Wanna hear what's really going to happen?

Wanna hear what's really going to happen?

>both american and russian overlords are kikes
>there's a plan in works for years already
>we are currently still in escalation phase, WW3 will actually start about 2 years from now
>the main battlefield will be eastern europe, especially baltics and poland, shit will also start in balkans, especially with albanians in macedonia
>Russia is designed to lose the war, it's actually going to be shorter than the first two, but it will still be a big slaughter
>you don't need to really be afraid (well, you should be, but about that later) (((conventionally))), no nukes will be used, so the kikes' business is not threatened
>the result will be balkanization of Russia into smaller republics
>also, eastern europe and russia will lose a lot of male population, so as american "aid" will be poured into these countries (called second marshall plan) they will get flooded by african, arab and asian immigrants, similar to turks in germany, only on grander scale
>and, why you should be afraid, it is expected that a lot of unruly people (ie you) will join Russia, either directly or by spreading propaganda in their countries
>this will allow a great purge of such individuals everywhere in the west, expect thousands of people disappearing overnight, but people will be (or they will pretend to be) okay with it, because MSM will shill it, saying that it's all happenning for "greater good"
>the purge will go on even after the war, also massive brainwashing about how nationalism started 3 world wars and did everything terrible in the world
>basically it will be the start of the global brown mutt race that will be ruled over by kikes, kalergi plan, you probably know the drill
>about 30 years from that point, european union will actually become a state, incorporating the rest of eastern europe and russia, but by that point, less than 50% of its population will still be unmixed european race

You don't need to trust me, but you will see in time.

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Other urls found in this thread:


This but unironically.

Time for mother nature to deliver a large meteor.

been thinking the same thing

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Sounds about right.


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would say you're full of shit but I was also thinking the same.

>I will see this in time
>I will disappear in the middle of the night

Pick one faggot

Bump, by the way

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As a white 19 year old college kid in southern California, how will any of this affect me and why should I care.

I don't think so. There aren't going to thousands upon thousands of nanny nurse robots that inject the rich with life extension shots and build Lamborghinis and make alcohol and drugs for their masters in lieu of a productive class. The fine skill experts of the human race are always unpredictable and capable of threatening elites. No human especially wealthy soft-handed bankers can survive a restricted lifestyle necessary to escape the suffering.

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This plan will probably fail horribly

The ((())) assumes he is superior to others and this plan can only succeed if he does, trust in govt and media is already so low that over half of the people take it all as bullshit and lies

Brainwashing wont work on someone who isnt listening

Just make sure you individualize your kids asap so theyre protected from ideology

how old is this info / has the plan changed at all since release?

>>both american and russian overlords are kikes
This is a JIDF demoralization tactic, pretend that both sides are equally bad

How are they going to counter the internet?

They have been purging social media but that has not stopped us from communicating or engaging in collective actions

Do they have a plan for locking down the web that will not immediately chaos and civil war?

Also Its over optimistic of them to think they can build this up in only two years time when they STILL cannot get us to invade Syria or Iran and they have been trying to make Iran happen since fucking 2007 to no avail.

They cnt even drag us into syria after a dozen different false flags but their magically going to make Russia happen?

Also how does Trump factor in? The entire left beleives hes a russian puppet and the entire right beleives hes their last chance at survival.

If they push a hot war with russia they will either be forces to impeach and jail Trump which causes right faction to erupt into rebellion or they keep Trump as a puppet which causes the left faction to Rebell due to them beleiving hes a russian stooge and thus russians control our government.

Im legitimately curious how they are gonna pull this off. They do not have the monopoly on social programming that they used to before social media. Everyone from genZ and at least 30-40% of millenials do not watch MSM and get their primary info from alt sources like the chans. How are they going to stop that?

Your going to be anally raped and castrated by La Raza. Thats how it affects you directly.

The problem with being an elite mastermind class is that when you push dysgenics on the world it ruins the management side of your multi generational plots. You don't grow if you don't struggle - so you follow a script to the T yet are supposed to be a leader? Won't happen.

