Nasim Aghdam

Do you dare!

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Other urls found in this thread:

This must be how all those middle aged women felt about Richard Ramires..

Attached: nasim_body_building-421x307.jpg (421x307, 16K)

>nasimfever is dying
we truly weren't worthy

Attached: when-tyranny-becomes-law.png (661x769, 383K)

>do do do do do do do do do

>do do do do do do do do do

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quit posting this mud tranny

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Over 9000 hours in gimp.

Attached: nasim.png (2375x2575, 807K)

Really nice deserved trips

quick rundown on her life?

Thanks man, great work.

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>clean tidy house in all her videos
>hated degeneracy
>saving herself for marriage
>loves animals like Hitler
>made cooking videos
>loves guns and used them
>quoted Hitler
>went against the grain
>cute and weird wouldn't have minded being with a socially awkward husband
>refused to let the media establishment run all over her
>stood up for what she believed in
>died for what she believed in
>literal artistic genius
>impeccable Nasimwave taste, dress
>good taste in food
>shockingly talented in everything she does
>author and music composer
>chef with her own tasty recipes, "The Uncursed Kitchen"
>makes her own Nasiware clothing
>hard working
>extremely intelligent
>loves family, family woman, caring, loving, seeking an honest husband
>loves free speech
>loves to educate redpilling on censorship and factory farm abuse and much more if time permitted
>cuddle bunny
>beautiful, good tight body, and her long neck ends up being really cute and unique once you realize she's 100% woman
>born to be a leader and take a stand
>a lot of fun, she'll do stupid stuff with you
>perfect eyes that scare retarded normies away

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We’ll meet each other in the beyond my desert rose

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Friendly reminder that the police aren't releasing the body cam footage because she escaped and walks among us with a new identity.

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nassim was a man

F Nasim-Chan

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can this trap fuck off to /b/
since when are you all faggots?

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thank you, ill cap this story for others to see.

"I was born in Iran, which is a meat-lover country like all other countries. From a very young age I was surprised to learn how people were so indifferent toward humanitarian issues, why harming and killing innocent animals were so normal to them, why they followed the ancient traditions whatever they were, why they looked at meat only as delicious food, why they did not look at the source of this product, and why they were so stone hearted and unfair? From that age I started opposing eating meat and wearing animal skin, and what my family and other people said in order to discourage me had no effect on me because I had faith that my belief was true and humane and that meat is not a food of peace."

>ok ok...

my heart.

picture for goats?

"At first my mom and others tried to secretly add the juice of meat to my food and thought they were doing me a favor by preventing me from becoming deficient. I refused to eat and stayed hungry, until they decided to stop doing me this favor. Regarding the physical health and strength, I always had higher energy and active in sports and was one of the top students (unlike what most omnivores expected)."

I want to believe

Already capped

nasim was a project monarch victim thats being used to fuck with you guys

Attached: nasimmkultra.jpg (1008x640, 494K)

What is project monarch

she was perfect

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Anyone thinking this bitch is pure has obviously never hung out with a strong, liberal woman.

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pedophile rings the globalists used to mindbreak/program girls to do what they want. It was a subsection of MKUltra. The soullessness in her eyes are one of the most common symptoms

omnivores unequivocally BTFO

You obviously never hung out with any woman. Not even your mum.


Attached: elton-john-candle-in-the-wind.jpg (959x701, 25K)

