Trannies =/= gay community

Trannies =/= gay community.

Attached: 303039398383.jpg (793x6020, 898K)

Other urls found in this thread:

gay community = pedo community = jews

pedo community = virgins who never got touched as kids so they always treasure the innocence of young bodies

gays =/= pedos

You'll never explain that to the general population. We are lgbt just as much as Jow Forums is the alt-right.

wrong. getting touched as a kid makes you more likely to be attracted to pedo shit. and gays are more likely to be pedos than heteros.
you can't hide from the phallometric test, faggot

dO SOMething USA ffs

I can’t read anything in your photo.

>This, of course, would not indicate that androphilic males have a greater propensity to offend against children.

literal retard Jow Forums user who copies and pastes

mobile fag. see the m at the end of the image? remove it. if it 404. change jpg to png

except if you actually read it
> This suggests that the resulting proportion of true pedophiles among persons with a homosexual erotic development is greater than that in persons who develop heterosexually

Guess you don't know what "suggest" means.

gues you don't know what >This, of course, would not indicate that androphilic males have a greater propensity to offend against children.

I'm gay myself and stuff like this sickens me. Why do trannies, fags and trap posters love to ruin our image? For fuck sake. I hope this guy gets fucked up.

Essentially a mental tranny is blackmailing gay kids and that paki that blew his skull off was being black mailed. Quite sick.

I love it. fag dicks get hard at a higher rate to pedo shit and this faggot goes on the offense like people are calling him a pedo. HMMMMMM

you just sound like a mad dickless shemonster, all that HRT must be doing something to your brain


You asked for this shit when you went from being gay to LGBT. Now all the mooching fucks who were making a living lobbying for gay marriage have to find something new to justify their existence and unfortunately for you they've decided to try and hassle the entire society into excepting tranny delusions.

If you have any sense you'll stop supporting the LGBT movement or else you can sit back and watch as they ruin your reputation by associating you with these sick freaks.

Attached: Tranny demon reads to kids..jpg (960x623, 103K)

I stopped supporting the LGBT movement a long time ago.
I don't mind the LGB, but fuck T and whatever comes after that.

Hey user why is gay culture so repugnant and hyper-sexual? You're better than trannys but still have a long way to go. Also, stop molesting boys.

thx for clearing that up fgt

aww, widdle diddle piddled a fiddle. I'm not an Jow Forums faggot like you. nice projection tho, all the shit you take must be costly

so you are a tranny on HRT lol

also I don't browse Jow Forums you loser where did you get that from

Attached: The Devil bowed his head because he knew that he'd been beat.jpg (369x271, 34K)

See ? We told you fags were trying to convert peoples into their own disgusting mental illness. You’re not fooling anyone here Mr.Rainbow, you and you’re friends are all going to the oven.

im starting the straight community

Very weak troll, such a weak troll - I'm telling you, that's the weakest troll I've ever seen, I mean it's too weak. Sad!

Yo, that's fucked up. anyone in the area?

>thread about Jow Forums
you really fried your brain didn't you?

lol had to reply twice? no you moron, if you MUST know I'm a 32 year old HUWITE CISHITLORD with 3 kids. keep on projecting, faggot

it's from /lgbt/ you illiterate no-dick, did you even read the image LOL

Jow Forums and /lgbt/, more reason why you can't comprehend simple english

>some fags are worse than other fags
you're still all fags tho

how do you feed your kids holding signs up all day for things that have no impact on your real lie?

>from /lbgt/
if you're going to ignore the reiko shit tied in with the kid shootinghimself in the face with a shotgun, go fuck yourself

Youre both fucked. Get lost.


Attached: 1523244691443.jpg (300x300, 27K)

I missed the last part of the whole ordeal. How did they get those pictures and confirm the name/address?

definitely not tied in with Jow Forums, nope

So where can I see the footage of Reiko shooting himself in the head OP?

he's going to do it soon

Christian discord server:

discord gg/34EVc

1. never, ever join a discord server
2. I hope justice is swift and fitting