Explaining masculine honor to women

Guys, I had this weird convo with wife and want outside input.

TL;DR: How do you explain a masculine concept of honor to a (smart) woman?

Wife is educated, reasonably red-pilled, and a few years younger than me. I make all the $$$, and she stays at home with our young kids. We both like our roles.

Wife didn't know Samus Aran was a woman. Talked about women in the military, which I am against both in principle, and for practical reasons. This bothers the wife.

Same sort of argument comes up when I tell her I might have to hit the kids (all boys) as reprisal for violence they initiate against each other. I don't spank my kids, which we agreed about early on. This idea horrified her. Couldn't communicate why I thought it necessary.

Worried about wife later interfering with me teaching my kids when and how to be violent, when that time comes. How did/do you (if you do) communicate with women about behavior surrounding notions of honor that women doesn't innately possess?

My kids are going to learn how to fight and stick up for themselves and others. But I know my wife cannot teach them this.

Any open-field commentary on this is invited.

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>Wife didn't know Samus Aran was a woman. Talked about women in the military, which I am against both in principle, and for practical reasons. This bothers the wife.

There's a reason this bothers you -- in a military setting, if a woman is captured she is raped. The current "code of conduct" is directly resultant of Christianity and extremely recent... only the past 400 or 500 years in Western Civilization has there been anything like it, but now that Christianity and its values are discarded so wholesale you know that there is nothing holding them [the other side] back... you also know that despite it being CURRENT_YEAR you know that there are whole countries/cultures that have never accepted Christianity and are thus not held in check.

> Worried about wife later interfering with me teaching my kids when and how to be violent, when that time comes.
If she protests against violence, ask if violence in itself is evil. If she says yes, then explain that if this is true, it means that there's no situation where violence is called for: to stop a rapist, or a murderer, or even to protect yourself from them.

Biological determinism tells us that men are inherently violent. Competition netween males due to our dynamics of reproduction (women carry the 'cost' of a growing embryo, men only carry minimal cost for sperm production, instead investing in competition) has shaped us. What is really deciding is whether we stay in control of these violent tendencies or lose ourselves in them .... this differentiates the man from the savage. Kids need to learn that lesson. Under 'controlled' circumstances at best.

Your pic was well chosen btw.


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you are everywhere
see you in kraut/pol

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Weird. My mom always told me never to start fights but if people give you trouble then hit them back. Just be careful not to go overboard with it because then I’ll be in trouble. I think your wife is broken.

I explained to my wife (over a long time) that society needs men who can be monstrous and that without them, other monsters would eat a defenseless society without hesitation. So you nueter your own monsters at great peril to yourself. She understands self-interest.

I would explain honor as a measuring stick for the expression of that same monstrosity, but I don't think the idea of honor has come up as a necessary talking point. She seems to understand it's not her sphere. And ultimately, if you're not monstrous, it's best not to concern yourself with such things.

You made the mistake of giving her an equal say. A body only has one head. Until she learns that, you will never have a peaceful marriage.

Get to studying the Bible. Both of you. You lead. It is your God given responsibility to guide your family in religious matters and God clearly supports discipline.

Good thread. You might also mention that violence, although deemed evil, is something that is universal and it is understood by all living being. Kinda like mathematics. KINDA.

can't even tell your wife whos younger than you that you are the boss.

I wish I could punch you through my computer you soyboy bitch

when I have kids they will beat the ever loving shit out of your soy kids

Have her read some elementary masculine literature, such as Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

Hopefully one day she will be capable of understanding pic related.

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Such a concept is beyond her grasp. These virtues are not inherent in women nor are they instilled through her development al years. If women could understand this, it would be a common trope in media tailored to their demographic.

She's not "broken", just heavily feminine. Some women have more masculine traits and thus understand men better.

The best kind of man is a civilized beast, capable of great violence but only at great need.

Funnily enough i'd have to agree with this. Be a monster when needed.

Imagine projecting this hard

Put your kids in Martial arts

That scene is so powerful.

