The Syrian attack was obviously a false flag to keep the war in Syria alive and to bring more Syrians to Germany by exalting the fear of a nuclear strike. WWIII won't happen until a Syrian represents Germany or Italy.
The Antichrist will rise to political power in Europe and will most likely have some kind of war wound.
My Question is: Do the world powers actually believe that fulfilling the prophecy will bring forth the second coming of Jesus? Is there an even bigger picture why this is happening? Do they believe in human sacrifices to gain knowledge or innovation towards eternal live from some kind of higher power? I don't get it, why try to fulfill a prophecy so many before tried to fulfill?
Or is it just to make money and control the big events of this earth?
Daniel King
Problem is that world powers aren't concerned about Jesus.
Islam, ESPECIALLY Iran, wants to hasten the arrival of the Mahdi by starting a big enough war.They even have an anti-anti-Christ coming as the dajal first so the AC can save them.
Israel still hasn't figured out that Jesus IS their messiah, so basically they are expecting the anti-Christ to show up and "save" them.
The Catholic Church thinks it's their job to make a kingdom on earth FOR God, so basically they are building the antichrist system along with all the globalists and singularity wing nuts.
Aliens are being ramped up to explain the rapture and sudden arrival of fallen angels and various other weird shit. The earth is flat, by the way. That's part of Satan's groundwork for the great deception.
We, the believers in Christ, are getting sick of the craziness and eagerly await His return for the Church. It requires that you repent of your sin, believe that Jesus Christ, only begotten Son of God and messiah, died for your sins and rose again according to scripture, and that you confess that He is Lord.
Might want to hurry. Death is the cutoff even if the rapture is a few weeks out. Nuclear war is a distinct possibility between now and then.
Thanks for your insight. Yes, I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior, before my death will arrive. If you want to hear something funny, at least in Germany. The illegal Underground does already have the mark of the beast. They are forced to get a tattoo of 18 circles in a circle in 3 different sizes to trade illegal goods.
Noah Rivera
But I am not sure if it was sizes or orientation in the one circle.
Jaxon Ramirez
This guy gets it. A lot of various groups around the world have the active goal of triggering the end times event and causing the beast system to go into effect. One of the most notable examples from history is that of Arthur Balfour, creator of the Balfour declaration, and early supporter of Jewish zionists. He was the British prime minister in the early 1900s and remained in politics until his death. He believed two things in regards to Zionism - the Jews controlled the banking systems and appeasing them would lead to British expansion of wealth, and that allowing the Jews to return to Israel would hasten the second coming of Christ. Not enough Jews were moving to Israel, so the Rothschild banking system funded Adolf Hitler to chase them all off to their 'homeland' (and America, which could be their banking bastion and goyim army following WWII).
That's interesting, I haven't heard of that before. I always assumed the mark of the beast would be some sort of transhumanism microchip that allows for a "cashless society" - which is starting to be pushed in eastern Asian countries. Please note that china is quickly becoming the prime representative of globalism.
but as Matthew 24:36 says, nobody is certain when Christ will return except God himself.
Ethan Collins
n1: the earth is not FLAT as all of the bodies in the solar system are observed to be round and rotating. n2: the rapture is a LIE made to make christians not prepare. God didnt rapture Moses out of tribulation HE had to build HIS OWN SHIP to escape it ! God didnt teleport him to a high mountain. n3 the world powers ARE concerned about Jesus since the vatican is pulling their strings. n4 Nuclear war WILL happen. read 1/3rd of the trees, of all green, of all fish in the sea were burned up/died. n5 Once saved forever saved is a lie by satan.
Adam Walker
It's crazy but I actually believe that is something (((they))) would do. Thanks for your insight.
Yes I believed that as well. But I have seen it with my own two eyes. After all I don't think the government of a christian country would want to make it so obvious that they work for the "dark" side. Although China is very important, i believe more and more many things you hear about them is propaganda. Maybe you heard about the active evaluation of social impact by camera systems. I think this active evaluation is already happening in America and Germany but not as obvious. I think the first world is trying to implement some sort of God system but of course I don't have any evidence.
Chase Russell
This, except the flat earth meme.