The plan as it all stands is to manage the collapse. That's all they can do. No cape wearing Jews watching crystal balls.

possibly, but it's not the first time I've heard this. And the timetable is similar I think.
maybe this was back when Hildawg was going to win

The thing to remember is they create wars because the open an opportunity for change This is when (((they))) are most vulnerable and hold their cards closest to their chest.
They are working hard now to lay the groundwork to ensure there is no room for a movement against them during this unstable period.

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Θώθ save us

first, most people are not red pilled
second, they are going to escalate it and execute it with incredible speed and no one will have the time to question it

>How are they going to counter the internet?
Sweetie...the internet is literally a military/government invention.

Brazil-ification of North America and Europe. Flood chinky-dinks into Australia to genocide the ausbros and let the whites in south africa get slaughtered

After that a purge of Eastern Europe and Russia and the white race is all but extinct. They probably wont even keep white women around as rape slaves due the the extraordinarily high percentage of (((elites))) who prefer to rape, murder, mutilate and eat the Black/Brown pizzas & sausages and dont even like the white ones.

At this point Darwinian Law applies and its Kill or be killed. The kikes are trying to Exterminate us and our only recourse is to exterminate them first.

you will be purged for being insufficiently left

>still using the sweetly troll

nice one stalefag

We no longer rely on direct ISP's for services anymore dipshit We have Tor and meshnets already in place.

A perfect example is DailyStormer. Its completely unlisted now and its impossible to direct access it or find it on any search engine and yet you can still access them through the deep web thanks to weev

If they cant get rid of the fucking stormer how are they going to get rid of us?

If Jow Forums stopped tomorrow we already have 20 backups in place. in fact it would improve the board for a while because it would take a while for shills to follow us there.

Meme flag. sage

>How are they going to counter the internet?
Internet is going to become much more restricted in the coming years. Many chans are going to shut down.
>Trump factor
After he strikes Syria, media will become much frendlier to him, they will basically say that he "redeemed" himself and Russia meddled with the election not to help him, but to destroy america.

Also, Russia is going to criticize Israel a lot in the coming months and, of course, Trump will come to their defense. That will also boost his public image.

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now its our turn.
May you rest in peace when we finish your work

You're not wrong but I'm talking about things like undersea cables...You know, the things that allow you to connect to other countries across the pacific/atlantic

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This is plausible enough that it makes me kind of sick.

Big mistake on his part if he does. No one on the left or right has any respect for CNN. In fact the opinion of people in my social circle of CNN and all MSM is so fucking low that them attacking trump is tantamount to an endorsement.

If the MSM started liking him he would lose all support from his base and then lose 2020. Considering how batshit insane the Democlaps have become whoever they put up for the 20's (maybe even hillary again.....) would trigger an all out preperation for civil war.

at least 25+% of the population is in the required mindset for it and if even 1% of people because active fighters thats 3 million insurgents engaging in Asymmetrical warfare with military supplies sent to them from governments hostile to ours like Russia.

We would tear up all the railroads and highways and cut all the water and power lines and then dig up and cut all the optic cables and tear down all the cell towers and the entire country would grind to a fucking halt. They would have no industrial base functional enough for a war against Russia. Also the kind of people who would support attacking russia are the weak and soft faggots who would assume it would be like Iraq/Afghanistan a comfy war they can watch on TV that will never touch them here at home.

What makes people larp like this?


>>about 30 years from that point, european union will actually become a state, incorporating the rest of eastern europe and russia, but by that point, less than 50% of its population will still be unmixed european race

sounds ok to me

>ustas will do anything to be considered western and not subhuman balkannigger like he is


Yeah but the point is shutting down the direct access makes the info harder to find. We don’t win by retreating to a dark corner of the internet. People need to know what is going on. We are like a loose user run news network at this point, we do all the research and link sharing so normie can see the pattern without having to do it themselves

Saying “oh well we can just go on the dark web”. Nah, if this place goes down we need to shit all over every website we can

*Former Yugoslavian Republic Macedonia


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Thanks for not 1 posting OP
This timeline either makes Q a psyop or a fail

I cant imagine being this disillusioned. These factions are real and they have their own interests. Russia outed their "central" aka rothschild bank, and is working hard with China to eliminate their use of the american dollar. Which is the fundamental foundation of their [western elites] entire empire. The destruction of its global use is therefore an existential and grave threat to them, and theyre reacting accordingly. This is no act on either sides part.

