hold political beliefs that are entirely at odds with the same workers whom they claim to defend. You love diversity. You love immigration. You love central power. These are the greatest enemies of the working class, and they are fundamentally anti-marxist. In other words, you're not just an insufferable commie faggot -- you're not even GOOD at being an insufferable commie faggot.

Now fuck off, we've got yet another jewish war in the middle east coming up and your shit tier thread is taking up space.

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Communism will win in balkanized parts of the world. Urban indoor vertical farming, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (close to mandatory) personal/community subsistence gardens, central planning with god-tier advanced a.i. and exponentially hi-tech automation will help make this happen. I'm pretty sure there will still be a bartering market for personal made items (gourmet/art/fashion/furniture/etc).

That oldshool gulag shit and armed struggle is a thing of the past. This is already starting with urban communes and co-op services.

>Reditt spacing
>too long to read
>Obvious 1 ID shill
>Extreme faggotry
Double check

I, therefore, declare this thread a bleeding anal tumor.
>Recommended treatment
Sage into oblivion and/or ignore

Attached: slide_thread.jpg (887x900, 232K)

Jews are the enemy of America (aka Whites).

Capitalism is Jewish.

Communism is Jewish.

Hello gomrades! X_DDddDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of ebin revolutionary socialism and gommunism.

Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.

Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:

>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. X_-DDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :-DDDDd
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all FUG. When capitalists run away we win and I gill you all. Eventually the fungtions of state stob and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.

GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:

It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.


Da sdages of gommunism.

>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :-DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.

>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. (BENIS :_DD)

>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.

>Sdage 4
Nod real gommunism. Nexzt gountry. problems werent. :-DDdd

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