Don't tell me you forgot to smash the Patriarchy today did you? Women still earn 80% of what men do for the exact same job. This is sexism. This is why I need feminism. Because these are real statistics for real issues.
What did Jow Forums do for #EqualPayDay?
did 30% less work like a woman would. #equality
pls post proofs
I told my sister that being a "interior decorator" is not a real job
Why does the number change every time it's brought up?
They think of "work" in terms of showing up and not getting fired. They then expect the same pay as those who excel at their work.
You hear this argument all the time where they ask "But it's the same job, isn't it?" No two workers are equal, nor is the quality of work that they perform.
Equality is a fucking meme that women and faggots buy into, plain and simple.
On average boys who stay home masturbating all day get less pussy than chads who go drinking and fucking all day
Where's the equality?
Why is it so hard for people to understand this?
kek I made four times as much as the highest paid woman in the office
Its a federal crime to destroy legal tender