The philosopher has failed

Hail commander Molyneux! We follow you!

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>Hail (((Molyneux))) for interfering in the US elections to help elect an Israel-first kike who is on the verge of starting a large-scale conflict for his Jew masters.

He hated elections before Trump
Then supported Trump because of his promises
Then disavowed him for being a kike

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Who knows more about the man than the man himself? You guys are fooling yourselves if you think you know what he's all about. Like I don't know of any video where he advocated for heli rides for the commies. As I understand it he would rather put the pass on that ideology as a whole just by having people raise their kids peacefully. Less dysfunctional people = a smaller horde of communists trying to take over your country so that they are not a threat.

>Fewer dysfunctional people
You can accomplish that with helicopter rides too, burger. Maybe you should man up and do something.

Thats why this thread says "the philosopher has failed"

Its the military option now.

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My sides!

No I think he is successful already, however people who were raised in a bad household are screwed. In the worst cases of children who have RAD, there is no hope for improvement. So unless they have the brain to get it together and not just die, well, they might take other people with them. This information however is going to be used to really improve future generations so that the same thing does not keep on happening over and over again. This is information that Stefan did not discover, only he is like us in that he goes through the data and puts a public face on it.