Let's Settle It

What is the white man's religion?


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Where is Judaism?

in hell

>no Islam
You done goofed

ITT Jew brained faggots who kill their brethren for a dead semitic god. Star Cross and Crescent all belong in a bog.


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White people don't worship money.

We were culturally genocided.Primarily by Romans.

>no option for the american consitution

Shit poll

The "white man" doesn't exist. The kraut, the anglo, the med, the iberian, all different races with different cultures and different religions.


Whichever sect of Hinduism is closest to the original Aryan religion.

I see pol is full of newfag christcucks. Sorry, but the world isn't 6k years old and the ruler of the universe isn't a genocidal, schizophrenic jew.

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pagan cucks btfo

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All hail the giant flying spaghetti monster!

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Hail Satan
Praise the ancient ones
Glory to the eternal chaos

Go suck some nigger toes and help some refugees.

daily remember that drinking semen is religious for neopagans

War. It seems we only know what we're doing when there is blood involved.

False FLAG .... We are under cyber attack

You forgot wiccans

It's true about a quarter of pol always votes Judaism.

>linking to results

Those aren't races and they all had the same religion pretty much.

Pardon me.


Part three has an explosive ending

>t. kike

Fucking judeochristians seriously

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Shit poll. None of these.

The white man dosent need an< religions just cosmic truth. Much of this can be found in the Vedas that our Aryan acestors wrote.

In the oven, where it belongs


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Daily reminder that jews like to bite the foreskins off little baby boys.

Thats called judaism

It is atheism. An intelligent and educated white man needs no religion. Religions are for children.

I really hope these two post are bait, but given how utterly retarded Jow Forums has been for the last year, and a half I'm not so sure.

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revived christianity until the pagan gods are resurrected.

romans were white you dumb leafposter

>no buddhism

>the ruler of the universe isn't a genocidal, schizophrenic jew
user, I am sorry to tell you this, but I have come to the conclusion genocidal schizo Jews actually DO rule the world. For an example Trump does exactly what they order him to.

>no islam

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So? Religions are stupid. What do these neopagans even get from their stupid cult. Like a kike can get a job, power, connections, money. What will a neopagan get?

That was literally non-canon story written by a JEW. gtfo kike/christcuck

>mfw 68% Christcucks

Are you angry we don't think Islam is a white man's thing?

No fucking humility, humbleness, meekness, lowliness and shit.

Have fun being out competed by the Chinese and have your countries conquered eventually.

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what do you mean we, mutt/chong?

That is a Satanic ritual, not Christianity

>he doesn't know about the indo-european migrations as well as their religious and linguistic similarities

nice non-argument user

Theorized by (((David F. Greenberg)))

>let's ignore about seeking for spiritual truth because muh materialism and PR

That's terribly sad, user

Also is bestiality in the temples (this is interesting though)

The true religion is believing in yourself and be a moral person, you dont have to believe in god, but just incase there is a god, your actions will ensure you get to meet the WHITE MAN in the sky.

fuck off you piece of shit

just neck already what a fucking faggot. Why cant you faggots who say this shit understand that christiany is the only thing separating us from jews and mudslimes. Why are they so devoted to their religions while we have cucks like you, its not fair

stop fucking larping faggot

That's a secular humanist doctrine

ok kiddo

>crosscucks can't make up their mind if Catholicism is Christian or not.
Every day.

fuck off you roach

this either catholicism or some other bullshit denomination, we orthodox are strict and maintain traditions and values, and follow the original messege

>Whichever sect of Hinduism is closest to the original Aryan religion.

Christianity, stupid jews rebuked their own messiah so God made Europeans the chosen people and renamed the jews the synagogue of Satan.

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