You have to admit, a race of people that controls the entire world from behind the scenes has to have an exceptionally high IQ wouldn't you agree?
You have to admit...
Niggers rule the world?
They have exceptional amounts of money, because at one time, Christians were not allowed to charge interest.
IQ wise, they're below whites.
>If someone steals and lies they must be very smart
So, they control the world behind the scenes but they're as dumb as a bunch of trailer park rednecks.
This is an argument that is supposed to make people like you in the thrall of their power look good or something?
A group IQ of 98 is respectable, but nothing special.
Do the math, or is that beyond your 98 Average IQ?
+ No moral or ethical boundaries
S _ _ _
They are a parasitic race. They cleverly took over banks in the medieval era, for which we are now paying the price for. But just because some Jew family did something smart in medieval times doesn't make them smart now, they are parasites and are losing grip by the day. Just look at how many people are redpilled on the JQ now compared to 10 years ago. The Jew is getting sloppy and dumb which is making them more transparent to the wider public.
I'm just asking the simple questions.
Such as, did you think your argument through?
Well? Did you?
>This confuses the while nationalist
Neah I don't think so. They faked the scores. It's what they do. It fits their agenda - they want to explain why they have so many of the tribe in high places. "We're smarter" is a better story than "We're rich bigots who discriminate against goys, because we're working to an agenda".
Well according to the tests they made up themselves, yes.
What If aborigines fell into the niche, to print the currency, that the rest of world backs with their labor, materials and inventions.
Or extremely low moral character.
Einstein was a plagiarist.
He got the Nobel prize for the photoelectric effect and unstated contributions to physics.
He didn't get it for Special Relativity, because that was done by Lorentz and Fitzgerald and Maxwell.
He didn't get it for Brownian motion, that was done by Theil. (He claimed he didn't see the prior work. If I had done that they'd call it academic fraud).
He didn't get it for General Relativity, that was done by Hilbert.
What did Einstein do?
A plug and chug of the Plank quantum hypothesis.
He was wrong about EPR "Paradox", actually showing an ignorance of SR.
He was wrong in calling the Big Bang "Catholic Science".
He was wrong in using "thought experiments", that is anti science.
He was a complete fraud; a poster boy of Zionist to push the "Jews are smart" to explain why they were put in positions of power in the media, the government, and the markets.
Connections are not IQ
Rolling on their back and whimpering about how helpless and attacked they are to look as pathetic as possible for sympathy armor, is not IQ
Guilt tripping the west into helping them out of paranoia of being accused of being called a word made specifically about hating their group, isn't IQ
Show me a Kike that made their way to power and hid their Jew heritage, race, and religion. They are so pathetic they have to wait until a Jew gets a foothold in a white built company before they can take over the positions of power by hiring their own. Companies without kike leaders don't have nearly as many kikes in the chain of command.
Henry Ford explains quite adequately, in "The International Jew", the unique set of circumstances which brought about the Jewish problem.
They make pretty good doctors...
Better than Vietnamese!
A Vietnamese doctor cheats his way through med school, then blows off the patients and kicks back thinking he's gonna get rich.
He's not entirely wrong...
Which must be nice to have higher priority when applying to colleges and finding jobs.
My point is they have the same IQ range as whites, not higher. Both can be very intelligent but whites make good doctors too. But how many intelligent whites were not given the same opportunities because they wouldn't fill a college's equality quota? Or their dad didn't share the same synagogue as the Dean?
Whites are at 103-105, thus have about 5 points on the Jews.
That's nice, but why should I trust that data when there is other data that refutes it... data from pro-Jewish sources?
It is a survey, only the valid intelligence tests are combined. Those of the study of the University of Carolina were used; We all know that it is a fraud because when doing the comparison they put Hispanics in the sample of 1000 targets. But to an asi there is a group that surpasses them
They work together as a race, any group that can achieve that can and will rule the world, 3 heads are better than 1, even if it's 3 stupid heads and one smart head, in most cases. Now they have millions of heads, and we have internal conflict, they get control. Nogs never work together, and fight among themselves far too often. Asians are collectivist by nature, and achieve great things, they control their own half of the world as well.
Niggers have a low IQ and are easily exploited: the white nationalist laughs and mocks. Jews do the same thing to whites: the white nationalists scream about cheating and cry.
>Jow Forums on black IQ inferiority
>Jow Forums on Jewish IQ superiority
That would be some asian race.
Is this the best you can muster?
You didn't look close enough. Look to the right.
They have a much more narrow bellcurve. So while they have a higher mean average, whites have the more genius'
False. The majority of IQ studies show Jews have a lower IQ than whites on average. They also tend more towards the mean, meaning they lack geniuses.
"Say what you like about the enemy army, they sure are good shots".
"Achmed might be running people over, but damn he's taking those corners well".
"Sure, Tyreese is a rapist, but he's really good at running with a ball".