Bro, I would dump her. She's infected. I just dumped my girlfriend.
>I would do anything for you
Ok, film yourself calling someone a nigger
>I would kill someone for you (said without prompting)
>No, no, I meant if it was in self-defence.
Get out while you still can.
>Possibly red-pilled?

Favorite poster

There is NEVER a reason to be violent. Fighting should be done smarter than that, by impacting someone's life in other ways.

Go away stupid kangoroo

You might be better off explaining the backstory to your favorite video game or anime, something you're experienced in.

Bah don't force it, if she trusts you she'll trust your ways.

The ancient greek city states formed their armies from the population of citizens.
It was normal for every male of a certain age in that society to have sseen death and perhaps even killed people, and certainly to have been in a situation of pure terror before.
This relationship with violence is the norm, not the exception.
Violence is a reality for all life, everyone is at risk of being confronted wiht a serious violent situation at some point in their life. Good parents should prepare their children for this event.

Wikipedia locks it down pretty clearly with this:

>Samuel Johnson, in his A Dictionary of the English Language (1755), defined honour as having several senses,
>the first of which was "nobility of soul, magnanimity, and a scorn of meanness." This sort of honour derives from the perceived virtuous conduct and personal integrity of the person endowed with it.
>On the other hand, Johnson also defined honour in relationship to "reputation" and "fame"; to "privileges of rank or birth", and as "respect" of the kind which "places an individual socially and determines his right to precedence." This sort of honour is often not so much a function of moral or ethical excellence, as it is a consequence of power.
>Finally, with respect to sexuality, honour has traditionally been associated with (or identical to) "chastity" or "virginity", or in case of married men and women, "fidelity". Some have argued that honour should be seen more as a rhetoric, or set of possible actions, than as a code.

Honor is also tied to integrity:
>the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
"a gentleman of complete integrity"

So to put it in retarded woman terms

Western honor is gained from
>Honorable and noble behavior and a strong sense of integrity
>Position and title
>Chastity and Fidelity

Not that fucking hard.

When you let your kids run wild and misbehave you are being DISHONORABLE as it is not good behavior.

On that note, just remind her that the original purpose of manners was to enable people to stand to be able to live with each-other in a time of hot passions, quick deaths and short lives (medieval and classic times). Understanding that makes it pretty clear what is and isn't acceptable and why manners existed in the first place (and why we suffer so much without them, see: how nobody can stand to go outside anymore).

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>Some have argued that honour should be seen more as a rhetoric, or set of possible actions, than as a code.
Ignore this piece of wikipedia marxism, I didn't fully read what I copy-pasted.

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Fuck off stacey


Not honor

>Talked about women in the military, which I am against both in principle, and for practical reasons. This bothers the wife.
If she is smart, does she understand biology?
Men & women have different endocrinology (hormones), which influence behavior (especially risk-taking calculations) at different levels of testosterone, progesterone, estrogen, etc.
Combining men & women in the military adds unnecessary complications: men will take extra risks to save women that they wouldn’t do for men, potentially endangering them.
Hormone fluctuations can influence decisions, making women calculate differently (even slightly) at different times during their menstrual cycle, which could endanger fellow soldiers if orders are not followed correctly or if a woman creates competition between other members.
They also don’t think the same way as men in a lot of cases- the white & gray matter distribution and trends towards connectedness and emotional contact, instead of intentional drive and logical calculation.
Groups of men perform more cohesively than co-ed, will almost always be physically stronger, and are less likely to be emotionally affected & let this interfere.
If she still doesn’t believe the sexual dimorphism, tell her it’s for women’s own good that they’re kept from the sexual assault that occurs in the military.

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Too late australia off the prison island with you.

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if women can't understand that being in the military is dangerous to everyone involved,let them join and get raped,life is a harsh teacher but she is the best teacher.
>hey soldiers,you are supossed to protect military woman
i can see that shit happening.

>not hitting kids
I hate faggots like this. Kids aren't some magical, sensitive little creatures. They can be horrible little shits, and nothing sets them more straight than a good clip round the ears after they have done something retarded.