that fucking suit lmao, who wears that shit unironically

>Omnivorism: Worst Mental Disorder

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absolutely saved
- born in iran
- ethnically azeri (azerbaijanian), or possibly azeri+persian, as she referred to herself as both persian and azeri
- immigrated with her family when she was 18
- family religion is baha'i. she wasn't a muslim, and didn't hesitate to call out their barbarism
- vegetarian/vegan since childhood
- lived with her parents and/or with her grandmother
- had a pet bunny
- never had even a boyfriend, which combined with absence of men in her photos and videos and her strong opposition to degeneracy like premarital sex strongly suggests absolute purity, only slightly violated by bunny kisses
- worked for her father (he has an electrical business)
- engaged in animal rights activism in her free time. was involved with peta at some point, but that seemingly ended some time ago
- made videos promoting veganism and fitness and denouncing degeneracy for a long time, mostly in persian language. achieved recognition in persian-speaking internet, but was underappreciated
- had very unique humor, style and a e s t h e t i c s, untainted by modern (((culture))) which she ruthlessly mocked
- as evident from videos and writings that weren't humorous or satirical, she was perfectly sane and intelligent. she spoke four languages in total - azerbaijanian, turkish, persian and english
- was angry at jewtube for demonetizing and age restricting her videos, while absolute thots are not only left untouched, but are actively promoted
- considering her well-off parents and the fact that she had never engage in e-begging, demonetization itself wasn't the motive for the attack - jewtube's hypocrisy, promotion of degeneracy and depriving her of views was
- legally obtained a 9mm smith&wesson pistol on january 16, went to a shooting range at least once
- considering her views, character, manifesto, premeditated nature of the attack, the purpose of the attack was likely not a rampage and bodycount, but attracting attention to her cause

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"strong liberal woman"....c.u.n.t

>all vegans are liberal

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didn't you use a different memeflag last time you've posted this?

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nasim stood for something and died trying to bring attention to it

richard ramires just wanted to kill because he listend to a slayer album

family said she would spend 24 hours in her room making videos

>she never left her room

she was my waifu damnit...

nasim aghmed was an mkultra project monarch slave

rosanne bar herself has been seen speaking about MKULTRA in hollywood fon RT, look it up

What a cute little boy.

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Plz make some “if you only knew how bad things really are” Nasims

Any Nasim feet pictures been found yet? Especially soles

Attached: nasimu.png (378x570, 101K)

oh definitely

Can you post them?


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>Ywn fuck nasim's tight bp while he wails Shiite prayers and whips himself until he fills his latex suit with cum and collapses twitching and bleeding, not even noticing as you jerk off on his face and spoil his makeup

Why live

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She was a woman, sorry but your dream was dead before she died

There’s a couple in archives

Another e-celeb promo shill


Yes, a 6' tall broad-shouldered woman with an Adams apple and feminine penis

she was too pure (woke) for this world

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Another meme flag

Kill yourself.

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Sage all tranny cancer.

Attached: Nasim quote 5.png (2829x939, 413K)

can someone just post the feet pics if you guys love her so much

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Become vegan, she would be proud.

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nasim wore sunglasses to protect the sun from the intensity of her gaze

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she out-stared the abyss

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she was too pure for this cruel world

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It's already been said by every-goddamn-one.
They say it's only a statistic
or something like that.
Just another kid on the beat. Yeah.
But this doesn't even make sense.
Well that's just the point.

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So uhhhh. Was Nasim chan an MKULTRA operation? Is she still alive with a new identity? Hit me faggots! What's up?

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DO YOU DaaaaaaaaaaaRE?

Never! If I'd end someone, I'd end myself. I know I have my creator's permission.

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>ywn kiss nasim's soles

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Talk about ending one's self. Poor pepe. He had his whole life ahead of her....

How did she have such cool aesthetics lads?

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>He had his whole life ahead of her

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god tier

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What did she mean by this?

i think she was using axe as a metaphor for a quick and sudden death

cotton is soft and would kill someone slower
it means that the us kills you in a more silent and slower way

the us is filled with disease, sexual degeneracy, the destruction of family values, poor health, and unhealthy food wich kills you (or the soul) slowly

it is iranian methaphor

Whew, I thought she was sympathizing with niggers for a moment

Fuck off you degenerate

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might be able to take her message to black twitter but I don't think they're the kind to give a fuck about free speech

She died for Youtube's sins.

so shes a man?

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