Be me about 5 years ago

>Be me about 5 years ago
>Always get a gyro from the friendly Greek guy after school
>Know him for a couple of years now
>Greek guy closes his store because he'll be at a wedding in Greece for a week
>Need to find an alternative food source
>I remember that there is some kebab place in town as well
>Go and eat there for a week until Greek guy reopens his store
>Fast forward 2 years
>Kebab place closed down
>Find out the store owner fled to Turkey to escape the German police
>Local newspaper says he raped a 13 year old girl and got her pregnant
>Local health surveillance agency says they found sperm in his food
>mfw I find out that I probably ate some Turks cum
>I never tried eating kebab ever since
>At least I started getting red-pilled from that day on

How can I ever recover from that Jow Forums?

Attached: kebab.jpg (660x440, 75K)

Other urls found in this thread:

accept christ as your savior

Cum in kebab was a running gag ever since. I heard it so often that I was always scared and never ate one desu


Glad I never eat turkshit.

>germans consider pic related to be gyros

You learned a hard lesson about only supporting white businesses.

I'm tired of this actual semen eating forum.

you are what you eat
so you are half cockroach now

>buying food from brown people
you deserved it tbqh

Are you high stavros?