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Just wait when Trump strikes Syria and suddenly gets praised as a hero. That will be the real start.

~2030. Look it up.

kinda fits this.
Curious to know (within plausible deniability) how you're sure.

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thats some high quality demotivational crap, as expected when we are reaching this critical moment in time of sorts. Many points are quite infactual and incorrect, but whatever. Shit is getting boring to re-motivate people again.


Not gonna happen.
All of it, not gonna happen.

99% of posters in this thread are americans.
So let me tell you americans, where you got it all wrong.
Eastern europeans are not you.
Eastern european countries wouldnt keep paying israel 999999 trillion every year for 80 years without a single person asking "WHY", unlike the americans.

Kalergi plan and this whole jewish trick of replacing european people with niggers failed the moment all countries east of the german border said "NO".
Unlike USA, when our population says NO, out governments actually listen to it.

Just because your nigger countries are screwed and you lack the initiative/balls to do anything about anything, its not our fault.

But there will be no ww3 with russia, and eastern europe will never be flooded with niggers.
To do so, you'd have to exterminatus the entire slav population.
You cant do that, westerners are trying to exterminate slavs for the last 2,000 years and keep failing epicly.

You dudes have a really vivid imagination.
I dunno whats worse, 23789 threads about lauren southern or these larping idiocies.

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>Russia is designed to lose the war
nah boooy, the US is designed to lose this time

Yellowstone will erupt, and that will mark the beginning of God's Kingdom that Jews and christcucks desire so much. America will become that glorious kingdom of eternal fire. Because YHWH is a volcano god.

Russian economy is set to surpass the US economy once they open their naval trade routes in the arctic, eliminating Panama by a gain in efficiency estimated 2 weeks per container. In the meanwhile China is already actively undermining the petrodollar.
US will lose such a scenario due to lack of funding because they are the biggest debter to China.
Normies are also waking up fast and will not take this shit again.
Kalergi has failed and that is something I'd call ''for the greater good".

Well that sounds pretty nice I will not lie, just thinking of the interracial breeding grounds in Eastern Europe just make me happy inside, to bad I will be dead to see it with my own eyes, but oh well such is life.

God bless Polska!

Literally wwi

Turn off the proxy, cuck.

>implying I am on proxy
I just like the idea of seeing white women getting Achmed,Jamaled and Chonged thats it.

This. I doubt there is a lot of animo in the USA to go to war with Russia. Do you expect those sissy democrats that hate Russia to take up arms? There will be some unconditional aka brainless boot licking patriots on the right that probably would volunteer but remember Trump won the election on a non interventionist panel.

Maybe they can draft the spics and the negroes

fucking neck yourself already, Radu, and stop stealing that wifi from the local Starbucks, you soy-infested shitcunt.

god bless based slavs

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No I will not as a matter of fact I am going out of my way to have non white men as friends and giving them tips on how to make romanian women wet.I cant wait for a race mixed Romania and with Gods help I might even be able to live enough to see the results.

stop projecting your fantasies and end yourself already, you'd be doing the world a favor.

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There is no fantasy man its what I am doing now and no I will not kill myself, I want to see this place being a Brazil of Europe.

>for the greater good

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futu-ti mortii matii de parlit, leaga funia aia o data de gat si impinge scaunul. Luati-as toata familia in sabie de cacanar obosit, te-ai saturat sa iti futa familia tiganii sau a inceput sa iti placa treptat? Grijania matii de prost.

Isn't that what the Rothschild's did with france and Europe? Funded and manipulated both sides? How is learning that demoralizing? The people are the good guys the governments are shit.


I thought the plan was to have three world wars. In ww1 take out the monarchs, in ww2 establish collectivist states, in ww3 annihilate christianity, judaism and islam - wipe them out, all of them. After that no more big wars, but "perfect luciferian rule".

This is correct

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My prediction is that you won't have the balls to come back in a few years and admit that you were wrong. Making predictions on an anonymous board. Dear me...

