Different Type of Swaps

I may get to you if you have a workable image and I find a good donor

Attached: 4480-final.jpg (4368x2972, 1003K)

Can you do her?

Attached: 45413210.jpg (960x960, 51K)

Attached: 4482-final.jpg (3232x1400, 2.43M)

Attached: 2547427.jpg (540x960, 68K)

Working on doing one...finding donor

Cool, thank you!

Do you think it's possible?

Attached: Screenshot_20180819-103217_1.jpg (720x1140, 154K)

I used the same donor

Attached: 0083p.jpg (864x1188, 537K)

Awesome, thanks

plz do her

Attached: 4.jpg (1080x1347, 446K)


Attached: 772_1000.jpg (900x506, 104K)

How about her?

Attached: 235243234.jpg (768x960, 59K)

Attached: 0083q.jpg (2324x3096, 1.36M)

Anything with her?

Attached: Om212.jpg (354x728, 106K)

That's awesome too!

Attached: 0083r.jpg (900x506, 281K)

thank you very much!

This beauty please

Attached: 1553975035777.jpg (720x720, 82K)

Attached: 50005470163489488896_o.jpg (601x1089, 499K)

please mr. Rabbit!

Attached: 4477-final.jpg (798x618, 259K)


Attached: 01_2.gif (800x450, 705K)

please faceswap pic related into if possible

Attached: 14561415.png (400x464, 276K)

Need a better donor. This is not too good

Attached: 0083s.jpg (3840x2160, 2.85M)

or this

Attached: 1556651619931.jpg (1440x1744, 197K)

a different perspective if it works better

Attached: v32ghs.png (880x1179, 1.25M)

Attached: 1557119172207.jpg (1117x1200, 1013K)

Attached: FB_IMG_1558533732279.jpg (958x959, 70K)

faceswap into?

Attached: mcj02470.png (1373x2413, 7.13M)

Attached: c47993c464aa823cd7a8e6d6f334bd0d.png (860x1214, 757K)

girl on the left in the background making an ahegao face

Attached: lahe.jpg (2048x1365, 234K)


Attached: 4DEUnuFo_o.jpg (2560x1440, 1.13M)

can you try make her a hentai throatfuck comic strip

Attached: 11231.jpg (792x900, 152K)

another angle of her face

Attached: 1121112.jpg (720x900, 67K)

Attached: 0083t.jpg (800x1040, 471K)

maybe donor

Attached: 1863102.jpg (847x1214, 152K)

Where do you get the donor pics? They're hot


Attached: 38419B5D-70E6-4DCD-AEF9-50B2E8364BB8.jpg (720x752, 158K)

Attached: fran.jpg (667x1000, 497K)

Attached: 41301777.jpg (640x640, 94K)

These are all amazing.

Attached: 23523432.jpg (960x960, 71K)

Attached: 0083u.jpg (900x1170, 342K)

ViperGirls Forum


Attached: Futapo-Fran-Viera-Final-Fantasy-Rule34-Cartoon-Porn-Hentai-Nude-1.jpg (2000x1500, 209K)

How do you make her face look a drawing?

I don't know how to describe it exactly, but I use Photoshop Elements, and there's a comic function that I use, but it's fussy making the necessary adjustments

Attached: 4474-final.jpg (648x680, 270K)

Attached: 0083v.jpg (872x1260, 558K)

Attached: 0083w.jpg (800x450, 677K)

hey thats cool, thanks!

Attached: 20190425_112606.jpg (572x613, 156K)

thanks Rabbit!

Attached: 20190403_002237.jpg (793x1058, 385K)

this is interesting!

any with the gun pointed at her I wonder?

Attached: Tashas-Timing-109.jpg (1600x900, 254K)

Attached: 0083x.jpg (1080x1080, 1.14M)

Please do her

Attached: Screenshot_20190409-221000_1.jpg (720x850, 141K)

This turned out better then I expected. She's a Hot Bunny!

Attached: 0083y.jpg (750x1132, 899K)

pic related?

Attached: Layer 1.png (1902x2441, 4.27M)

Attached: h1bs07.png (1152x1409, 1.43M)

either one of these would be cool

Attached: 148551_497191568382_6956914_n.jpg (519x604, 78K)

Can you shop her please

Attached: E8E69853-9D76-4B70-925A-75F0E1BE0B7D.jpg (1080x1350, 348K)

This one was for me

Attached: 4483-final.jpg (670x963, 512K)

Attached: C1FFABA5-D6E0-4A26-8A14-A2117875DCC0.jpg (1080x1349, 340K)

Attached: 0083z.jpg (750x1118, 925K)

Thank you!


Attached: 58453639_153905165645422_6584170034355882453_n.jpg (750x750, 203K)

Anything you can do with this milf?

Attached: received_2528059037236723.jpg (540x952, 37K)

Attached: 0084a.jpg (1600x996, 836K)

Can you please shop her op

Attached: 34779975-EA35-4957-9E2E-C5BF0D5F4439.jpg (1080x1080, 146K)

Attached: CAAC072B-EF9F-45B6-9544-7BCDDF11720B.jpg (1080x1077, 140K)

Could you do her on something with BBC?

Attached: 1558425259760 (1).jpg (2048x2048, 272K)


Attached: 1557540128.jpg (1080x1191, 242K)

These are great! Thank you very much!


Attached: 5846882n.jpg (729x973, 222K)

Attached: 0084b.jpg (1920x1080, 840K)

I'm done freaks...if this is still up later I'll do more. Enjoy!

Attached: 303531_424197404268190_1061388596_n.jpg (370x726, 73K)

These are great Rabbit.
I like the concept

Attached: D7IGxIqX4AE2Uti.jpg (1536x2048, 527K)

Can you do her please?

Attached: IGqBmQE.jpg (1440x1421, 234K)

A donor

Attached: 1554320884421.jpg (1920x1080, 295K)

One more donor to pick from. If neither of these are workable feel free to use whatever you think works best!

Attached: 1557160108953.jpg (2328x4138, 733K)

Right if possible.

Attached: 48975168_10156817789363396_8337206475646566400_o.jpg (1080x1080, 99K)

We look forward to having you back!

can you please make her one of these nude art pieces i will print it it's stunning please rabbit

Attached: 54619f21.jpg (1333x2000, 543K)

touched this up and matched the color

Attached: TU.jpg (900x506, 290K)

Why would you try and delete this?

Attached: 1523727787481.jpg (800x1200, 567K)

Anything please

Attached: DC4CF746-1A2B-4005-825F-DB2179063BA4.jpg (1125x1978, 1.29M)

Attached: 060F35AD-25E1-47DF-B7CE-868E15014FE0.jpg (964x1206, 118K)

Attached: 41673097_144521643160759_7341008947575397991_n.jpg (750x937, 261K)