>hen I tell her I might have to hit the kids (all boys) as reprisal for violence they initiate against each other

Would probably recommend against doing this, or at least doing more than giving them a flick over the ear.

For most kids, you'll hit them and nothing more will come of it, but for others it can destroy trust and eventually turn them into a complete psychopath, making them the antithesis of what you're trying to make them.

Raising your voice and giving out to them has pretty much the exact same effect, but has a much lower chance of fostering negative personality traits in your kids. In terms of teaching your wife about male honour, I'd suggest listen to the advice of other anons here. Give her some books. Explain how violence is sometimes necessary.

Also, get your kids to take up a martial art, preferably one that works, but also teaches discipline. Cho's Tae Kwon Do is pretty good, but do your own research.

>hurr christians don't rape and pillage
Do you actually believe this bullshit? War brings out the worst in everyone, especially when fighting "a defensive war against a psychopathic subhuman opponent".

The rules of engagement actually being followed only happens with highly paid, professional armies. Cletus is much more christian than you, and I guarantee that he'll commit war crimes for personal benefit if ever conscripted.

don't forget to teach them that,as americans and probably anywhere in the world,martial arts are used to build character and blow some steam,not to steamroll thugs.
a gun is cheaper and more powerfull than 7 years of training.

Every kid is different and the same methods don't always apply.
I think we all know a pair of siblings where one is an obedient child and the other very difficult.

this conversation presupposes existence of 'masculine' concept of 'honor,' in other words, the actual details in question are being discussed without being defined

in truth, the subject matter is the 'caucasian' sense of 'love for God,' which can be explained far more easily, God himself created us in this manner

don't be deceived by the enemy's empty words, that are designed exclusively to create conflict, they are inherently valueless, as is this discussion

>I might have to hit the kids (all boys) as reprisal for violence they initiate against each other.

Yeaaah, hitting someone to convey the message that hitting is bad? Impeccable logic.

Not something to destroy a family over. They have children you fucking retard.

>I think we all know a pair of siblings where one is an obedient child and the other very difficult
Yeah, and they are usually treated vastly differently by the parents.

>dumping a gf is the same as divorcing a wife

Woman here.

This is all redundant and heresay.

There truly is no "red-pill". It doesn't exist. It's just a concept to justify an opinion.

Instead just explain that men and women are different and there are things you must do to survive and it is because you express your strength that you have the peace you do. If you lost that strength, the other greedy or selfish humans would take it from you. THAT is human nature.

>t. Marxist
Women are retarded.

Obviously, since they behave very differently.
Reality is, everyone is born with certain predispositions, parents job is to accomodate their kids needs, if one is always being an asocial shithead, discipline is obviously more necessary for that one than the peaceful one.

Or do you believe all humans are born exactly the same and all differences stem only from socialization? Because that is just not true.

then they're fucked up kids anyway. you're best off putting them up for adoption after seeing signs of mentalism, and hope they'll be a menace to some adopter soycouple.

Tit's or Get The Fuck Out Whore.

>explaining anything to a woman let alone feeling the need to
OP, ur wife sounds like a smart aleck, not an intelligent woman. Women are for procreating and nurturing your sons, nothing more. Dumb her ass for a traditional woman that understands her best interest will always be to follow your lead because this is the cold harsh truth, no matter how smart a woman is her best bet is blindly following her captain through the storm. The "smarter" she is the harder this will be to accept. Prepare yourself for living hell if you go through with your plans and procreate with this broad.

you don't need to teach a boy how to fight
boys know how to fight more or less automatically
you might need to teach em when to walk away though


Your wife is a dumb bitch, she will end up ressenting you for her dumb idea and to take revenge she will fuck the nigger next door, which will give her the feeling she has some power over you. Good luck.

I spank my two kids and they love and respect me for it because they feel safe.

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>hurr christians don't rape and pillage
maybe they do but they are objectively and empirically the least likely to considering the fact that their salvation literally depends on it, and if you don't believe that your salvation depends on it you aren't a christian.

You make a good point about the brain differences. And coming from a friend who was in the military, besides the obvious physical differences, he witnessed quite some white-knighting from guys towards the few females.

