Putin pls
I'd love to see Israel nuked but just think what it would do for their brand.
Putin pls
I'd love to see Israel nuked but just think what it would do for their brand.
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Men are disgusting
Nah, because fallout is a cunt. But I would be ok with select areas being hit with chemical agents that kill people but leave infrastructure in place.
I want to see it happen.
I do as well, please purge us. I'd gladly die in atomic fire if it meant purging us and our influence, we are at a point of no return with our degeneracy and corruption. White and decent men gave up generations ago.
Just nuke Mexico please
Fallout isn't that big anyways and the severity of it depends on where it hits
only if it's California. More specifically, SFBA.
Just move out if you hate the country that you live in. A lot of americans that hate their lives in america love living in France for some reason, so try that.
would be fantastic if a nuke hit California- I would finally be able to afford a house. I live more inland, and the santa ana winds would keep the fallout away. Traffic would be fantastic too with a nice big chunk of the population gone.
Nice try comrade
is the USA is blown some other beast will fuck you, they USA already did it chad golden age in the 19th centurary, after that is has been doing low energy stealth,
I still like my idea more.
You can't get rid of Israel now... they have the Samson Option in full effect.
Basically if Isreal goes, they drag the world down with them.
Nigger, to you star wars is a movie.
To us it's blowing fucking nukes out of the sky.
Any country (other than cuba/mexico/canada) coming at the US with nukes is FUCKED
>t. zog demon
Yes death to mutts
not nuked
just crumble to dust without a trace
except the video games and movies. Those are magically saved.
I would love a happening, life is so boring, please daddy Putin! Turn this lifetime into fallout
if you nuke us, take out california first.
i at least want to laugh at them one last time
Select areas, got some family there
>meme book
Fuck off shill.
Nuke California and I'll send Putin a thank you card.
Fuck you west coast libtard
I’ll come nuke your mom’s cervix with my missle. And you will watch
Get a compass goddamn it user
Fuck it
This country is sooooo fuckin far from what it was designed to be
George Washington would want to see us nuked at this point
i dont
Nuque! Nuque! Nuque! Nuque! Nuque!
Nah I just want Israel to get BTFO
>it's not even in motion
Just Washington and New York would be enough to free the rest of us.
At this point I'll be happy even if it's just one little nuke. But I'm worried if that happens then I'll just want more.
>that flag
>wants the US to get nuked
there's a special place in hell for people like you
these people love america
california getting nuked wouldnt be so bad though
I want nothing more than to see America utterly destroyed.
Califag here I want Putin to nuke us and make sure he removes all traces of California off of this earth and make sure the word "California" is removed and forgotten. We are the biggest shit hole cesspool on this planet, California is the true swamp.
Rent, Fuel, and cost of living here is unbelievably high yet everyone here is deceiving themselves just to live the "Calfornia dreamin" fantasy.
Just leave us be pls
I don't want to see any civilians nuked. At all. No where.
But I want to see the zionist controlled US military defeated soon.
I hope you guys die! See you in hell fat boy
It's time for your Zionist larp to be over, kid.
Good joke leaf
This sounds familiar...
Those eyes, we need jesus.
Dude, don’t say such a sad thing...
By nuking America's 15 top cities, you will kill
>nearly all the jews
>half or more of the nonwhites
>all the evil government shitheads
It's literally the best thing that could possibly happen to the US
You make a valid point it's like spring cleaning, we might go from 56% -> 95%
i would LOVE to see this country nuked and i have children here. death to america
>implying the USA isn't a zionist larp since 1621
Know your own origin myths better, kid.
Yeah I'm going to be brutally honest, the USA is probably the most hated country/ people on earth right now.
Congratulations morons.
Yes. Patriotism is fine, but maybe patriotism is supporting us being put out of our misery.
Kikes are shilling hard in this thread.
Every sane person wants to see the degenerate America destroyed
I don't want to die but I guess I wouldn't mind seeing some of the major cities nuked.