Just how cucked is the vidya industry?

>Be fud sent to arrest antagonist militia leader on literal fake charges.
>Game rams the notion that you were "college educated" down your throat
>Antagonist is a leftist sjw's nightmare of what an American Conservative is:
>White, Spiritual, Patriot, who is Charismatic and Heavily armed.
>Antagonist doesn't even resist arrest
>Followers try and spring him
>Comedy of errors from the fuds
>Queue marshal law and genocide of American citizens
>None of it is authorized by local, state, or federal authorities
>You literally kill American citizens and steal their money and goods
>black main characters and side kicks are upstanding, grammatically correct and polite
>white townsfolk portrayed as inbred retards
>proceed with your extra judicial rampage around towns burning crops, killing livestock, and destroying property antifa fetish
>heavy emphasis on blowing up churches and christian imagery
>Devs attempt to disparage or make fun of trump at every turn

Can anyone explain why Far Cry 5 is a fucking Second Life Antifa simulator?

Also inb4 SJW Jewbisoft damage control

Attached: guhjik.jpg (480x270, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>be nerd
>be playing non-competitive vidya


Because all media are propaganda. Yes, this includes imageboards.

You on PS4?

Attached: header.jpg (460x215, 52K)

What? Overwatch or Lolpubg?

Also based maxpayne 3 for shithole Brazil setting

Attached: header (1).jpg (460x215, 58K)

PC. And I have to admit I wish I could refund it.

Lol the good guys are literally gun-toting Trump voters.

Shill this FUD somewhere else. Faggot

>playing vidya not made exclusively in Japan or eastern Europe


they are literally a blasphemous gun cult.

keep the salt coming, cupcake