About your pic, feeling disconnected from people, I have a read a bit about oxytocin because of its supposed role in autism. I find this explanation for feminism pretty good, as, like autists, they're more at ease with ideas, or in this case doctrines, than RL, the people around them and their lives and opinion. Maybe this lack of proximity with fellow people, combined with high sensitivity can lead to paranoid behavior, where lashing at the perceived enemy -men- is a catharsis.

Finally, the sad part of lack of mother-child bonding is likely to make their offspring suffer from the same emotional distance.

how could giving people a taste of their own medicine be anything other than effective, dumb fuck?

now i know who to blame about this shitty current generation of soyboys.

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Why bother discussing? Regardless how much a woman tries to be like a man (that includes trying to "logically" understand something), she always has a emotional filter garbling up whatever stimuli she interprets. She keep slapping her ass and bringing home money, while keep in shape and ignore trying to discuss things that require logic.

>Reddit spacing
Checks out

Women understand honor, they just don't abide by it because it's a dumb strategy.
Why would you admit defeat or hold back for the sake of some made up rule that's somehow agreed upon by probably realistically, a very small percentage of the population.
Yeah, you enjoy that male honor while I run off with your hard-earned money. Faggot.

>if a woman is captured she is raped.
because men who are captured don't get raped
top fucking kek
the only difference is that when a woman gets raped it infuriates the nation.

>If she protests against violence, ask if violence in itself is evil. If she says yes, then explain that if this is true, it means that there's no situation where violence is called for: to stop a rapist, or a murderer, or even to protect yourself from them.

This seriously doesn't work with women. My wife if intimately familiar with firearms and lesser defensive measure like pepper spray, is ostensibly in favor of using violence or some means of defense to ward off an attack, and would otherwise be prepared to use these means, but she refuses to carry any of these means of defense with her at anytime - even something as simple as a taser or knife.

I've confronted her about this repeatedly - even in the best of scenarios, I simply can't always be there as a defensive option. the only answer I've ever managed to pry from her is some bizarre double-think regarding "weapons," being against violence, and becoming target because of the weapon or "making the situation worse." I'm honestly so incapable of understanding the argument she makes I can't even properly summarize it. the best analogy I can make is Naval civilian vs. warship designation thinking.

Educate and civilize the mind but make the body that of a savage

Family worker here, in this day and age hitting your kids is not advisable, lots of seemingly perfect relationships end every day and the wife and kids being able to truthfully say you hit your kids will fuck you over.
The fact that you seem to think anything about samus aran has any relevance to this makes me think this is bait.
>1 post by this id
If you're not a troll, which is very unlikely, and you want to explain honor, just replace it the word with pride, everyone has that or at least understands it, and it's close enough.

Woman here also. The way I understand the rest of the posts here is that you must prove your strength through violence to separate yourself from other men. My first impression was that this was a bag of dicks and related to pride, but then I realised that it's meant to impress other females, although it implies endangering my own child. Fair enough.
You should tell her it is for self defense and perhaps hide the underlying male desire to be a memorable fighter. Men love women, women love their children. She'll understand best if you bring up health benefits and self defense.

What? No! The whole point is that kids with that disposition are more susceptible to becoming psychopaths, they're not psychopaths inherently. With a bit of care and attention, they should grow up to be totally normal people.

What you're saying is equivalent to saying that people who are predisposed to having PTSD after they have a traumatic experience already have PTSD!

i'm shocked to be agreeing with everything a leaf is saying. i'll assume you're using a proxy.

i will say that carrying a knife can be a bad option. if i got into a spat with someone and they pulled a knife on me, it has become a fight to the death, and if i then knock them out, i'm taking that knife and ripping their throat open with it.

but for a gun, if she knows how to handle it, she'll always be better off, except in the rare circumstance that she's being hunted by the predator, in which case it wouldn't kill her because she wasn't armed... no sport.

Anons are quickly finding out that women don't understand "Love" ; "Honor" or "Loyalty. These are all concepts of men. These are all concepts of society. The only concept a woman really knows is "GIB" as in "Gib Me Dat" or "Hypergamy".