>cand singurul lucru pe care il mai ai este sa injuri pe cel cu care vorbesti
Bai desteptu-le iti place sau nu dar asta fac si vreau sa vad cat mai multi copii mixati si cat mai multe femei romance ca mame singure cu o droaie de copii din astia.

Acting like you don’t like white woman and BBC...

bait harder, handicapatu pulii

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>>Jow Forumsasianmasculinity

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du-te in mortii matii si proiecteaza-ti fanteziile in beciul pe care il numesti casa, pisam-as pe toata fiinta ta sa ma pis. Futu-va in gura de sclerozati tiganizati

>about 30 years from that point, european union will actually become a state, incorporating the rest of eastern europe and russia, but by that point, less than 50% of its population will still be unmixed european race
you want to know how I know this is a larp? because in thirty years the EU will be less than 50% unmixed white on its current course. in your doomsday larp scenario it in fact be less than 10%.

Yeah because I dont have anything better to do than bait on Jow Forums right?
>du-te in mortii matii si proiecteaza-ti fanteziile in beciul pe care il numesti casa
Yeah no, in the meanwhile I keep living in the capital on my rented apartment while you keep living with your parents begging for money.Like it or not its our future that I am trying my best to make it a reality.

>As a white
they will come for you in the night
you will go silently

Think I prefer that Samson option.

you're advocating race mixing with gypsies. can you bait even harder than that?

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Are you even romanian to begin with? How can you say that we are all gypsies? Dont tell me you are a hungarian.

this fucking shithole will get nuked, that's for sure. if islam is gonna be purged once and for all, i accept to die as collateral damage.

Actually WW3 will use nukes and 80% of the worlds life will be dead. But nevermind, The world shall survive and renew and just like the last great civilization we will be forgotten and eventually replaced

But actually you are gypsys. Unironically.

No u
Dap, nu mergi in Estonia sau ceva? kek

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Romanians are white.
you just exposed yourself, bozgor .

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Why? I like it here and I want it to be more diverse.
>Are you even romanian to begin with? How can you say that we are all gypsies?
If you understood that romanians arent white because of this then idk what I can say to you.

No no fag, you were in another threat saying the same things, don't you work at a ong for migrants? kek

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Yes that is me and its primarily government funded.

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you need to learn english better and reread my replies , because i haven't said that

you advocated that romanians(which are white) should race mix Fuck off from Transylvania, you ain't getting it back.

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Nowhere did I say I am a hungarian quite the opposite I am an ethnic romanian and as for Transylvania I dont really care who wants it since its just a piece of land.

Unironicly, this.

I hope this never happens, Russia cant be balkanized, Putin cannot let this happen

Shut the fuck up, you motherfucking faggot. Eurasian-Negroids will NEVER be a Jewish slave race like you fucking cucked Whites, letting Jews in your countries and acting so hurt, shocked when Jews start Jewing and your Kikes start making mini-Israels in your nations. You moan girlishly when the Jews come to your borders, like a boy in thigh-high boots and a pleated skirt, anally consorting with a well-endowed faggot from a degenerate place like Backpage or Craigslist, engaging in sick, profligate dissolution. Maybe if you actually read Practical Idealism, you'd know that what you just said was some Amerimutt Racial-Nationalist spin to what he actually said.

And for your information, if you were not so fucking ignorant, maybe you could pull your head out of your ass long enough to look into the plot holes of your "global brown mutt race theory." I know that White Alpinized-Germanoceltic mutts with negligble to mildly concerning Mestizo, Jewish, African, Amerindian, Asian, and other racial admixtures from hick U.S. states don't think to fact-check the conspiracy bullshit they assume as they take their IOSAT tablets and eat MREs, but, the rest of the world does.

