So what is the ideal way to act as a male? In this world of degeneracy, what is the example that the perfect white male should give to the world?
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You effect the world, the world doesn't effect you.
If you have to ask then you already failed. Just chop it off already.
>t. Doesn't read books
Read a book. The best male character under 25 is John Grady Cole from Comarc McCarthy's Border Trilogy. He is who everyone should try to emulate, socially, morally, etc. in terms of masculinity and dialogue and social interactions.
Have a goal greater than yourself and act to achieve it.
Keep your emotions in check, crying and bitching doesn't achieve anything. You can feel sad but don't let it stand in your way, if that means getting help then so be it.
Be willing to sacrifice to give your children a better life.
I am asking more in general. We need to be precise about these things instead of running around like a chicken talking about a hundred different ideas. We need a clear, unified idea of what a white male should be, and attempt to emulate that.
Howard Roark
Would independence be considered most important? Self-Sacrifice for a greater good? Intelligence and strength?
A man should be moderate, have courage and obtain wisdom. Without these he cannot be Just. Plato.