A woman's entire DNA has evolved over hundreds of thousands of years to manipulate men to get what she wants.

Women do not know honor. That is why these experiments with All Women Work Teams (like that movie company or Clarissa's Blog) all fail. Women back bite and claw at each other.

Now take a man, in the workplace. Take me recently, when I got hired under a boss that was younger than me. I still gave him my respect and my honor. Men believe in hierarchy. It doesn't matter my personal feeling on my younger boss. I will respect the hierarchy and our team's ability to "fight" or "get the job done" as a whole.

Women will never ever understand these concepts. They are eternally SELFISH and VAPID. It is LITERALLY written into their DNA.

You can never ever ever present a "Lesser of Two Evils" scenario to a woman. She will short circuit. That is why a man is needed in emergency situations to start working hierarchy of needs.

You can't explain this shit to a woman. You honestly have to force her to your will. I found that out late. Never try to reason with a woman. It's a futile task.

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>explaining things to women
for what purpose?

OP has reddit spacing

His mistake, not mine.

It’s your job to teach what you view as ‘honor’ to your kids. Men and women are fundamentally different, you cannot expect her to understand things the same way or ever learn certain things. Together you should balance each other out.

This some 2012 repost

You're a fucking retard, OP.

The reason why you fail to convince people of your viewpoints is because you are not a convincing person. This is probably because your arguments are disjointed and not credible. You don't try to be convincing, you just say what you think and then expect others to just magically agree because all of your opinions are so self-evidently correct.

Your wife is a mother motivated by love for her children. Simply point out to her that for her children to grow up strong and independent they need to be able to resist people who would push them around. Don't frame it as "learning how to be violent" because that is the most fucking retarded way that you could phrase anything ever and I am completely unsurprised she told you to get fucked because I would too.

>I tell her I might have to hit the kids (all boys) as reprisal for violence they initiate against each other
"Hitting people is bad, so I'm going to hit you."
Absolutely mongoloid-tier behaviour. A gun is not an argument and your children are not dogs to be controlled merely by the threat of retribution.

>How do you explain a masculine concept of honor
You don't, because honour is a fucking stupid concept from a time long ago where isolation made oversight difficult and thus trustworthiness and reputation were critical when deciding who you should give jobs to. If you're sending some dude out alone on a horse into the middle of fucking nowhere to carry the literal physical money to your distant logging camp to pay the workers you need to be able to really fucking trust him, and so people put a lot of stock in reputation and honour.

It's a different world now and your old-fashioned ideas will only cause trouble.

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Look at all the dumb newfags writing novel length replies. This board is a disaster.

Was better in the book, where Aragorn still cried when elf and dwarf found him.
We for some reason really don't have men crying in the modern books and films

>Look at all the dumb newfags writing novel length replies.

It really doesn't matter if we reply to bait or not. It's often something people want to discuss. Doesn't matter if it's 1PBTID or not. If the discussion is relevant to the modern day, then let's discuss it.

To put it simple - honor is an innate ability to keep instincts and whims in check, ability to think long-term.

Pretty much this.

you cant

lmao this

pure cringe

a perfect example appears! Everyone observe the inferior feminine thought process in action

What the fuck are you doing here? As if labelling yourself 'woman' like that means anything here (tits or gtfo btw)
Are you trying to prove that you're the magical unicorn that can come on Jow Forums "and not turn into a nazi" to your friends or something?
Actually scratch that - nobody wants to know or cares. Fuck off to reddit or something...

Being this out of touch with the natural world. How can you not see that a different sort of predator thrives when people aren't willing to use physical force.

There was no reason to say you were a woman. It doesn't make the point more valuable. We are all anonymous here so we can judge arguments by their own merit.

That's why you are being asked for a picture of your tits or to get the fuck off my board.

If you don't hit your son for starting dumb fights and abusing his strength you will raise a shit kid. It's about learning the value and place for violence so he doesn't end up a nigger.

It's not about women at all.