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slav drunks all the way


For whom to see?

personally, im killing myself

blow up the blakans though, they're really fucking annoying


I pick the side opposing the ZOG and their bloodhound, they are the enemies of humanity

Drunk Slavs may have their shortcomings but it's undeniable the truth is on their side

God bless Russia Syria Iran and maybe China

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I unironically hope that Satans Chosen People and The United Slaves of Israel get nuked to oblivion.

Fuck this ZOG bs. Fuck your wars under false pretenses. They are lies EVERY TIME!

Slavs all the way

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Unironically rooting against myself

Collapse this shithole so we can cleanse it of muds and jews

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in upcoming WWIII i am taking the role of ash scattered in wind

we are with Israel desu

It's time to nuke Washington DC and then Israel.

slavs and drunks

The Jews are, as usual, funding both sides of the war and profiting off it. Less than 0.01% of US military are Jews right?
Jeesus, these kikes really are demon spawns kek

Go team merchant. Truly greatest Ally.

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I thought Bulgaria was based. Fuck you

goes without saying which side im on

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Eh.. I'm not sure that's as valid a point as you'd like.

Like the average Jew age is pretty fucking old. So, you're looking at 1.5-2% of the population with a median age of 40.

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>Unironically rooting against myself
Same here. I don't even consider the federal jew government or their military to be american anyway.

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i pick christ chan

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I don't like either of them, but I hope Russia fucks America and their kike masters up. Their racemixing tranny shit has gone for far too long already.

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I don't even care, I just want to see it all burn to the ground. I support whatever gets us there the fastest

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If you're circumcised you're a Jew. Your country is Greater Israel.

Pick your side
the axis of evil or the West?
I will choose the West because I'm not an traitor

>USA and Russia nuke each other to shit
>Germany will rise and reclaim it's throne as the rightful ruler of this planet

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Britain is #WithRussia

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you are so brainwashed

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There was a study. Accounting for population Jews are underrepresented in the military but overrepresented in pretty much every position of power.

thats greek air force and monk on Mount Athos tho

The USA flag might as well be the Jew flag. The. US deep state is our enemy

Then wouldn't the military be 100% Jews?

Can't we just have a small conventional war over Syria with 1-2 carrier groups getting sunk and the US economy collapsing?

>slav ancestry living in the US
so when are the internment camps for Russians coming?

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Poor boy dindu nuffin

I look forward to the Slavs destroying London, Birmingham and Bradford - multiculturalism will end in Britain in 45 seconds!

I understand, what I'm telling you is that it is a stupid point without taking into account age.

The median age of the military will probably be ~25. The median age of Jews is around 40.

>So what?
Do you know who is going to be over represented? Niggers. Why? Because they have a laughably low median age therefore more of them are eligible for military service at one time than whites or Jews.

mfw us, stralia nz and argentina will be fine down under

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>Russia would have an actual chance in a war with the United States of America



>dead young people are funny

Guys trying to live his life in his own country and your shithead soldiers go there and murder him. Then you destabilise the region and flood Europe with refugees. America is the cause of all the problems in the world.


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such thinking brought us to the brink of a conflict you retard

agree, this place has become an insufferable shithole

Then let the conflict come. It's been a while since America saved the world.

Only shills don't side with the United State of America.

Trump is 100% right.

Fuck off shills!

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Neither. What happened to all the fags who cried that of they take away the second ammendment it would be "muh civil war". We're dealing with these faggots who have destroyed our right to privacy, are now looking to destroy gun rights, and have the freedom of speech on the back burner. Personally, If they think they're going to force me to go to war purely to serve a foreign etho-nationalist kike nation they are dead wrong.

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mfw the best part of your population gets genocided out and the rest starves to death

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lol you havent actually won one full scale war

only know how to fight sand niggers

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oi mate watch your mouth or I'll take my butterknife out

>Russia would have an actual chance in a war with the United States of America

>Russia would have an actual chance in a war with the mighty Teutonic Knight Order
>Russia would have an actual chance in a war with the Napoleons army
>Russia would have an actual chance in a war with the Swedish Empire
>Russia would have an actual chance in a war with Prussia
>Russia would have an actual chance in a war with the Third Reich

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Team drunks
Bring us the vodka

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We fucked them up in the Crimean war tbf


We need this system to collapse for any real change to be done. So I'm just going to stay neutral.

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Fuck sake I've lost my bloody opinion licence.

The Mongols are also not as powerful as they were a thousand years ago when they could defeat the entire world put together.

I hope it's mutual destruction. Both of them suck. Hopefully China and India destroy one another too.

dumb bong
Canada is in the no-mans-land between the two countries
so obviously we'll win WW3

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>a fucking leaf

go suck a nearby chinese dicky


of course you'd think of sucking small dicks because your dad managed to pass down his thimble dick to you and you enjoyed sucking his.
You retarded muzzie


I'm siding with Ivan on this one.

Russia win.

I love everything the west once was and despise everything it has become so i'm with russia on this one. Hell in a full scale war situation i'd leave to fight for them to.

#metoo, anonymous countryman

What does the winner win?

I mean they did..
China, Arab empire and some european countries were the entirety of the civilised world back then

Serbian Harmonica Player, reporting in

and india

>like we have any choice
Team Jews & mutts

America’s position going into this war is very similar to Britain’s at the onset of the First World War, it really doesn’t have much to gain. If this actually happens I fear it’ll be WWI 2.0 rather than WWIII

Can I now become a refugee in Sweden or is that still only a shitskin privilege?

my mind says go mutts, but my heart says go russia

Death to Jews


Is that agent 47 after stealing clothes of soviet officer?

How are the Russians being (((controlled)))?

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shut the fuck up and fall in line britain you're america's bitch now so act like it

Jew mutt team
Slav gopniks are uncivilized savages

Fahrenheit is objectively superior though

Upboat for vodka niggers

>USA flag

How can I join the Russian army, and will Putin give me citizenship cuz if I come back to Canada i'll be put in prison despite Trudeau letting ISIS fighters return.

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how we are fucking annoying faggot? Unlike you we don't have an annoying-clown manlet president