Parker Morales
I thought he meant that the earth is flat theory is part of Satan's groundwork to deceive.
Jeremiah Butler
Everyone is wrong, at the end of the day, but Christ will return and slay all the evils of the world and make paradise on earth.
fucking christcucks take your fairytales out of this board.
reality check you idiots: "the end times are coming the antichrist will rise soon" you know when everybody said that?
30 years ago when the cold war was at it's height and nuclear extinction was close
80 years ago when ww2 brought unspeakable atrocities to the entire world
100 years ago when ww1 with its technological progress and brought death and destruction in never before seen scales
400 years ago when the thirty years war depopulated entire regions of germany (here we even have an actual religous backing!)
1000 years ago when the mongols sacked and pillaged the cultural centres of the middle east and even came to eastern europe
the list goes on and on
>b-but this time it's really h-happening
fuck off i will defend europe for EUROPE not because of your semitic desert stories
Cooper Collins
There is no God system, besides decent self-sufficient people respecting eachother and their freedoms, and being good folk. Good people don't organize the same way that the evil do. They don't gather in the shadows to plot. There is no good system being put in place, which is the biggest problem. The global banking elite essentially control everything. This upturn of nationalism across the west has put a thorn in their side, but it will likely be coopted and used for evil as well. Once you've made a pact with the devil, everything you do must work toward the goals of the anti-Christ. Total global enslavement, with the elite ruling over the world like gods.
China is a very interesting concept, unlike most empires in history they haven't followed the same, nice, clean trend. They've had their ups and downs, but not an empire like others. China has been playing an extremely long game, based on its Confucian roots; outlast every other empire that comes across and you will remain on top. They don't plan on going through the same 200-400 year cycle all other empires do, they intend to last forever once they've ascended to the top. The Chinese emperors, dictators, warlords, and beaurocrats have been working towards this since the first Mandate of Heave thousands of years ago.
Try to defend Europe for your own reasons user, but it will not amount to much. Europe will fall beneath Islam and be a central part of the anti-Christ'a 16D game of backgammon
If you'd scroll up, you'd see where I said "nobody knows when it'll happen". Could be next week, could be in 1000 more years. It could be NOW
okay not now I guess
Jeremiah Harris
it's not gonna happen. for thousands of years people have said it and guess what nothing happened. it's easy to avoid responsibilty by putting the fate of the world in someone elses hand, and declaring powerlessness. i'm not playing this game.
i'm taking responsibilty for me, my family and europe.
Noah Barnes
Well good, I think you should do that, I was never saying you shouldn't. All I was saying earlier is that I don't personally think Europe is going to be in a very good place in the near future. Though, at the end of the day, prophecy and major events are going to happen regardless of our input. Let's just be decent people who care about and help those we love while we're here.
Alexander Peterson
fair enough you have the right to believe that. i just don't like defeatism that avoids responsibilty by quoting scriptures and declaring powerlessness.
i do also think that europe will face dark times. and maybe my input will do nothing in the big picture. i will still try to do as much as i can.
Bentley Powell
I'm also not an advocate for defeatism, and I admire your attitude. Good luck user, times ahead may be very dark if we are living in the end times. If not they may still be dark. Human history is like that.
Tyler Kelly
Yea this.
Mason Wood
Now is the final hour. We are reaching the culmination of world history. Yes, they know about it. The world powers are all on the same side working for their Jewish masters.
it's never gonna stop user. you can literally throw every flat earther in a space shuttle and let them orbit the earth, they are still gonna think you're manipulating them somehow.
ffs even the greeks came to the conclusion that the earth is round using trigonometry
Noah James
What if everyone taking in all these refugees was just a plan because they are going to nuke all of the middle East and didn't want to be accused of genocide ? They'll send back the refugees after the war is over.
Jackson Collins
Round Earth is a social construct.
Owen Wood
that explains China’s colonisation program of the US’ allies in the Pacific Ocean, specifically, Australia, NZ and Canada so as to undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean.
Jason Gutierrez
Antichrist is catholic church, not some syrian sandnigger
Isaac Edwards
memeflags are a social construct what are you trying to hide?