"As a white person...

"As a white person, you are far less likely to be charged in a meaningful way than a person of color committing the same crime".

Attached: blue.png (640x1136, 1.02M)

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as a white person, I'm also far less likely to commit a crime in the first place, or to commit a crime again.
Negroes get more charges because they are repeat offenders.

Attached: Black and white crime.png (616x5370, 1.5M)

Now break it down by history of prior convictions.

Attached: 1518977649586-pol.jpg (298x301, 26K)

honestly if cops are being douches to you it's because you're acting ghetto.

talk to them with respect and i guarantee they'll treat you different and even offer you advice on how to get your life together. i say this as a POC and have dealt with police because of the people i hung out with.

>repeat offenders.
They get charged more due to the color of their skin.

"As a person of nigger, you are far more likely to commit a crime than a white person."

Is it really a surprise that people are min maxing from past experiences?

Says who, dipshit? CNN? The DNC? Hilldawg herself?

Yes, the whole 12% of the population committing 50% of the crime has nothing to do with it.

multiple time offenders.

It's called get a lawyer... and not a public defender.

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