Virtually all EaN hybrids have triple-digit IQs in the 110-130 range and varying degrees of athletic prowess due to phyiscal strength variations. A group of organized EaNs can form a paramilitary resistance against White Helmets and any Kike rats with the balls to come after them. You should look up Met-Art model, Pammie Lee. She is a Eurasian-Negroid Hybrid. Her nationality is Russian and as you can see, she is not a fucking "brown mutt." I severely doubt some Tay-Sachs Rothschild-Soros-Rockefeller kike rat is going to be my or anyone's overlord. Only inter-tribally miscegenated mutts in America with some non-White racial admixture, trying to unify every White tribe on Earth into some cosmotheistic blender Utopia movement, out of their inadequacy and mongrelization will be slaves to the Jews.

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88 digits

Not gonna happen.

Russia will not go without using nukes.

Millions of armed Americans will not go quietly in the night.

This is bigger than WWIII. It's Armageddon.

Seriously Poland, what OP describes is my biigest fear. DO anything to prevent a further antagonization between russia and poland. The west is exploiting the past to create hostility and animosity between Poland and Russia. They are setting both up for another conflict. Poland is key is this. Don't let your emotions be exploited so as to serve as canonfodder for the west. Be smart, be strong, be honorfull.

The best thing to prevent all of this would be the formation of a Visegrad Union that seeks closer and friendlier ties with Russia imho.

You want to talk about slaves to Jews, Kike-cucked meme flag poster? You really want to go there? Okay. We are going there.

Merc Corporation in Germany created the chlorine gas canisters used in Douma. Israeli Kikes gassed Douma. Kikes then said, "OH SHIT, LOOK, THOSE ASSAD NIGGERS ARE GASSING CIVILIANS, WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING. SOMEONE LAUNCH SOME TOMAHAWKS!" Kikes then killed some Iranians and others in Homs. Israel was silent for eight hours. Everyone thought it was the U.S. Russia said it was the kikes. Now, this has happened:

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The thing is, if a war in Europe occurres this or next week, it’ll be in Russia’s favour. NATO Forces are unprepared and outnumbered by the Russian army, and would be restricted to defence only. They will only be able to contract a working defence by the time Russia has pushed deep into Poland. NATO absolutely cannot go on the offensive, they are too unprepared. If they did, they would, at best, capture Pskov, Kursk, Belgorod, and most of Belarus, but they would make less progress than the Wehrmacht in 1941-44, and be forced back by the Russians eventually. Offensive action would only wear down the NATO task forces in the war of attrition and make their stand against the Red Tide less likely to succeed. Russia also has geography on its side in Europe. Belarus will be used by Russian forces for movement, and this screws with NATO a lot. Ukraine would be attacked from Donbass in the north east, Belarus in the north, Donbass in the east, and Crimea in the South. Ukrainian and NATO Forces would be overstrained and unable to hold all fronts. Meanwhile to the north, the tiny Baltic states would fall quickly. Forces from Belarus would launch attacks to quickly establish supply lines to isolated Kaliningrad, which itself would be turned into a fortress under Russian doctrine. This leaves Baltic states cut off, and they become a slaughterhouse.

You also need to consider how much of Europe will be willing to fight this war. Putin’s support of populism in Europe was not without reason. Many nationalistic folk would not be as ready to fight in WW3, instigated by America and Israel for the benefit of America and Israel, with EU chained up for the ride. You’d see a conscription crisis in nearly all European states. Many nations would be understrenghed, or not participate at all in this conflict. Their parliaments might reject the notion of their nation participating in WW3, and when EU officials try to reprimand this, the European Union. collapses.

Don't you get it? The U.S. will go down in flames in a war. Russian and Central American forces are already in America, right fucking now. Why the fuck do think the U.S. military is at the border right now? Stopping Mexishits? No. They are stopping El Salvadorian and Honduran insurgents backed by Russia because shit is hitting the fan. There are already Russian weapon caches here. There are ISIS fighters getting in here through immigrating from Canada and jumping from Mexico. If full war kicked off in Syria now, the U.S. is getting hit at the borders by insurgents and attacked from within. And with this Soros/Russian/China backed Calexit shit, there will be a civil war and WW3.

>yfw all us senior military professional education is based on tabletop wars in the Baltics

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The ground force difference is largely irrelevent. Russia's airforce is outnumbered and outclassed massively by NATO's. Once NATO obliterates the Russian aircraft and has complete air superiority, the Russain ground forces will be fish in a barrel.

White pilled af