Yfw pol...

Yfw pol, a board on a japanese comic strip forum has grown to have such a prolific reputation and influence on social thought that leftists, intel agencies and LEOs have people here 24/7. Monitoring, sliding, spreading disinfo, stuffing up threads and posting propoaganda.

And all the while its just a bunch of guys on the internet posting memes and not really give a fuck about anything in the world.

You (fuckers) are a walking parody. You will never win whatever war it is you think you are fighting lol.

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Suck it

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>>You (fuckers) are a walking parody. You will never win whatever war it is you think you are fighting lol

The truth is, game was rigged from the start.

Who cares? I'll just take credit for someone else's victory.

Team Chocolate.

There's a war we are fighting? I am just here to shitpost.

it's pretty funny. at this point i think it's just the same 3 strayans and a leaf shitposting with several thousand bots

Jow Forums is a fucking embarrassment

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Meanwhile Jow Forums has called in airstrikes on syrian terrorist.

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I think the bantmaster was talking about the LEO's, shariablue, CTR, etc

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Everything went to shit after gamergate. Fucking women, they infest and ruin everything.