Fuck this guy threatening World War for Israel

I'm done supporting this Jewish controlled fuck.


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no, fuck you kid, Im with my president all the way, shove your bullshit back in your ass and learn something


Bezos pls leave.

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>boomer mutts everyone

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His outrageous tweet was to get people to pay attention to his subsequent tweets

Normies don’t know that Russia is involved in Syria and that we are risking war with russia over this nonsense. He is laying it all out there right now.

I hope this boomer has a daughter and they both survive, so I can destroy her in front of him for being a MAGAkike.

Wow.. seriously fuck you. You're happily sucking shlomo's dick.. fucking traitor

Trump is the best. He is playing the role of WWF wrestler

Attached: mean gene.jpg (500x383, 46K)

88D CHESS1111!!!!!

When are you going to accept that trump is ZOG'd? We got played